Supreme God King

Chapter 2901: Escape from the gods

This shot down.

Because of the resistance of the Origin World, although Meng Fan's physical body had been out of trouble, his soul was still in a split state.

But it was this moment.

A voice rang in Meng Fan's mind.

That voice is strange and familiar.

At the moment the sound rang, Meng Fan instinctively thought of Linglong Xinzun.

There have been countless times, Linglong Xinzun has used this way to talk to Meng Fan.

But since Linglong Xinzun's great mind was deprived, this kind of feeling between Meng Fan and Linglong Xinzun has long been completely broken.

Meng Fan thought it was Master Zhuge again.

But the voice is a woman.

Meng Fan finally woke up, it was Qing Yao's voice!

That voice was not a normal spirit-soul communication. If it was a spirit-soul communication, Meng Fan would not be able to feel it at this moment. His spirits were completely divided and muddy. That voice was the weakest fluctuation of the law!

Then the power of the Protoss that raged wildly in Meng Fan's mind was also suppressed by the fluctuation of this law.

Qing Yao, herself a creation of the Protoss, has several great avenues. It was her own strength that helped Meng Fan suppress this divine division for a short time.

Then, in the instant situation, Meng Fan tried his best to turn the pillar of martial arts to the extreme.

This time, he only urged one kind of power, which is the meaning of space!

He no longer has any extra thoughts and energy to urge more Dadao's true will and use the invincible means of the walker. At this moment, he is just trying his best to escape, not caring whether it is exposed.

In an instant, he shattered the vacuum and penetrated the various formations and barriers in the library. These powerful forces were vulnerable to a single blow when Meng Fan was fully urging the pillar of martial arts.

He dodged the attack of the old Protoss at one thousandth of a thousandths, and reached the closed spherical space. In the panic of the soul, his eyes were blurred, but he still saw Qing Yao. The day was so splendid. , Doesn't understand anyone's sophistication, doesn't know how to deceive, only because of kindness and sympathy help Qing Yao of Meng Fan.

Among all the thoughts of raging division, Meng Fan only had a sober and calm thought, which was to fulfill his promise.

So he divided a very small amount of strength, smashed the dome with toughness comparable to the barrier of dimensionality, brought out Qing Yao, and ran out at a faster speed.

There was a slight fluctuation in the God Realm full of holiness and glory.

It was a fist-sized hole punched through the dome of the Temple of Science.

After three breaths.

The entire God Realm made a rumbling sound, as if the God Realm was a living behemoth, and at this moment this behemoth was awakening.

That is the dozen or so gods leaders of the God Realm who received news and orders at the same time.

The news came from the library. The oldest elder of the Protoss said it was not aimed at a certain Protoss, but did his best to spread the news and tell all the Protoss who could hear it.

Xiaotiandao, Meng Fan, is in the realm of God, and is running wildly!

The first to get news was the Protoss of the Temple of Science, especially the Protoss in the spherical space. They watched with their own eyes that their most perfect creation so far was suddenly taken away by a force that they couldn't clearly understand.

This is what happened on the first breath.

At the moment of the second breath, the Protoss of the Temple of Science also sent out the news that Qing Yao had been looted. At the same time, deep in the depths of the God Realm, a whisper that only the Protoss could hear sounded, that was a command. , The order conveyed to all the leaders of the Protoss, immediately besieged Meng Fan, regardless of the cost and the consequences!

In the third breath, the leaders of the Protoss and countless Protoss moved at the same time, and this caused the huge God Realm to make that rumbling sound.

"Where is Xiaotiandao!"

"Search the mountains and check the sea!"

"He has the ability to smash the vacuum, the invincible means of the walker, open all the formations, do his best to delay him for a while!"

"Is it time?"

"Can you keep it?"

"Whether you can keep it or not, catch him, chase him all the way, and chase him to the end of the universe!"

Countless protoss are communicating.

I am afraid that in the vast cosmos, there is no unity of opinion like the God Realm at this moment, that is to kill Meng Fan, completely kill!

God Realm, deep underground.

A pair of eyes suddenly opened. It was a powerful protoss **** king. He had given orders before. At this moment, he is lying in the core of the **** world, and the power of the gods is constantly deriving from his body, which can be vaguely seen. His breath echoed with many temples in the God Realm, and even the sky of the sun. When he breathed, all the temples vibrated slightly, and the sun in the sky flickered.

Not only that, outside the God Realm, some secret worlds, especially many cities in the three legendary worlds, also shook with his breathing.

He seems to be the core of the power of faith, the core of the power of gods.

He seems to be Shinto.

Ten thousand gods!

Seven Tribulations God King, the leader of the entire God Realm.

His strength was not at all weaker than the old Eight Tribulations God King in the library, and even surpassed a bit.

Those eyes opened, and quickly locked an empty area above the God Realm, and then another order was issued, and many protoss immediately gathered towards that area.

Meng Fan had already completely exposed his figure.

He can only stimulate the meaning of space, but cannot hide himself.

But his speed is too fast!

It was almost a dozen or so protoss leaders and hundreds of protoss who were mobilized in only three breaths, but it was still too late to stop Meng Fan from running out.

The Protoss at this moment wanted to kill Meng Fan at any cost.

And at this moment, Meng Fan wanted to escape at all costs!

Even the physical body of his creator is somewhat unable to withstand such a powerful force that shatters the vacuum. At this moment, he is faster than the emperor Bowu, who walks the world and sees space as nothing, can cross the center of the universe in two days. A lot of it, so his flesh and blood are separating, and even his internal organs are shattering.

These are not terrible.

For Yu Mengfan, even if the physical body was completely broken, it would only take a moment to recover.

Although the body of a **** king is very precious, it is a powerful body that can be refined through many years of cultivation, but for Meng Fan, it is not difficult. The reshaped body is even more expensive than the previously refined body. A little weaker, but the gap is not big, his creation ability is still rare in the world.

However, a crack appeared on the pillar of his martial arts!

This is terrible!

Meng Fan, who is in charge of the most powerful heavenly law in the world, is as strong as the pillar of martial art, which is several times stronger than the immortal monument, and even harder than his original world. This is very scary. Meng Fan has a kind of self-confidence, that is, even if there is a seven Jie Shen Wang's strongest blow on him can smash his body, but his pillar of martial art and the original world are at most only a little scarred. As long as these two cores are there, he can quickly heavier Shape the flesh.

But now, because the pillar of martial art was too ferocious, cracks appeared!

The true meanings of those avenues are connected to the pillars of martial arts, just like lotus root silk. They appear soft but very flexible. If it were not for the true meaning of these avenues, the pillars of martial arts might have been divided into two.

But the rupture of the pillar of martial arts, this kind of pain, is still less than half the pain of the split of Meng Fan's soul.

His speed is really very fast.

It was so fast that the fierce offensive of hundreds of Protoss could not catch up with him!

A leader of the Protoss had just locked Meng Fan, and opened his mouth to spit out a golden Taoist Long Ge. Before this long Ge was exported, Meng Fan had disappeared.

On the dome of the Temple of Science, the old King of Eight Tribulations was standing. Because of the previous force, he now looked very weak, panting heavily, raised his head, his pupils flashed quickly, following the direction of Meng Fan. .

He can always lock Meng Fan's location, but his strength is no longer able to help.

Deep underground in the God Realm.

With only one pair of eyes exposed, the Ten Thousand Magic God Emperor, whose body was hidden in the darkness, suddenly muttered, "I can't keep it."

On the dome of the Temple of Science that is far away from the Ten Thousand Tribulations God Emperor, the Old Eight Tribulations God King blinked his eyes lightly, and his face was overwhelming and said: "I can't keep it."

But the voice did not fall.

He suddenly turned around, inserted the white jade crutch in his hand into the dome of the Temple of Science, spread his arms, and his body began to burn.

The Emperor of Ten Thousand Laws whispered softly: "Ancestor?"

"Ancestors..." The old Eight Tribulations God King did not respond to the God Emperor of Ten Thousand Tribulations, but said to himself: "I will come to the underworld to serve you, but when I step into the underworld, my name and body are transformed into legends. Before the text, I hope to use my withered and broken life in exchange for your wishes, ancestors, wake up, wake up!"

He is a distant singer.

Singing an elegy.

The singing is heavy and full of vision, with great expectations brewing in it.

Constantly smashing the vacuum, Meng Fan, who was about to reach the edge of the God Realm, had a sharp pain in his mind that increased several times!

He saw many things.

He saw the sages and heroes of the Protoss from generation to generation.

They are already dead.

Live in another form.

In the form of words, in the form of legends, in the form of stories.

It is the library, in which words are so vast that they cannot be imagined. Every word is given life. The gods who have passed away are the fathers of these words, and the gods who wrote these words are the mothers.

The old King of the Eight Tribulations gave life to these words with his own life and vitality. The words in the library are disconnected from the words that Meng Fan swallowed into the soul before, echoing each other, expanding constantly, and flooding Meng Fan's mind.

The words are awakening, resurrecting, and crazily flooding into Meng Fan's mind.

Meng Fan felt the severe pain for only a moment.

After that, he couldn't feel anything.

He passed out.

Completely lost all consciousness.

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