Supreme God King

Chapter 2919: main course

From the gap that suddenly turned into a waterfall torrent, some figures walked out.

The number is not very large and sparse.

Each one is a powerful **** king.

There are about a dozen of them. Almost all of the gods are incomplete, or bloody, without skin, or when they walk out, only the white bones and some cracked internal organs are left. It looks like a living dead.

Some of them wailed, some moaned, and they were all dying after climbing out of the torrent waterfall.

The most powerful of them is a Four Tribulations God King. His body is considered intact, except that one arm and half of his upper body are gone. He sat on the ground and panted, and immediately sealed the large cave in his body, allowing his flesh and blood to grow slowly, and then he was dumbfounded. Looking at the missing corner of the pyramid.

On the other side.

The princess of the ancient dynasty, Fu Bian'er, was in ragged clothes, but on her white shiny skin, there were only a few shallow wounds, and a looming luster hovered around her. The luster was like a curtain that wrapped her body, but this The curtain is also in tatters.

Beside her, the little boy was so scared that he lost his voice completely, but his body was trembling, and the husband Bianer had no intention of caring about his son. All his thoughts were placed on the teenager who passed out in front of him, and she couldn't speak. Then, they just kept turning out pieces of dark green jade tiles and crushed them. Some thick spiritual liquid flowed from these jade tiles and poured into the boy's body.

"The ancient mystery, the blood sacrifice method, is interesting. This blood sacrifice method uses a large number of the flesh and blood of the living beings and the vitality of the world as the body armor. It is obviously a method of the husband's wind and saved your lives. It seems that the ancient dynasty really cannot tolerate it. Look, you can survive only twenty steps away from me."

Hearing the cold voice, her husband Bian'er turned his head abruptly and saw Meng Fan slowly coming in a blue shirt.

"Who on earth are you..."

Husband Bian'er said tremblingly.

In her heart, there was great fear.

Yet another strange and deformed obsession was born.

Fear is because every heir of the husband’s family is baptized by the husband’s wind when he is born. This baptism has two functions. One is to put a curse on the husband’s heirs and make the husband’s heirs. No matter what he does, the husband can feel that this is a means of surveillance, and as long as the husband is willing and a single thought, the curse seal can explode, and the weak husband’s children will immediately die. The powerful sons of the husband's family will also be seriously injured. The heavenly family has no flesh and blood affection, which is understandable.

And the second function is a natal talisman left by the husband's wind. When the husband's children are threatened by a deadly threat that is unstoppable and unavoidable, this natal talisman will be activated. Just as Meng Fan guessed, this natal talisman will be activated. Seal is a fleshy armor cast from the flesh and blood and vitality of millions of creatures.

No one of the husband's children has ever been inspired by the natal talisman.

Husband Bianer was the first.

Husband Feng once said that his natal talisman can withstand the full blow of the Four Tribulations God King burning his life.

Now, Fu Bian'er's natal talisman had been completely broken, but she vaguely felt that Meng Fan did not exert all his strength just now.

It was an indiscriminate, angry blow that turned into powder within 80,000 miles, without specifically targeting anyone.

This is the reason why the husband Bian'er is terrified.

As for the weird and deformed obsession...

Meng Fan looked at her husband Bian'er faintly. Among his martial arts pillars, Dao's thoughts flowed slowly, and her husband's thoughts were all seen by Meng Fan, as if the words were as clear.

Meng Fan could feel what she was thinking, and even he knew her better than Bian'er himself.

The ancient dynasty was very deformed.

This dynasty, no matter where it is placed in the primordial universe, is ignorant and brutal.

First of all, the lords of the ancient dynasty had tremendous power, no one was in charge of them, whether they were living beings or doing anything.

This is especially true for the husband’s clan of the ancient dynasty. Husband Feng himself, but it’s okay. Although in the prehistoric universe, an emperor like Hu Feng cannot be called a king, or even a competent monarch, but In the ancient dynasty, Husband Feng really did not do anything cruel. After all, this is the dynasty he established. The truly cruel and vicious ones are the heirs of Hu Feng.

Heirs of the husband’s family do not treat other creatures as beings at all. In the eyes of the husband’s family, all living creatures, even the king, as long as they are not the husband’s family, pigs, dogs, cows and horses, can be slaughtered at will, and there is often no reason. Just for fun, or to vent the deformed desires in the heart, or just to show your superiority.

Only those lords, in the eyes of the husband's family, still have a bit of status, but they are not much higher.

In the history of humanity, all the images of tyrants and monarchs can be used on the husband's family.

A dynasty that used a decadent and backward system to dominate for 50 million years should have long since disappeared in the pile of old papers, but because of the existence of the husband’s wind, it has survived to the present, and the husband’s indulgence and the ancient dynasty’s The isolation from the world makes the husband's family more and more degenerate.

Such a husband's family, glory, wealth, and pleasure are not important in their eyes. They only care about two things, one is authority and the other is power.

Such a deformed and extreme thought developed vividly in her husband Bian'er.

Therefore, this replica rose against the sky, showing strength that did not match his age, as well as extreme brutality and arrogance, making her husband Bian'er deeply infatuated with him.

This is the case as a young man. As a chess piece of the husband’s wind, he has a powerful force to protect him in the dark, so he rises all the way, unstoppable, and he has never failed. He is arrogant and cruel. The man horse of the ancient dynasty was also the general Longhu. After being taken seriously, he was even more so. He even injured the important officials of the ancient dynasty. This kind of action would be brought down by any force that Meng Fan knew. A felony, but her husband did not convict the juvenile, or even criticized him.

As a result, the young man became even more intensified. Anything that made him dissatisfied with his servant, it might just be that the sound of breathing was too loud, and he would kill him casually.

And every time he did this, her husband Bian'er would look obsessed with him.

This is the reason why her husband Bian'er will have a deformed infatuation after Meng Fan has turned everything in a radius of 80,000 miles into liquid at this moment.

"Being old and not dead is a thief."

Meng Fan said this sentence involuntarily.

This is the famous saying of Bai Buxian.

Eternal life is a sin, and any existence should be annihilated and die at the right time, leaving only legends and stories, either as a model for later generations, or as a lesson for later generations.

The ancient dynasty has lived for 50 million years. It should have disappeared long ago. If it was still alive, it became a thief, and turned into a rotten, ruined, ignorant and cruel dynasty. The leader of the dynasty, husband and wife, did not allow marriages of all races. However, he has thousands of concubines of different races. This husband Bian'er is the child born to husband Feng and a demon king.

The replica made a mistake that the orthodox dynasty would never allow, but Hu Feng opened his eyes and closed his eyes without even blaming it. This is old and confused. He is no longer qualified to rule a dynasty, but he just rules, so the dynasty Up and down, all rotten to the root.

"who are you……"

Husband Bian'er was still trembling.

"Heavenly Way Meng Fan."

It was not Meng Fan who responded.

It was an old hoarse voice.

Meng Fan raised his head.

From the top of the pyramid, wrapped in a purple-gold robe, his figure is slightly bloated, the sky is wide, and the dim-eyed husband looks at him.

Husband's eyes were full of surprise.

After staring at each other with Meng Fan for a while, he looked at the young man, and immediately stretched out his hand, the young man volleyed away at an extremely fast speed and fell into the hands of husband Feng.

Meng Fan saw all this in his eyes. From the beginning, the moment his husband raised his hand, Meng Fan knew what he was going to do, but from the beginning to the end, he did not stop him.

Meng Fan sneered just after the husband took away the boy and breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing the boy taken away, her husband Bian'er muttered blankly: "Father, you won't save me..."

Meng Fan sneered: "Do you really think that with a drop of essence and blood, you can recreate a me? He doesn't have everything I have experienced, nor has he seen everything I see. He is just a reproduction that has my appearance. No matter what happens, he cannot become a decent reproduction. Even as a statue, he lacks charm. In this rotten country, he cannot grow into the second creator, you What it does is meaningless except to irritate me."

Meng Fan’s voice was very soft, but it spread to every corner of the pyramid. The voice shook the minds of all those who heard it. A strong fear came down. It was only when they experienced the catastrophe of heaven. Fear and suffocation.

"The appetizer is over, it's time for the main course."

Stop talking.

Meng Fan gathered one hand high above his head, spread his five fingers into palms, palms facing down.

He looked at her husband.

Smiled and said: "The main dish will be more splendid than the appetizer."

The palm falls!

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