Supreme God King

Chapter 2828: World secret

Meng Fan's eyes were deep and bright.

There are dots and dots of dense sheen, gleaming in the depths of the pupils.

It's so gorgeous and psychedelic.

Enchantress Siyu even looked at these eyes, and became fascinated.

This is not the stereotyped fascination of men and women, but a fascination with pure and aesthetic things.

"That's... the starry sky." Demon Ji Siyu said dreamily.

"No." Wang Haicheng could hardly conceal the shock in his heart, so much so that his words were trembling: "That is, the universe is prehistoric."

It was difficult for Meng Fan to explain to them what he had found.

In fact, it's not mysterious, it's just that kind of feeling, it's hard to describe.

He saw a lot of things.

Unlike the Emperor Chaos, he can look back.

It's not like Baibuxian, who can plan the future.

What he saw is now.

It is a vast universe, many fields, many spaces, many corners!

He saw the dimensional barriers everywhere turned into nothingness under the impact of the black death catastrophe, and then some weak dimensions became the land of black death, purgatory on earth.

He saw the Demon Sealing Valley, the devilish energy was abruptly transformed into liquid or even solid, forming towering walls, and the devil world was being born.

He saw the prosperous human world, like a huge goose egg, wider than any dimension, and surrounded by thousands of feet of red dust. Among them are countless magnificent buildings, countless gods performing their duties, and flourishing humanity. .

He saw the Phoenix Empire, and thousands of birds were flying.

He saw the Dragon King Empire, and countless dragons were breathing dragon's breath among the magnificent mountains, rivers and forests.

He saw that in the future heavenly court, the heavenly king Xuanyuan Jingzhe received the former Nandian princess with extremely high courtesy, the current emperor Wuzong, the leader of the Faxiang, and the last group of **** kings and the Limin of the Faxiangtian dynasty, have all merged into the future heavenly court.

Also, there are tens of thousands of unicorns, occupying a field in the future heaven.

In addition, what he saw most was a **** king with a holy luster on his body.

These **** kings are scattered everywhere in the primordial universe, with different races and different realms, but they have one thing in common.

They all have mastered the true meaning of a certain Dao.

This feeling is very difficult to describe.

The ultimate mystery.

Meng Fan himself knew that at this moment, he was using the vision of heaven to overlook the prehistoric universe!

On the pillars of his martial arts, the true meaning of the 13 Dao Dadao, heaven, divine will, meditation, space, time, good fortune, disaster, ambition, retreat, enlightenment, extreme cold, dominance, and kingly are undergoing certain changes.

In the past, the true meaning of these avenues was a pattern, just like all the martial arts of Meng Fan, imprinted on the pillars of martial arts.

At this moment, the true meaning of these great avenues is no longer a brand, a symbol, or a pattern, but a part of his body, transformed into a trace of pure law, indestructible law, completely integrated into the pillar of martial art !

Only the meaning of change is left because Meng Fan hasn't fully grasped it, he just got a few wisps of illusion, he hasn't fully integrated into his martial arts pillar, and is still spinning around.

Meng Fan's martial arts became more mellow.

At this moment, he is not growing or expanding in strength, but very smoothly, he can manipulate the laws between heaven and earth as he wants, and the future road becomes extremely clear and precise. Even at this moment, as long as he is willing, he can draw Come to your sixth calamity!

But he did not do so.

Because he knows that time has not yet arrived.

He was full of curiosity about the entire universe.

Standing still, his vision has spread out.

Although there are many places, he cannot see clearly.

There are many places, completely dark.

In some places, the field of vision cannot be reached.

But he is still obsessed with this feeling.

Just like a frog jumping out of a deep well, suddenly saw the whole world.

He saw a world shrouded in psychedelic, like a mirage, that was the kingdom of God.

Among them, the vast aura of the gods exudes, I don't know how many powerful gods and gods live in it.

Outside the kingdom of God, there are many man-made moats and ravines that block outsiders.

He moved his eyes.

Saw the other direction.

A majestic but soft golden light is spreading little by little to everywhere in the primordial universe.

That is... Buddha light.

Meng Fan knew that Buddhism and Taoism were born.

He couldn't help whispering to himself: "The way of heaven is immortal, and cause and effect are invincible."

It seems that the fight between the impermanent immortal king and the **** Xumi has a result.

The battle for orthodoxy has also been divided.

The person who grasps cause and effect, and breaks away from cause and effect, has permanence and impermanence, and the Buddhism established therefrom will undoubtedly sweep the universe like a prairie flame.

Look away again.

That is an independent dimension.

A dimension that has used various means to isolate from the world.

Meng Fan could only see the periphery of this dimension, his eyes could not penetrate at all.

This dimension gave Meng Fan the feeling that it has flowed from time to day, and has been isolated from everything.

He guessed the secret of this dimension.

This is the dimension where the creation **** is.

This group has been wandering beyond time, a special existence called the "failed way of heaven" by the Emperor Chaos.

Meng Fan looked away and raised his head.

He looked up.

His eyes traversed layer after layer of space, even one dimension after another.

Unlimited upward climb.

He saw that the dimensions at high places became flat and narrow due to the suppression of the laws of heaven, but the laws and vitality in these dimensions were very rich, and there were all kinds of treasures that had never been seen before. , Qiongye Yuye, and more species and creatures that have never appeared in history books.

At this time, these dimensions, which were originally suppressed by the power of heaven, are gradually unraveling their shackles and expanding outward.

Meng Fan even saw Princess Yaoyue.

In a very high dimension, sitting still in a waterfall of laws and receiving the baptism of laws, she has been infinitely close to the realm of the Four Tribulations God King. Because of the weakening of heaven, the meaning of sealing in her body has been completely grasped. , She can seal everything about herself at will, whether it is the cultivation base, the pillar of martial arts, the origin, or something else, even the spirit.

In Meng Fan's eyes, there is no secret to Princess Yueyue's seal. She has sealed her soul, locked her emotions, and any emotions, leaving only a firm and pure heart.

Meng Fan didn't stop, he continued to look far away.

His eyes did not know how long and how far they extended.

Has penetrated countless dimensions and obstacles.

The primordial structure of the universe has become unprecedented.

He saw a dimension only the size of a city, and the mighty creatures living in it.

These creatures seem to be the ancient gods and kings trapped by heaven.

at last.

When he pushed away the fog.

When he penetrated through the dimensions, I don't know how many.

His eyes saw a door.

A beautiful door, a door that a **** king sees, may fall into it, unable to extricate himself, and reluctant to look away.

The pattern on this door conforms to all the laws and laws of heaven and earth, and is perfect.

This is the door to the source of the heavens.

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