Supreme God King

Chapter 2863: Wanfa Ruihuang

The quiet universe is wild.

Suddenly there was a avenue like broken glass, which was slowly bridged by the law and disappeared without a trace.

This is a powerful method based on smashing the vacuum, but surpassing the smashing of the vacuum, fusing the meaning of hidden, order, world, and law.

Such a method is entirely Meng Fan's original creation, and there is no precedent. Even if Emperor Bo Wu steps on the sky, the speed of this method cannot be compared.

"This is Xingzhe Invincible?"

On Liuli Avenue, Meng Fan strolled in front of the courtyard. Behind him were the Qilin ancestor Ruihuang and the ancient elephant Juxiaoxian. The two followed Meng Fan's pace and moved forward at a close speed.

"This method does not have a name. It is my journey from the chaos realm all the way to the heavenly court, constantly changing the joining methods of several major truths, and the means of creation, called Xingzhe invincible, but it is possible, but there is no difference between the name and the absence. Because no one can master it."

Meng Fan said lightly, but it was also true.

The true meaning of the Dao has been handed down since ancient times, but no **** king can hold two major true meanings at the same time, and it is impossible to combine and try these Dao true meanings to create a method like Meng Fan.

It can be said that Meng Fan's current magical powers are almost completely original, and there is no reference to them.

"Senior Ruihuang, I would like to ask, which part of the Lord of the Elephants is your Qilin clan?"

Meng Fan said suddenly.

This sentence was also heard by Ju Xiaoxian, but he was expressionless.

In contrast, Qilin ancestor's eyes flickered slightly, but it was not surprising.

What kind of character is Meng Fan now? He penetrated the world and operated the Qi machine, and even read the prehistoric books thoroughly and badly. Even if it was some parts and some omissions that were not recorded in the prehistoric books, he could guess one or two.

For example, in the Book of Preliminaries, it only records that the elephant master turned into various wild beasts after his death, but how to derive, these details are not mentioned.

Meng Fan had already guessed that the Qilin family is actually a member of the wild beast!

It's just that, in the long years, there are no **** kings who think of it, even those humane **** kings who have always dreamed of finding the Kylin family.

Because the Desolate Beast is powerful, but in various aspects, it is far from Qilin.

Although the wisdom of the wild beasts surpasses these powerful but stupid races such as the giant spirit tribe, they are still inferior to the human, monster, god, and demons. The forces established by the wild beasts are often very primitive. The system, I have never heard of a system that the beast can imitate the humane system.

In addition, no matter what race they are, and regardless of their appearance and characteristics, the wild beasts often give people a rough and fierce feeling. The unicorn family is completely different, giving people a feeling of majesty, grandeur, and sacredness.

If he hadn't really seen the Qilin ancestors, and analyzed before and after, it would be difficult for Meng Fan to associate the Qilin family with the wild beasts.

"After the Lord Elephant died, his body turned into many barren beast tribes." The ancestor Qilin didn't hide it, and said directly. "His five internal organs turned into the five most powerful wild beasts, his heart turned into brave, his stomach turned into gluttony, his lungs turned into glutinous fish, his spleen turned into pengs, and his kidneys turned into 猊.

The other Liufu organs and flesh and blood are transformed into other wild beasts. Some wild beasts are weaker and smaller because their ancestors were only transformed by a drop of the Lord’s blood. Therefore, the natural strength of the wild beasts depends on how they are like elephants. Which part of the Lord. "

"Stomach turned into gluttony... Elephant Lord is really powerful and terrifying." Meng Fan turned his head and walked backwards, but the speed did not slow down at all, still breaking the vacuum continuously. "But in my opinion, your Qilin clan must surpass the five wild beasts transformed by the five internal organs in all aspects. There is almost no difference in strength, but in wisdom, it is too powerful."

"It's not just wisdom." Qilin ancestor sneered coldly: "There are as many as thousands of wild beasts transformed by the Lord, and the methods and martial arts of every wild beast can be used by our Qilin clan."

Meng Fan raised his eyebrows: "Oh? But among the wild beasts of the five internal organs you just said, there is no unicorn."

"We are not like the main five internal organs." Qilin ancestor expressed his disdain. "The ancestor of the Kylin clan was transformed by the head of the elephant."

Meng Fan was startled: "The head is the dwelling place of the soul."

"Yes, just like the gluttonous clan has the appetite of the elephant lord, our unicorn clan has the wisdom of the elephant lord, especially the martial art of many wild beasts, we can master, many of your human race’s martial art problems are in our eyes. Pediatrics."

The Kylin ancestor expressed a great arrogance.

Ju Xiaoxian was still expressionless, obviously not caring about the words of the Qilin ancestor.

The ancestor of Qilin turned his head, looked at the Juxiaoxian, and said coldly: "How about your ancient elephant tribe being a direct descendant of the Lord? Speaking of it, it is just a drop of blood and a piece of meat from the Lord. "

A coldness flashed in the eyes of Ju Xiaoxian, and then he said: "What the predecessor said." Just step back and don't argue.

"Predecessor? How do you know that I am older than you? Our unicorn family has a fuzzy lifespan and slowly dries up." The ancestors of the unicorn are not forgiving.

"Emperor Wanfarui, the reputation is not small. When the seniors made a reputation among the desolate beast clan, my father was still a monk in the Divine Origin Realm."

The ancestor of Qilin suddenly said, "That's it."

"Oh?" Meng Fan showed curiosity even more: "So, doesn't Rui Huang always live in the Auspicious Ridge? There is also a nickname called Wan Fa Rui Huang?"

"Although the Auspicious Ridge has never been involved in world affairs, it is not a concealment, a blinding one." Qilin ancestor said coldly: "Every day and the earth has great changes, we will send one person to understand the general trend of the world and figure out the future direction. Just like this time when Ruibaichuan was dispatched by me, the establishment of Longxiang Valley was an important thing. It was also established by the pure-blooded Tianlong, the ancient elephants, the Phoenix clan, and many other wild animal races. Zhiling is inextricably linked, so my grandfather at that time sent me out. At that time, I was just like Rui Baichuan today, and I was also the commander of the auspicious hill army, called the young commander.

"That was tens of millions of years ago." Meng Fan smiled and looked at Ju Xiaoxian again: "I heard that Mr. Ju was also the elder of Longxiang Valley, and he lived for at least 30 million years. Talking to you, there is really an illusion of crossing time and space."

Compared with the ancestors of the unicorn, Ju Xiaoxian obviously has a more favorable impression of Meng Fan, and said, "Jingyu Lord God is joking."

"Yes." Meng Fan nodded with a smile, turned around, and suddenly stopped.

Behind him, Liuli Avenue gradually closed.

In front of him was a dimensional barrier of vicissitudes, which obscured everything, not to mention the sight, but in front of Meng Fan and the Kylin ancestors, this dimensional barrier was transparent.

You can clearly see the huge Jiancheng Pass at the other end of the barrier.

Unlike before, there is a slight change in the weather in Jianchengguan now. In the past, there was only the breath of war, the breath of killing, and the breath of decay in Jiancheng, but now, there is a looming breath of the king, and there is a flash of precious light.

"Senior, as long as you step in this time, you will be enemies with the Dragon King Empire, Phoenix Empire, Wan Quanzong, and perhaps other enemies," Meng Fan said.

"Wanquanzong is the supreme celestial dynasty established by the wild beasts. It's a bit of being in the same room with it, but the pure blood dragon and the phoenix...hehe." The Qilin ancestor sneered, his eyes revealed murderous intent, and he stepped directly into Jiancheng Pass. .

Meng Fan looked at the back of the Qilin ancestor and said to himself: "These innately powerful races really like to compete, one is more arrogant than the other." After that, he turned his head and asked the giant smile fairy: " The three highest celestial dynasties joined forces to besiege the new Dragon Elephant Valley, which one contributed the least?"

"Phoenix Empire." Ju Xiaoxian replied, "Speaking of which, it is because of Jingyu's lord god. I heard that immortal emperor Yuhua has been in retreat since he came out of the chaos realm. He has not reappeared. It is uncharacteristically. The most intense besieged us before , It is the Phoenix Empire, but Wan Quanzong first proposed the cooperation of the three major celestial dynasties this time. The Phoenix Empire only sent an army. It can be seen that it did not use its full strength."

"it is good!"

Meng Fan and Ju Xiaoxian stepped into Jiancheng Pass together.

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