Supreme God King

Chapter 2889: The other side of the universe

Meng Fan was getting closer and closer to the God Realm.

Even occasionally, some gods of the Protoss race can already be seen haunting, but these gods cannot detect the existence of Meng Fan.

The establishment of the God Realm by the Protoss is a major event for the entire universe. After all, when the heavens converged their authority and plunged the heaven and the earth into darkness, the Gods suddenly rose to replace the heavens to drive power and create the sun. There are records in the missing and incomplete documents. At that moment, countless creatures followed the Protoss and became their believers, and they once had a prestige close to heaven.

But where this race came from, and how many protoss are scattered in the prehistoric universe, is completely unknown.

this is too scary.

The Protoss is the only one born in the great wilderness of the universe, and it is the terrifying existence of the God King!

In the past, when Meng Fan had just met the five dragons and learned about the pure-blooded Tianlong clan, he was shocked, because the pure-blooded Tianlong clan was born in the Tianyuan realm, a small dragon domain, only a few hundred thousand. The pure-blooded Tianlong gave birth to five **** kings. This ratio is too big.

If the human race also had such a ratio, then the number of **** kings in the original Wanyu would be thousands of times more.

Therefore, when Meng Fan learned of the existence of the Protoss and knew that every Protoss was born as a God King, the shock was unimaginable.

But the Protoss must have its weaknesses. Otherwise, as early as the Dark Ages, the Protoss would unify the entire universe, and there was no possibility of the rise of other races. It is also because of this weakness that the Protoss has been low-key and hidden, and will not participate in the great events of the universe. among.

A fatal weakness, the Protoss must try its best to repair this weakness since ancient times.

As for the establishment of the God Realm, in Meng Fan’s view, the most terrifying thing is that the God Race will find various ways to repair its weaknesses as the God Realm continues to rise and rise. The moment when the God Race has no weaknesses, it is the most terrifying moment. .

Therefore, the establishment of the God Realm has a significant impact, especially for the future Heavenly Court, which now occupies the righteousness and reputation of Heaven.

As he got closer and closer to the God Realm, Meng Fan’s movements slowed down a little bit, and he walked more cautiously. In his mind, the grand avenue unfolded, and he could clearly see that there were many in the God Realm. The avenue really exists.

Protoss, the future heaven, and the creation gods are the three forces in the current universe that race against each other to control the authority of the heavenly way. The authority of the heavenly way is composed of two parts, one is the source of the heavens, and the other is the true meaning of the great way. , Whether it is the future heaven, the gods, or the creation gods, they will do their best to get more true meaning of the great Dao.

This is why now, Meng Fan has become the focus of the battle between heaven and earth.

Walking slowly all the way, Meng Fan stretched out his hand and crushed a talisman.

This was given to him in Ramadan.

It is the relic of Baibuxian.

Bai Buxian, as the freest creature in the primordial universe, can go everywhere, and no one can keep it. In 30 million years, Bai Buxian has gone to many places, and some places, It is completely secret, even a world cut off from the entire universe.

This point is the biggest difference between Bai Buxian and Chaos Great Emperor. Chaos Great Emperor could only live in the Chaos Realm during the tens of billions of years, and the deity never took half a step.

When Meng Fan smashed the talisman with a large amount of information time and time again, he also saw all kinds of brand-new worlds and stories that he had never heard of. What even surprised Meng Fan was that Bai Buxian was unexpectedly surprised. I have been to the auspicious ridge and lived in the auspicious ridge for several days, but no one has discovered his existence. He also recorded the appearance of the Qilin ancestor Ruihuang in the talisman.

It can be said that these symbols record the other side of the universe.

That is the hidden side, the side unknown to the mainstream world.

The mainstream world is, of course, many supreme celestial dynasties, such as the Great Qin Empire, the Righteous Path Alliance, the Faxiang Heavenly Dynasty, the Supreme Heavenly Kingdom, and so on. They constitute the main history of the entire universe.

However, in Baibuxian’s words, if the vast universe is a vast ocean, then they are the surface of the water and are seen. They may have set off turbulent waves, but the truly vast ones are still hidden below the water surface. The hidden world, the other side of the universe.

Among them, some civilizations that seem to be very magical to Meng Fan are recorded, such as an arcane civilization, which is a new attempt of monk civilization, a branch, like the light created by the infinite realm. The powerful incarnation of the brain king, but in the long years, the light brain king has become the ruler of the infinite realm. After a certain attempt, or being forced to go into another path, although everywhere There are monks who look alike on the surface, but in essence, there are huge differences.

This arcane civilization is the same. In the notes left by Bai Buxian, the arcane civilization is a civilization on the fringe of the universe. Their civilization spans more than a dozen dimensions and has hundreds of empires. The strong ones claim to be arcane orthodoxy, claiming to be the Arcane Empire, and others include the Emerald Kingdom, Agate Kingdom, Tulip Kingdom, Cross Kingdom, and so on.

In this civilization, human races, monster races, demons, barbarians, and many other races have merged, crossed, and mixed with each other to form a brand new race. Although they are all monks, the martial arts system has a huge different.

In addition to this arcane civilization, Baibuxian also mentioned the "craftsman" civilization, a civilization that advocates expanding the universe, creating new worlds, new species, and new orders, but it is very vague. Obviously Baibuxian has not really contacted To.

In addition, it is the "prehistoric humane and technological civilization", which is the infinite field that has now emerged.

Bai Buxian said that these peculiar civilizations branched out from the monk civilization. In the new era, these civilizations that have hidden many years will appear one after another.

At this time, Meng Fan finally saw what he wanted to see, what Bai Buxian had about the Protoss.

Baibuxian has never really entered the kingdom of God, but he has contacts with many **** races. In the notes of Baibuxian, to be precise, indeed every **** king was born when he was a baby , Is the realm of God King, and the wisdom is very mature!

Bai Buxian made a guess, thinking that there may be tens of thousands of Protoss in the prehistoric universe. Since Protoss can always be so secret, there will be few lone Protoss to tell the outside world some of the secrets of Protoss. It shows that the Protoss is very Those who are united, moreover, live in the kingdom of God and obey the laws of the kingdom.

The biggest weakness of the Protoss, Bai Buxian guessed, is to multiply and thrive. Their numbers are too scarce. The pure blood dragons are already relatively rare, but in the prehistoric universe, the pure blood dragons are definitely more than tens of thousands. In the Dragon King Empire, there should be tens of millions of pure-blooded heavenly dragons, and pure-blooded heavenly dragons are scattered everywhere in the primordial universe. There are very many, and the number of mixed-blood dragons is hundreds of times that of pure-blooded heavenly dragons.

The number of protoss is too small, so they dare not act rashly, because once they are severely injured and some protoss fall, the entire race will fall into crisis.

So Bai Buxian has always wanted to find out how the Protoss thrives and why it is so difficult, but obviously, Bai Buxian is just curious about this matter, the Protoss is not opposed to him, so he has no particular purpose. I have been in contact with the Protoss, and there are no related notes.

Meng Fan waved his hand, shattered the notes that were scattered into the void in the talisman, and looked at the God Realm completely wrapped in light. Suddenly, the whole person turned into an infinitely small spot of light that could not be seen at all. Spirit world.

The meaning of seclusion, the meaning of light, the meaning of space, the meaning of time, and the meaning of Dharma are all urged to the extreme by him at this moment, even if it is a very powerful **** king, even a **** king of the seven calamities. It is also difficult to find him.

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