Supreme God King

Chapter 2876: Worked hard

Moon city.

Quiet was restored again.

Just after the Dragon Emperor flees with the Dragon King Empire because of fear of any slippage before the eight Heavenly Dragon Techniques are completely refined, the Desolate Ancient Land King also retreats directly.

Obviously, he got news from the four elders of Wan Quanzong.

The Kylin ancestor was not a passionate young man, and he didn't catch up if he didn't want to die.

Two hours later, the battle giant led the Dragon Elephant Valley army and landed outside the moon city. Immediately, the kings of the Era Alliance rushed over and asked one after another.

When Meng Niuniu learned that the three celestial dynasties had been forced back, and that Dragon Emperor chose to protect herself and escaped under Meng Fan’s turbulent aura, her face was shocked except for shock. The other gods of the Era Alliance were also mostly shocked. So.

"Where is Grandpa?" Meng Niuniu asked anxiously.

The Zhan Tian giant scratched his chin: "He only walked with us for a while, chatted a few words, and then said that he wanted to meet Ramadan, so he would take a step first. At his speed, crossing this distance is just a few blinks. The matter should have arrived long ago, I thought you had already seen it?"

Meng Niuniu, Ling Daiyou, Gu Xin'er, and Zhiwei first looked at each other, and at the same time they looked towards the center of Yuecheng and rushed inside.

Moon City Main Hall.

Ramadan was leaning on a railing, and behind her, Meng Fan looked at her quietly.

"Since I stepped into the realm of the king of gods, I left the gate of the stars and lived in the sky." Ramadan whispered: "Father is a person who hates all rituals and traditions and gave me absolute freedom, but since then Since the beginning, it is very rare for my father and I to meet each other. The longest time, we have not met in 130 years.

At the beginning of my journey, I was arrogant and arrogant, thinking that I was very powerful and no one could stop me, but when I went further and further, I went to more and more places, I gradually understood the reason why I broke into The Great Qin Empire was able to kill people and retreat because Emperor Bo Wu personally ordered me not to chase me down. Why would a peak hegemon like Emperor Bo Wu care about my life and death?

In other places, the same is true. Many leaders at the level of leadership and powerful forces turned a blind eye to my aspect. Time and time again, I was already in a mortal situation, but I escaped inexplicably. It seems that those forces and leaders deliberately let me go, but they don't want to explain the same. "

Meng Fan said indifferently: "For any leader of any power, acknowledging one's fear is very detrimental."

Ramadan sighed: "Yes, after a long time, I finally realized that it was my father's reputation that made the great powers of the universe jealous, and my father has always been my amulet.

From then on, I was tired of going to the world, because I knew that this dangerous extreme, there is a world of life and death everywhere, and it is safe for me.

After my father left, I had some loss, but I knew that this was my father’s long-cherished wish. He used his own life to fight for freedom for the world. Even the Great Chaos, who has stood on the top of all living things from ancient times to the present, was protected by his father. Now, the emperor of heaven has not really come, nor has the way of heaven swept the universe. "

"The Heavenly Court of Heaven is disintegrated by the future Heavenly Court. The Dragon Emperor has already deduced the eight Heavenly Dragon Techniques to the extreme, and he can establish the Dragon Realm at any time. The Devil Realm has also been established, and the Dragon Elephant Valley has been rebuilt, all because of Senior Bai Buxian." Meng Fan spoke earnestly and could not help but sigh.

Before he had a long conversation with Ramadan, he already knew what Bai Buxian did before Emperor Chaos left the pass.

Of course, even if it was Ramadan, Bai Buxian must have done more than she saw. As the freest person in the universe, there is no place he can’t go. Ramadan said that Bai Buxian can appear in any corner of the universe almost anytime and anywhere. He is also the only one who wants to see the Great Chaos and dares to directly step into the Chaos World. Central, but also a character who can walk away.

"Father is the real master of heaven and earth, eternal light, I'm just his daughter." The words of Ramadan were a bit inexplicable, but once they thought deeply, they made people feel emotional. At this moment, she suddenly smiled warmly. "Before my father left, he said a few words to me. He really said a few words to me like a father, telling me to take good care of my mother and Qunxingmen. I asked Qunxingmen in the new era Where to go, my father said, it’s up to me to decide."

Meng Fan's eyes flashed slightly: "Join the future heaven."

"it is good."

Ramadan’s answer is simple and neat.

"Your friends, lonely and arrogant, have been cultivating in the seclusion of the stars for many days, reaching the pinnacle of the King of the Three Tribulations, and inventing the path of reincarnation; the princess invited Yueyue has always been in the very high The dimension tempered herself. Not long ago, she stepped into the Four Tribulations; the others, the Empress, Linglong Xinzun, and the Ancient Emperor were also in the gates of stars. Among them, the Ancient Emperor had already broken through the realm of the Three Tribulations God King."

"Thank you." Meng Fan said.

"Thank who?" Ramadan suddenly said strangely.

"Baibuxian, the gate of stars, and you," Meng Fan said again.

Ramadan smiled and looked mysterious and beautiful in the moonlight.

Then, she stretched out a slender, white finger, and a few white threads gushing out from the fingertips slowly like spring water. These are strands of spiritual thoughts, but they do not belong to Ramadan.

These divine and soul thoughts flew and fell into Meng Fan's palm.

"Father left behind something, a few of his thoughts, among them are his father's martial arts insights, not many, nor can it be called a heavy gift, but it is the essence."

Baibuxian's martial arts perception!

Even if there were only a few strands that were as thin as a hairspring, Meng Fan was still slightly surprised, grasping his hands tightly and incorporating the spirit.

Immediately, sixteen figures appeared in his mind.

These sixteen figures are all practicing different martial arts in their respective exercises, each with its own merits, but each martial arts exudes an aura that is not bound by the laws of heaven and earth.

"Father's most powerful means is the curse created by reversing the meaning of ambition. Sealing the emperor is the most powerful curse that father has carried out with all his lives. It is just this power that no one can control except for his father. , And also deviated from your heavenly law. With the death of your father, the meaning of this curse will be completely lost, and no one can grasp it again.

As for the insights in these few ray of spirit thoughts, it is the foundation of my father's martial arts, called the Great Transcendent Law, whether it is useful to you, it depends on you. "

Meng Fan felt the martial arts essence of these few faint thoughts, opened his eyes for a long time, and exhaled heat.

At this moment, the door of the main hall was pushed open.

A group of gods swarmed.

These **** kings all exudes a strong smell of blood and a killing aura, but when they see Meng Fan one by one, they all become children.

The leader is Meng Niuniu.

He suddenly ran into Meng Fan's arms.

The current leader of the Era Alliance, the girl who made a huge reputation in Jianchengguan, said nothing in Meng Fan's arms.

Behind her, there are Ling Daiyou, Gu Xiner, Yuhan, Five Dragons Taibao, Zhiweiyi, Tianxingcang, Fairy Baixue, Wanmuqiding, Xiaotian, etc., all of whom have grown up. .

Behind them are the kings of the Dragon Elephant Valley headed by the Zhantian Giants.

Meng Fan gently stroked Meng Niuniu's waist-length black hair, lovingly said, "Thank you."

Afterwards, he looked at the kings of the Era Alliance: "Thanks for your hard work. I will stay in Jianchengguan for some days, watching the battlefield general Longxianggu completely establish, and then take you back to the future heaven."

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