Supreme God King

Chapter 2826: Tian Xingjian

Above the vast wasteland of the Chaos World.

Occasionally I can see some traces left after the battle.

Four **** kings, Meng Fan, Emperor Splitting Sky, Wang Haicheng, Yaoji Siyu, walking slowly.

Their pace is very slow.

Because the guide Meng Fan walked very slowly.

On the way, the Great Emperor Cracking Sky, Wang Haicheng, and Demon Ji Siyu followed Meng Fan in silence, and did not ask where they were heading, but Meng Fan seemed to have a clear purpose and kept moving forward without stopping.

"Senior Split Sky." Wang Haicheng suddenly whispered from behind: "At this moment, it is the first thing to find the other people who have been separated. Lord Meng has been marching towards the depths of the chaos world. What is the purpose? You and Lord Meng seem I have known each other for a long time, can you guess?"

"Meng Fan and I have known each other for a long time. We knew each other after he stepped into the Two Tribulations God King, returned to the heavens and worlds, crossed the Wuhai for the first time, and all the subsequent encounters. I was with him. From left to right, it’s just that my thinking was turbid, half asleep and half awake, so I can’t talk about how to understand Meng Fan.” The Great Emperor Cracking said softly, with his words, his white hair was flying like a wave. Surging. "But I have a feeling, Meng Fan, looking for his way."

"Dadao?" Wang Haicheng's expression condensed, as if he was a little confused.

The enchanting girl Siyu next to him also looked at Emperor Cracking Sky with blinking eyes.

Emperor Cracking Sky said calmly: "Meng Fan, has been innocent."

As soon as this statement came out, Wang Haicheng and Demon Ji Siyu both showed a slightly surprised look.

Not to mention the **** king at the pinnacle of sentient beings, even an ordinary monk, or a mortal, has his own way if he pursues something.

Dao Xin, Dao Tong, Martial Dao, Law Dao, these constitute a monk.

And the road to be pursued must be the core of all this.

For example, Wang Haicheng has always walked humanely.

In the future, several big families in the heavens will be like this.

Even if some **** kings do not pursue a certain noble way, they must have definite pursuits, such as some **** kings, pursue power, some **** kings, pursue liberation, some **** kings, pursue longevity, and so on.

As long as you pursue something, you must have your own way.

But the Great Emperor said that Meng Fan had no way.

"In the short span of ten thousand years when Meng Fan entered the martial arts, he has never had a consistent and consistent path." The Heavenly Splitting Emperor said slowly: "He has no grand desires, just one after another. At this stage, moving forward for one goal after another that may seem small and humble to others.

I didn't know him for a long time, maybe I didn't have much right to speak, but I fought side by side with him time and time again, from flesh and blood to souls, I have inextricably linked, and I can feel his thoughts.

Once upon a time, it was a woman named Ruo Shuiyi who had been supporting him to move forward. It was almost all his pursuit to bring this woman back to life. As his realm got higher and higher, his vision became more and more. Broad, and gradually, he also knew that bringing the dead back to life was almost a delusion.

But this delusion kept him moving forward. This delusion was his belief.

It wasn't until the Fa Xiang Tian Dynasty that this woman died in front of him again after she resurrected, that he finally knew that all beings were played by the heavens between the palms of her hands. At that moment, his ‘false thoughts’ collapsed.

He sank once, once cold-blooded, once ruthless.

Before his conviction collapsed, although he didn't have the heart of Dao, his martial arts was very powerful. Since he became the Creator and began to devour the true meaning of the heavens, he has been a **** king who walks on the heavens. "

"Then what he is after should be the Dao of Heaven." Yao Ji Siyu suddenly said softly.

"No." The Great Emperor Leaping shook his head: "The way you walk may not be the way you pursue. Just like a businessman, maybe dreaming of entering the court, like a scholar, maybe hoping to gallop on the battlefield, this world Too many people are in situations that are not what they pursue and hope for."

Demon Ji Siyu listened, thoughtful.

Emperor Splitting Sky continued: "Meng Fan has never had the unity of knowing and doing.

For the **** king, this is the biggest sticking point. If you don’t know and do, you will get entangled, you will suffer, you will struggle, your thoughts will become blocked, and you will have all kinds of problems.

Once Meng Fan, although he could not know the unity of action, at least he pursued something, that is, to pursue strength, to have a stronger power, to protect more people who need him and those who are concerned about him.

But it is the power of Heaven that makes him powerful. Since Ruo Shuiyi died in front of him, and after the methods and conspiracies of Heaven were exposed, he began to reject Heaven. The more the real meaning of the Dao swallowed, the more he would be He could clearly feel the suppression and control of Heavenly Dao, and he became more and more ruthless.

The way you walk is not the way you are after. This is already terrible, but the way you walk is also the way you hate or even reject. This is already terrifying. A **** king can not only do it. The unity of knowledge and action, but also to fight with oneself, see with oneself.

Your most powerful force is used by you to obliterate your powerful enemies time and time again, and to destroy the obstacles that prevent you from moving forward, but this power is a power that you cannot accept. "

The expressions of Wang Haicheng and Demon Ji Siyu became more and more solemn when they heard the words of Emperor Splitting Sky.

at this time.

Meng Fan, who had been walking slowly, suddenly stopped.

He turned around.

A pair of pale creation eyes looked at the three of them.

Quiet, silent.

Above the wasteland, a breeze was set off.

A strong sense of depression instantly struck Wang Haicheng and Demon Ji Siyu's hearts.

This kind of depression makes people painful, uncomfortable, and even produces the urge to vomit. This makes Wang Haicheng, the supreme level of the Five Tribulations God King, very uncomfortable, and even can't help but want to step back.

Demon Ji Siyu's face was even more ugly and pale.

Only Emperor Splitting Sky can stand safely in place.

The wasteland is shaking.

With a radius of thousands of miles, the originally thin laws of heaven and earth in the chaos world are getting thicker and heavier.

Wang Haicheng looked at the pebble jumping under his feet in surprise. He didn't understand or understand what was happening at this moment.

However, it seems that Meng Fan's turn has overturned the world!

As if day turned into night.

The Great Emperor Cracking took a step forward.

Hesitantly asked: "Did you find it?"

At the center of Meng Fan's pale eye of creation, black pupils slowly emerged, like two abysses in pitch black and deep.

"I found it."

He answered faintly.

Deep in the chaos world, in a hidden space.

The old man with missing moon was staring at a weird purple sphere sitting still, motionless.

Suddenly, he seemed to sense something and turned his head.

This pinnacle book ranked fourth, one of the few powerhouses in the prehistoric universe, his eyes shone with a strange luster.

"It turned out to be him... Bai Buxian, your successor, it turned out to be him... amazing, so amazing, how could I not expect that the Emperor of Heaven was sealed and the power of heaven became extremely weak, and the biggest beneficiary was not to survive. The Great Chaos Emperor of the Nine Tribulations is not a king of heaven and earth who has had more than ten years, nor is it the thriving human world and the world that is about to be born. Instead, he has broken free from the suppression of the heavens and is free of constraints. Walking the way of heaven, even the little heavenly Dao Meng Fan who infinitely swallows the power of heaven!"

The old man with missing moon raised his head, gazes across the distant space, and looks at the round of black and white circles on the edge of the sea: "Bai Bu Xian, you are right, the supreme law of heaven and earth cannot accept a vacuum, Tian Xing Jian, there must be a brand-new power to fill up the vacuum in the realm...Xiao Tiandao Meng Fan is the person closest to the vacant position of Tiandao..."

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