Supreme God King

Chapter 2927: Heaven is positive and negative

This battle of words seems to have no result.

But the **** king present almost all agreed with what the whispers said.

Yes, there is no if, but everything can be repeated.

The current order, as well as the so-called core of the prehistoric universe, is a concept that only came about because of the birth of the heavenly realm, but when the heavenly realm weakened, this concept gradually disappeared.

Everything is just like the Hongmeng primordial era.

Brand-new worlds of avenues are rising, and the universe is no longer the only tower of heaven, but also the tower of humanity, the tower of magic road, the tower of dragon road, the tower of waste road, and so on.

And the major civilizations everywhere in the cosmos that have minimal impact on the entire history may be the protagonists.

As long as they have enough opportunities in this battle, they can surpass the ancient traditional monk civilization.

"This time, I have a very heavy task."

The verbal battle was over, and he could see in a light voice that the many **** kings present had more or less agreed with his opinions, so he didn't elaborate any more and went directly to the subject.

"In the long years, new civilizations, derived from monk civilization, are different and colorful. Just as arcane civilization turns martial arts into arcane arts, it is different from monk civilization who seeks simplicity and simplicity. Pay attention to complexity, thinking that the more complex the existence, the higher the class;

In the infinite realm of science and technology, they are variants of humanity. In fact, they are no longer humane, but closer to heaven. This was a secret before, but after the infinite realm failed in the human world, this became a well-known thing. The science they established The system is the vast cosmos, it has never appeared before, and it is also a power that no other civilization has;

The poet civilization is a lost civilization, but it is still very powerful. They have existed for a long time, and may even be longer than the emergence of technological civilization. They have been living loomingly on the edge of the prehistoric universe. They are like narrators, poets, and rememberers. In their eyes, The future is ethereal, now is short-lived, only history is heavy. All they do is to turn everything into poetic and lifeless eternity. This is the little knowledge that artisan civilization has about poet civilization.

Today, what our craftsman civilization knows is only the six major civilizations. Perhaps there are more civilizations in the primordial universe.

However, no matter how many civilizations there are, no matter how colorful they are, in essence, they can be divided into two factions.

Because all martial arts and civilizations are born out of laws, or heavens.

It should be noted that the law and the way of heaven cannot be confused. In the long years, civilized craftsmen and civilization often confuse the law and the heavenly way. In fact, this is wrong. Just like the human world, the humane order and the law of humanity have been established, and the law of heaven is mutually exclusive. In the past, we all thought that the laws came from heaven, and the human world proved that this was wrong.

The Chaos Great Emperor and Meng Zhushen confirmed this theory. They proved that it was the first law, and then the sages of the primordial age of Hongmeng created the law of heaven to control the law, and then refined the law into the real meaning of the great way, and gave it to the heaven to keep it, the power of the heaven Spreading to every corner of the universe, between heaven and earth, all the laws have become the laws of heaven.

The battle of the Great Dao will be the main theme of the Great Dao era. Heavenly Dao can establish laws. Humanity, Demon Dao, Demon Dao, Wild Dao, Dragon Dao, etc. can all be established. You can establish your own rules and formulate your own order.

Because the foundation of the existence of all things is the law, and without the law, nothing exists. Therefore, to establish your own law is equivalent to establishing your own world that is not controlled by the heavens.

This is the basis for the establishment of each new avenue world.

Therefore, all the newly spawned civilizations in the primordial universe can basically be divided into two factions, one faction that walks the way of heaven, and the other faction that is anti-heaven.

The infinite realm of science and technology civilization used to be humane, but everything that happened in the human world made the King of Light Brain understand everything, and he turned to walk the heavenly path.

Our craftsman civilization also walks the way of heaven, which originates from the core of our civilization-creation. Since ancient times, the foundation of creation has relied on the laws of the Tao of Heaven. Only when you go against the sky can you create things. If you go against the sky, the creation will fail. Even if it succeeds, it will create monsters. Perish, we will never be able to create something that can live forever, etc.

It is still unknown whether the arcane civilization and the poet civilization are walking the way of heaven or going against the way of heaven.

But there is a civilization that is surely against heaven. "

He whispered here, the **** king present had already guessed the answer.

It is the civilization that Qingyu has not mentioned in detail.

After whispering was silent for a moment, he continued: "The civilization of the returnees is a civilization that has always hoped that the universe will completely return to the era of the primordial Hongmeng, without the supreme authority.

The returnee civilization believes that in that era, because of the chaos of the laws of heaven and earth, because there is no so-called way of heaven, all beings are equal.

They initially tried on the edge of the prehistoric universe. They created rule storms and rule turbulence, breaking all order, dragging each dimension into a state of disorder, and establishing the foundation of their civilization.

When the new era began, the returnee civilization realized that they had an opportunity to return the entire universe to the primordial era of Hongmeng. What they need to do is to completely obliterate the emperor and destroy the source of the heavens, including, Kill all those who walk in heaven.

Their martial arts are completely anti-Tian Dao, and for all **** kings who practice Tian Dao Fa, they have the means of weakening and restraint.

The civilization of the returnees has always been on the edge of the prehistoric universe, and never talked about the interactions between different civilizations. Until 10,000 years ago, some of the gods in the civilization of the returnees tried to get close to the center of the prehistoric universe. In the process, they touched like a dragonfly. Some supreme celestial dynasties did not have any impact on the prehistoric cosmos, nor were they valued by many supreme celestial dynasties, and even many supreme celestial dynasties thought that the returnee civilization was just another supreme celestial dynasty, or a hidden power.

But in this process, the civilization of the returnees came into contact with the civilization of our craftsmen, so the war broke out.

Our craftsman civilization walks the path of heaven. In the eyes of the civilization of the returnees, we are definitely not friends, but this is not the main reason for the outbreak of war. There are too many forces who walk the path of heaven in the prehistoric universe. The root cause of the war between the returnee civilization and us is because the returnee civilization wants our skills.

War is cruel, and we have had the advantage from the very beginning, and now we are gradually at the disadvantage of war.

This is the purpose of my coming to the heavenly court in the future. We have the same goal and common enemy. "

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