Supreme God King

Chapter 2924: Six civilizations

There are only two existences in the ancient dynasty.

One is the chaotic law storm on the periphery, and the countless fragments floating in the storm. It is no longer possible to see what these fragments once looked like, whether it is a palace, a mountain, a tree, or a person.

The second type is the center of the ancient dynasty. The painting that spans hundreds of millions of miles has stopped spreading. In the painting, countless scenes are still vivid, and the characters in it seem to be able to speak at any time.

Above the painting, Meng Fan sits cross-legged in the void. On the one hand, he integrates the two new Dao true meanings into the pillar of martial arts more perfectly. On the other hand, he is also drawing various strengths from the ancient dynasty.

Those vitality, laws, various spiritual relics, treasures, complete Dao artifacts or fragments of Dao artifacts, were completely and completely sealed in the rest of the painting.

Of course, there are some things that have not been sealed, floating around the paintings, suspended. They are a large number of natural spars, calculated in millions of tons, and three rare middle-grade Taoist artifacts.

The spirit of the middle-grade Dao device is equivalent to a **** of the Three Tribulations, but its tenacity is not the same as that of the King of the Three Tribulations. Some middle-rank Dao tools are not combat tools, so the toughness is not enough. Some middle-grade Dao tools are also defensive Dao tools, such as armors, giant doors, and the like, and are far more tough than the Three Tribulations God King, and even comparable to the Five Tribulations God King.

The last three middle-grade Dao artifacts left behind were all Dao artifacts with a tenacity comparable to the Five Tribulations God King. The spirit of the artifacts had been obliterated by the law hammer, but the Dao artifacts themselves were still there.

This kind of thing is extremely precious to any **** king in the world, because the three middle-grade Taoist artifacts are all armors, but Meng Fan, after becoming the Creator, all his energy is used to strengthen himself, He became a person who didn't like to use the power of external objects. After so long, Meng Fan himself became stronger and stronger, and finally realized that relying on the power of external objects would become too dependent, so he insisted on this path.

So these three middle-grade Dao artifacts were refined into the flesh and blood by him a little bit, and the natural spar was refined into the original universe by him.

The ancient dynasty is a dynasty that has existed for 30 million years. It has to go beyond the renewed Longxiang Valley in terms of history and heaven. There are too many things accumulated here, even the number of natural spars here. , Comparable to the future heaven at the beginning of its establishment.

Other spiritual objects and medicines, as long as there are fish that slip through the net and have not been integrated into the paintings, they are all swallowed and refined by Meng Fan. The most pure and clean parts are refined into the body, and the others Part of the dross was thrown into the Origin Universe. These dross in Meng Fan's eyes were treasures for the creatures in the Origin Universe.

After the origin universe was derived, it expanded nearly a hundred times and became very empty, so that the power of vows provided to Meng Fan in the current origin universe is not as good as when it was the origin world, because a large amount of the power of vows has to be scattered. Among the various worlds of the original universe, these worlds must be supported.

But now, the injection of these treasures can make the Origin Universe become stronger and full, and Meng Fan also tried his best to stimulate the meaning of time, making the flow of time within it become faster. It used to be an hour outside, Origin One hundred years in the universe, at this moment, it has become an hour outside, five hundred years in the original universe!

As a result, there were many more stories of birth and death, more grand thoughts, and ancient epic legends, as well as a large number of monks, kings of one calamity, and the power of vows.

But this process is very long.

The natural spar of millions of tons is not so easy to refine and clean, let alone other treasures.

Moreover, Meng Fan did not intend to leave immediately.

He intends to wait here.

He really wanted to see the force called the "returner civilization", an intuition that made Meng Fan believe that this returnee civilization might not be as simple as a certain supreme celestial dynasty.


The future heaven.

Jingyu Shenfu.

The main temple.

Heavenly Splitting Emperor stood with his hand. Before he attacked Wan Quanzong, he had already recovered to his heyday. In the following days, he was practicing and seeking higher breakthroughs. However, Heavenly Splitting Emperor was different from many **** kings. Normally powerful **** kings can no longer seek the truth externally. They often have to meditate and retreat for tens of thousands of years, or even longer, to ask inwardly.

But the Emperor Splitting Heaven is not. He advocates practicing in battle. The reason why the powerful God King disdains to experience himself through fighting and killing is because the powerful God King rarely meets opponents. Fighting the weak is equivalent to killing. significance.

Of course, Emperor Splitting Sky thought so too, but the reason why he didn't meditate and chose to practice in battle is because he slept for too long and didn't want to fall into half-dream and half-awake.

He fell asleep for tens of millions of years.

Many things in Jingyu Divine Mansion are now going very smoothly. It is because the Heavenly Splitting Emperor "does not sleep." As the elder of Jingyu Divine Mansion, he will often do some things personally, as the overlord of the Six Tribulations. The matter, of course, came at your fingertips, and the chance of encountering an adversary was too small. After all, in this universe, there are very few Six Tribulations Kings.

At this moment, he seemed quite worried. In the main temple, looking at the martial arts murals that he had carved out because of his insights, he was silent.

After a long time, a figure slowly walked into the main temple, but it was another patron of Jingyu Palace, Ramadan.

But now Ramadan’s identity is a bit special. As the elder of Jingyu Shrine, she served in Hongwu Shrine. Hongwu Shrine established the Anti-Tiandao Army. Because Ramadan has many memories of Baibuxian, she knows how to reverse it. Dadao's true meaning was agreed by all parties to assist Hongwu Divine Mansion.

Throughout the ages, the universe is prehistoric, and there are clear written records that reverse the true meaning of the Dao. There are only two people, a Chaos Great Emperor, and a Baibuxian. Ramadan is the only daughter of the Baibuxian. Since childhood, the foundation of martial arts has been learned from Baibuxian. Coming, so her martial arts is not anti-Tian Dao, but she is indeed the one who has the most say in the establishment of the anti-Tian Dao army.

Hongwu Shenfu deliberately allows Ramadan to be completely added, and divorced from Jingyu Shenfu. This kind of thing will not be a big deal in the future heaven. When several major families are established, they will put suitable talents in the right Shenfu. There are no factions. Thanks to Meng Fan’s efforts, the major leaders gradually put the interests of the heavens first in the future. No one fights openly and secretly to fight for the rights and interests of their factions, so the atmosphere of the future heaven is very good. All newly joined priests, as long as they work hard and seek benefits for the heavenly court in the future, they don't need to be distracted to do deceitful things.

It can be said that from the establishment of the future heavenly court to break the sectarian barriers, to the determination of the first iron law, Meng Fan laid a very good foundation for the future heavenly court, which can make the future heavenly court flourish and rise rapidly. In contrast, other Compared with the future heaven, the new world is much inferior.

But Ramadan did not agree, because she also gave it. After she arranged the future for the stars, she became a little cold and unwilling to take care of more things. She just did her own internal affairs and helped the future heaven to build an anti-Heaven army. She didn't want to take office. , And didn't want to be an official again, especially since she really didn't know much about the true meaning of Reverse Dao Dao, she would soon finish what she should do, there is no need to join Hongwu Divine Palace.

Standing side by side with the Emperor Cracking for a while, Ramadan spoke first and broke the silence.

"The primordial universe, the six great civilizations, all began with the monk civilization. In the long years, creatures spread to all directions of the primordial universe. Civilizations have undergone some changes. Some civilizations have disappeared, and some civilizations stayed and developed and grew. Six civilizations were derived.

Monk civilization, technological civilization, arcane civilization, craftsman civilization, returnee civilization, poet civilization.

The universe may be infinite. Since there is no boundary, there is no center. The reason why the monk civilization is the center of the universe is just because in the era of the primordial cosmos, all beings sought to survive in the chaotic law, thinking of many ways, and a certain group The monks succeeded, and they created the heavenly path. From then on, the heavenly path has become the core of the universe. That's it. After the heavenly path destroys all beings in the world, the vitality seeds left by the ancient monks begin to germinate and re-evolve into sentient beings in all directions. Spread, nothing more.

Speaking of it, all existence seems to be full of coincidence and full of luck.

Now, the world has changed drastically, and all civilizations are not willing to be lonely. They want to participate and hope to do something big. The craftsman civilization will take the initiative to contact us in the future. According to the oral message from Xuanyuan Aohan, the messenger of the craftsman civilization is not far away. Up.

In that message, there were some confessions of the craftsman's civilization. Want to come, Senior Splitting Sky has seen it?

Knowing that you are just a craftsman's civilization must be difficult to accept. "

Ramadan stopped talking.

After a while, Emperor Cracking Sky smiled softly: "What is really unacceptable is not my creation for the craftsman civilization, but the so-called Thirty-Three Heavens Treasure. In fact, there are as many as 2,000 pieces, and the craftsman civilization is still manufacturing, and I , And Gu Daozi, they are just two pieces passed down from the civilization of craftsmen."

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