Supreme God King

Chapter 2895: The meaning of Hongmeng

Hongmeng Taichu era.

Between heaven and earth, there are only two powers, one is law and the other is matter.

In the early days, the laws and matter were vague and muddy.

Over the long years, matter operated in the manner prescribed by the law and transformed into various forms.

The laws of heat, or cold, light, or darkness, order, or chaos, etc., affect the substance of the like.

This is the description of the beginning of everything in the God Realm Library.

The description afterwards becomes clear and full.

In the chaos where the law and the matter are intertwined and changed, a kind of existence has never been seen before. It is not a stone, not a magma, not a wind, not a water, but the most primitive creatures with turbid thinking. They were born in the wild. , Die in the wild, transform the wild.

In the library, these oldest creatures are collectively referred to as ancestors.

It was a long time, and many strange creatures were born. They evolved in accordance with the most primitive laws and went through many periods. In the eyes of the Protoss, these periods were very important and described very meticulously. It seems that these are of little significance to all living beings today. In short, it can be summed up in one sentence-in order to survive, grow savagely.

The creatures of that era, that is, the ancestors, had no so-called pursuits, only the most basic and first-ranked needs-survival, so the weak and the strong eat, so the survival of the fittest.

Therefore, the creatures at that time went through many periods. The first is the giant beast period. All the creatures desperately grew larger, pursuing pure power, and then the prosperous period, all the creatures began to chase crazy reproduction, and then There are periods of long sleep, periods of migration, periods of bonelessness, periods of dehydration, etc.

There are thousands of periods!

Each period has gone through hundreds of thousands to millions of years, and even the longest period, lasting 50 to 60 million years, is the dehydration period. In that period, because the laws of heaven and earth are in chaotic operation, Suddenly the law of light became very powerful, causing most of the primordial space of the entire universe to be exposed to strong sunlight. Many stars and the sun became unprecedentedly vigorous, so flames and drought were everywhere, and many weird things appeared. The creatures are forced to master the method of water morality, dehydration themselves and enter long sleep.

In short, in the first billion years of the Hongmeng Primordial Era, because of the chaos of the laws, there were no rules at all. The world was always in fusion, either prospering or declining, very quickly, and a large number of creatures perished. A large number of new spirits appeared, generation after generation.

But in this era, there is no suppression by the Supreme Heaven, all the laws, even within reach, some slightly powerful creatures can naturally sense the existence of the laws, and therefore a large number of monks have been born, and a large number of creatures have stepped into it. Martial arts.

That is the most primitive martial art, it is rough, it is chaotic, and there is no systematic inheritance, no specific system, and no so-called "dao".

Many martial arts are short-lived and then disappear forever. No words are passed down, only legends remain.

It's just that in the very later ancient legends, there was a kind of martial arts that left its name, "Hongjun Method".

The four words "Hongmeng Taichu" came from this. Hong refers to the Hongjun method, which is considered to be the first martial art in history. Meng, in the ancient writings, means foolishness, vagueness, and confusion. Even today's humane writing, the word Meng still has this. One kind of meaning.

Over time, after a long period of more than one billion years of derivation, gradually, some powerful enough monks appeared.

But in that era, there was no clear division of realm and martial arts system, so it was impossible to judge the realm of those ancient monks.

However, from the records of a few words, Meng Fan saw that these ancient monks could gain insight into the laws of heaven and earth, so Meng Fan deduced that it was at least in the realm of Tianyuan.

These ancient monks, using their control of the law and official assets, began in the chaotic world to build a paradise and stabilize the law.

So some small but peaceful worlds were born. Many of these worlds are the size of some mortal kingdoms today. The large ones are so-called vast, that is, empires that are thousands of miles or less than 10,000 miles.

But this is the beginning of everything.

It is these ancestors, who, because of various chances and coincidences, have accounted for a large part of luck and have not been washed away by the chaotic world of laws, have made a start for the primitive civilization of the entire universe.

When some kingdoms and empires appear, there will be an inevitable trend for these kingdoms or empires to expand.

But what is interesting is that after the kingdoms of the ancestors bordered the empire, there was no war that should have broken out. They lived in a cruel world for too long, knowing that any seemingly powerful empire could not bear it. A large-scale law fluctuation, perhaps a rise of the law of darkness, the earth will fall into darkness for tens of thousands of years, and the living beings will wither; perhaps, with the expansion of the mind, all living beings will begin to age rapidly and then die.

Therefore, after the ancestors met, they often chose to join forces instead of war.

Together, they will make the ancient, primitive, and fragile civilization bigger, ponder the law of operation of the laws of heaven and earth together, and discuss all methods to master the laws of heaven and earth.

The powerful ancestors became the protection of the weak creatures. The weak creatures used sacrifices or other things to support the ancestors, allowing the ancestors to concentrate on studying the laws of heaven and earth.

The power of faith was also born in that era.

Here, what surprised Meng Fan slightly was that there was vitality in that era.

So why, afterwards, the vitality between heaven and earth was completely exhausted?

Meng Fan continued to read.

In that era, although the vitality existed, because of the fluctuation of the law, the vitality was sometimes very strong, and all beings broke through the realm and became monks. Sometimes the vitality was exhausted to the point that there was not much left, and even breathing became a problem.

The emergence of the power of faith allowed the ancestors to survive without relying on vitality.

The ancestors became "gods".

The ancestors continued to study the rules, refine the rules, and build a stable world.

In that era, there was no "dimension".

All creatures can freely travel to all parts of the universe, and the only thing that can stop them is distance.

So probably the ancestors of the Tianyuan realm and Xuanyuan realm gathered together from faraway places to live together.

Among them, it is not always peaceful. Because of the fluctuation of the law, the cosmos has also experienced several great catastrophes. There are also a large number of ancestors who have fallen or killed each other in order to **** limited resources. But as long as the law is slightly more stable, first The people will stop fighting and continue to study the law.

In order to build a civilized and stable world, the ancestors tried many methods. In the end, the ancestors determined two paths. One was to calculate the law of operation of the laws of heaven and earth, so as to ensure that before the laws fluctuate sharply To make preparations, this path is very conservative and passive.

Second, in that primitive era, it was ambitious.

It is to control the law of heaven and earth!

This road seemed radical, and to the ancestors, it seemed like a fantasy.

But they are all working hard in this direction.

They failed again and again, but they did not give up.

Until the end, many ancestors created a magic weapon.

The name of this magic weapon has only one word-"Yi".

The ancestors used this magic weapon to slightly calculate the law of operation of the law of heaven and earth. Although it is primitive and crude, and the calculation is often inaccurate, the ancestors are still excited.

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