Supreme God King

Chapter 2872: Synthesizer

As the most extensive magnum opus in history, the prehistoric book is not only comprehensive, but also self-contained.

The writing method of the ancient books is not in the form of chronology, but in the form of orthodoxy, race, and inheritance, which is quite the style of humanistic history books.

Among them, there is a separate chapter of the dragon family, which is subdivided into the direct descendants of the great dragon, the pure blood Tianlong, as the main chapter, and the rest are as many as the starry hybrid dragon family, such as the Jiaolong, Chilong, Flying Dragon, and Lilong Wait, each race has a separate chapter, but the chapters of these mixed-blood dragons are not as many as pure blood dragons.

In addition, there is also a detailed history of the Phoenix family in the Book of Prehistoric Nature. It is clearly stated that the various Phoenix races are descendants of the Pure Phoenix, and the Pure Phoenix is ​​a race created by the Chaos Great Emperor imitating the blood of the Dragon family. It disappeared. For this reason, in the Phoenix Empire, the prehistoric books were forbidden and were not allowed to be circulated.

In the history of the desolate beasts, the elephant master is the beginning, and then the ancient elephant tribe as the direct descendants of the elephant master, just like the pure-blooded dragon, there is a chapter, and the many desolate beasts that the elephant master has become flesh and blood have their own characteristics. The difference is that in the history of the dragon clan, the chapter of the pure-blooded dragon occupies more than 60% of the chapter in the history of the dragon clan, while the ancient elephant clan, the direct descendant of the elephant, only occupies 10% of the chapter in the history of the desolate beast. , It can be regarded as a lot of writing, but it is far less than the proportion of pure blood Tianlong.

The history of the dragon, the history of the phoenix, and the history of the wild beasts have always been independent of each other in the records of the prehistoric books. Until the establishment of the Dragon Elephant Valley, the histories of these three races came together to form a seemingly chaotic and complicated section. And a very exciting history.

After the Longxiang Valley fell due to the civil war, the history of these three races was separated again, like a diverging river, written separately, and has undergone tremendous changes.

The first is the history of the desolate beasts. The ancient elephant tribe is no longer the protagonist, and it is even written in the book of prehistoric times that even the Great Emperor Chaos thought that the ancient elephant tribe was extinct.

The Phoenix Empire, as the King of Birds, and the Dragon King Empire, as the most powerful pure-blooded Heavenly Dragon power, has always been prosperous.

The most interesting thing in the book is the occasional personal emotions expressed by the Great Emperor Chaos. He has put together the leaders of the three celestial dynasties and made a lot of comparisons. Among them, he has the lowest evaluation of the king of the ancient land, saying that he is not so much a brave. , It might as well be an "old tortoise".

The evaluation of the emperor Yuhua is very bipolar. The Emperor Yuhua is the youngest among the three leaders. The Emperor Chaos judged him to be exceptionally talented and talented, but he did not really understand the essence of the world, let alone the context of the fortune of the world. One does not know the other.

Only the evaluation of the Dragon Emperor of the Dragon King Empire, Chaos Great Emperor, is very short, but it makes all the gods who see this evaluation meaningful.

It is said in the prehistoric book that the Dragon Emperor has the temperament of the prehistoric Tailong.

Just one sentence.

However, he has already recognized the core position of the Dragon Emperor in the Dragon Dao, and has raised this position infinitely!

Although in the long history, many stories have been covered with dust, completely unrecognizable, and even disappeared completely, but the **** king of heaven and earth knows that the Great Primordial Chaos is the first **** king through the ages, and the great dragon is the second. In the era of the ancestors, in those distant years, there have been fighting, although even in the history of the dragon family, it is clearly recorded that the great dragon is not the opponent of the Chaos Emperor even in the heyday, but the Chaos Emperor can countless times He gave up the chance of Long beheading.

Because Invincible is too lonely, the opponent is too rare.

It can be said that the Dragon Emperor wants to establish the Dragon Realm and unify the Dragon Dao. It is much easier than the Yuhua Immortal Emperor to establish the Feather Realm.

Only one step away.

That is the Eight Heavenly Dragon Technique.

The eight heavenly dragons are the martial arts created by the wild Tailong.

In the age of the ancestors, everything is new, there are countless new gods, countless buds of Taoism, and many beginnings of martial arts.

The Eight Heavenly Dragon Technique is the oldest and recognized as the most powerful dragon martial arts. When it was created by the wild Tailong, it was a bit superficial, but with the deduction of the tens of billions of years, generations of dragons have worked hard to practice. , Has pushed the Eight Heavenly Dragon Techniques to a very high position.

It does not mean that the ancient is necessarily powerful.

In fact, the realm of the Primordial Dragon is not high. It was only in the era when the Chaos Great Emperor only became the **** king, and the Primordial Dragon was regarded as a hegemonic existence.

According to legends, when the Great Dragon fell, he reached the realm of the God King of Five Tribulations. It was also said that the highest peak of the Great Dragon was the God King of Four Tribulations.

Various rumors can't be explained.

In short, the first eight Heavenly Dragon Techniques created by the Primordial Dragon, if you look at it today, are not as powerful, and even have many loopholes.

This is true of any kind of avenue, a kind of orthodoxy, and a kind of martial arts. At the very beginning, in the ancient times, it was actually not powerful, but the latecomers had many imaginations and legends, which spread the ancient things. It's amazing.

The reason why these Daoist martial arts have become powerful is due to the joint efforts of latecomers.

Just as the glory of humanity did not rely on the strength of the ancestor of humanity, but he laid the foundation for the human race, and the later humanity **** kings continued to improve the humane system.

Therefore, the powerful avenue must be followed and created by countless gods.

This is also the horrible place of the gods and Buddhas of Xumi. Buddhism and Tao have just been born in his hands, but it is already a power that is vaguely comparable to those top avenues.

Therefore, through the efforts of generations of dragon kings, the eight heavenly dragons have become stronger and stronger. I heard that they have reached the peak and are about to reach the roots of the dragons. Generations of dragon kings seem to be relaying. Pass on your own experience and insights to latecomers.

And now, according to the prehistoric book, the Dragon Emperor is the dragon who took the last shot. He is already a master of dragon martial arts, and has promoted the eight dragons to more than 6,000 possibilities, but only One step, only one algorithm, can deduce the eight heavenly dragons to the extreme. At that time, he will reach the realm of the Seven Tribulations Divine King without any hindrance, and will naturally establish the Dragon Realm.

in other words.

Dragon Emperor is the most powerful of the three leaders of the celestial dynasties!

Even in the eyes of the Great Emperor Chaos, the Dragon Emperor was powerful enough to directly crush the Yuhua Immortal Emperor and the Wild Ancient Land King. Although both were the Six Tribulations God King, there was a huge gap in many places.

At this moment, this powerful leader appeared in front of the kings.

Cover the sky and the sun.

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