Supreme God King

Chapter 2835: liberation

"This is a dream of world harmony."

Wearing a white robe and a six-inch beard, the mighty **** king holds a nine-curved hook to lock the path. Regardless of the trickling blood flowing out of his body, his eyes are firm and his voice is high and trembling.

"A world without racial divisions, no avenues of confrontation, no exclusion and estrangement.

A world that gives up all prejudices, all prejudices, and all chaos.

A world where all beings are equal!

Can you understand this grand ideal? "

His voice penetrated the distance of space and spread far on the battlefield.

Many **** kings wearing white robes attacked frantically with the momentum of oppressing the sky.

The enemies of these white-robed **** kings are all kinds of **** kings with different realms, different races, different dresses, and different breaths.

The powerful **** king holding the nine-curved hook lock seemed to be a leader among the white robe **** kings. Standing on a high place, with several corpses on his feet, he kept making bold speeches.

This scene has never been seen in ancient times.

Because the two sides fight against the **** king.

More than fifty thousand!

Fifty thousand gods!

The scene in front of him, even the most powerful humane in the universe, cannot describe it.

Even Tiandao, who is best at drawing big pictures, can't draw it.

Fighting broke out in every corner, every field, and every void.

Every moment, there is a **** king falling!

Turn into a rain of blood and water the earth.

All kinds of sounds are flooded.

Chaos, and shocking.

Play an epic tragedy together!



One by one, joking, mocking, or suspicious voices rang out in the battlefield.

Dong Miaoxin collided dozens of times with a white-robed heavenly **** king with his boxing front, regardless of the outcome.

Suddenly, the Promise Sect Master stepped in from a tricky angle, his robe flew, and the law surged, knocking out the white-robed **** king.

Numerous cracks have appeared in his body.

But he still stood firm and straightened his body, looking far away at the true monarch who was standing on a high place to speak.

"Great Harmony? Equality? Who wants Great Harmony? Who wants equality?" The voice of the Promise Sect Master was too slight compared to the true monarch.

It is easy to be overwhelmed by the sound of fighting on the battlefield.

"The equality that God wants is that all beings eat the same food and live the same life, and all beings work obediently, but all beings want to eat different foods, live different lives, have different pursuits, and do not want to surrender to the heavens and become servant!

Equality is the biggest joke in the world!

All beings are pursuing different things.

Heaven just wants us to become one.

Deprived of freedom! "

Everywhere on the battlefield, many legends that have passed away in ancient times appeared one after another, fighting frantically.

"Why do you resist?" The true monarch was still shouting. "Those who follow the sky prosper, those who defy the sky die! The heavenly court is the future. You **** kings who should have died because of the power of the heavenly way do not have the chance of resurrection. Why do you give up this opportunity? ?

Keep fighting, you will definitely be killed, why don't you surrender to heaven! "

In the battlefield, a young **** king curled up his mouth with an evil smile.

"It's nothing more than to die again!"



This sentence is like a kind of fire.

Start a prairie fire in the battlefield!

More than 20,000 **** kings who have resurrected from the long river of destiny all laughed to the sky!

That's right.

It's nothing more than to die again!

A group of **** kings who have experienced death know that they are immersed in the long river of fate by the gods, waiting to become puppets and enslavements in the future. For a time, a mortal spirit and state of mind infected everyone.

Heavenly Way, Heavenly Court, is indeed the most powerful force among God Kings in the universe.

There is speculation that the human world has 40,000 gods.

And the number of **** kings in the heavenly courts has to surpass the human world!

From everywhere, it is still returning to the White-robed God King.

It seems that which is strong and weak is very clear.

The **** kings who have just awakened from the long river of fate are very weak, and many of them have messy memories.

But even so, on the battlefield, there is still no **** king backing down!

The true monarch standing on a high place could not help gritted his teeth when he saw that his words had no effect.

At this moment, a white-robed **** king suddenly fell beside him: "The chaos realm has sent back news that the three emperors have orders, and all those who are resurrected from the long river of fate will be killed, and none will be left! The three true monarchs will soon Will come back!"

The true monarch's eyes fell deeply.

"it is good!"

Among the heavenly courts, the emperors have the highest status, and they are all six-kilosis **** kings. There are only three gods in total. It is the combination of the three most powerful gods of the heavens and the powerful **** kings who have taken refuge in the heavens.

Under the emperor, there are more than thirty true monarchs, all of which are in the realm of the Five Tribulations God King.

The true monarchs have already received the news and know everything that happened in the chaos world.

As soon as the Emperor of Heaven came to the world, he was sealed.

The power of heaven is fading rapidly.

This news, it is impossible for true monarchs to tell other heavenly gods.

Emperors and true monarchs have gained the power of heaven, or existed with the incarnation of heaven. The rise and fall of heaven is related to their life and death. Other forces will hunt them down, but other heavenly kings will not. If When the news spread, I don't know how many gods and gods of heaven will escape and be scattered.

So I can only keep this news firmly, and it can be delayed for a while. Even if the emperor is sealed, there are three emperors and thirty-odd five-caliber gods in the heavenly court. This force is still terrifying. You must stabilize your position, hold the foundation, and then try to follow up and find a way to unblock the emperor.

"Start the secret strategy and strangle the turbulent **** king!"

"Start the secret strategy!"

"Start the secret strategy..."

The voice immediately spread.

There are many powerful methods in the heavenly court.

The Tianji Strategy is a set of terrifying formations that completely envelops the heavens and the heavens.

This set of formations, composed of tens of millions of formations, is a terrifying killer.

The start of this array is divided into three stages.

In the first stage, the entire heavenly court is sealed off. It is difficult for people from outside to enter, and it is difficult for people inside to fly!

Soon, on the edge of the heavenly court, pieces of diamond-shaped laws quickly gathered to form a solid wall and the Great Wall, slowly rising.

"These resurrected divine kings must never escape." A true monarch gritted his teeth and said: "They are all imprinted by the heavens. If they escape, they will take out many secrets of the heavens and distract the luck of the heavens. Don't care, more than 20,000 gods who should have died and died suddenly came back to life, spreading the news of the long river of fate, and let all living beings see that the way of heaven is actually weakened to such an extent. This is the greatest challenge to the authority of the way of heaven!"

Pieces of the law walls are quickly formed.

But at this moment!

Tianji's eyes suddenly exploded!

The formation eye is located outside the heavenly court, in the hidden void.

As the eyes burst, countless spatial vortices were formed, and a **** king shot out from the vortex.

These **** kings exude a breath different from that of heaven and earth **** kings.

That is the breath of the power of vow.

The headed **** king is the future heavenly king, Xuanyuan Jingzhe!

"In the future heaven, come to liberate sentient beings!"

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