Supreme God King

Chapter 2929: Endless

Crossing the sky barrier of the ancient dynasty, the **** king who descended from the sky and appeared in front of Meng Fan was a giant insect with a dark brown lustre and skin like armor.

Obsidian-like compound eyes, bright red blood bowls, protruding fangs, and eight barbed legs, stepping on space nodes, ignoring space barriers while walking.

Like a spider giant.

This spider **** king exudes a completely unfamiliar aura from Meng Fan. The martial arts mark on his body is also quite peculiar. It is vaguely incompatible with the laws of heaven and earth, and even in the dark, it makes Meng Fan have one A feeling of indistinct and intangible.

Meng Fan hasn't had this feeling for many days.

Heaven and Earth God King, no matter what kind of avenue, fundamentally speaking, it was born out of the law of heaven, and many of the great avenues are still in the process of transformation and formation, and there are more or less shadows of the law of heaven, so unless the realm is much higher than Meng Fan , Otherwise, there can be no darkness in front of Meng Fan, some clues can always be seen.

But this spider **** king had no such shadow on his body.

This is also the reason why Meng Fan feels that he is not clear.

This Spider God King is a Five Tribulations God King, and it can be regarded as a Heaven and Earth Overlord level character, but it is not on the peak book of Jin Mutang.

He approached Meng Fan and stopped when he was still a million miles away from Meng Fan.

The corners of Meng Fan's mouth raised, and he sneered.

The spider **** king made a hoarse voice and said: "Heavenly Dao Meng Fan, the lord of the Siyuan Dynasty, has one yuan in his jacket."

Meng Fan nodded: "I really didn't expect that the civilization of the returnees turned out to be bugs."

The compound eyes of the one yuan in the jacket gleamed with cold light, and the eight big feet shook slowly in the void, showing anger, but tried to suppress the anger and said: "The brood of the Siyuan Dynasty is what you call the return. The civilization of the monk is far away from the civilization of the monks. I just live outside the brood and control the lord of a lair. Prince Dagu asked for help from the Siyuan dynasty and passed through my territory first. I was the closest to my mother. Chao ordered to meet with Heavenly Dao Meng Fan."

"You are so courageous." Meng Fan nodded playfully.

Jack Yiyuan took a deep breath: "The lords cannot defy the orders issued by the brood. All Kun people are prepared to give their lives for the brood anytime and anywhere. Our strict hierarchy and direct government orders are more than humane civilization, but Even if there is no order from the brood, Meng Fan, the **** of heaven, has a huge reputation now, and I want to meet. It seems that you are also prepared for our meeting this time, and you also have an understanding of our Kun ethnic civilization."

Meng Fan: "No matter how bad the age is, the insects can survive. Therefore, the Hongmeng primordial era, which is a disaster for all living beings, is the most glorious era of dominance for the insects. In the library of the Protoss, I only saw some Scattered fragments, Hongmeng’s primordial era has gone through countless periods, among which there are many giant beast periods. The so-called giant beasts at that time were not the wild beasts, or dragons, or giant spirits, but you are big bugs.

For any creature, the most important thing is the meaning of self-existence. The meaning of existence comes from three aspects. One is the source, the present, and the road to the future. Obviously, when bugs are searching for their origin, I have found some ancient fragments from the primordial era of Hongmeng, and learned of my own glory. This glory has become the persistence of your Kun people. It makes you believe that by returning to Hongmeng, you can return to glory.

So you have to destroy the Dao of Heaven, and eradicate all the power that might replace the Dao of Heaven, and even all the monks who practice the Dao of Heaven, you must obliterate it. "

Jackie said hoarsely: "Heavenly Way Meng Fan, you are wrong.

At the beginning, when we Kun nationality knew our origin, the yearning for the Hongmeng primordial era really made all Kun nationalities excited, but this unrealistic dream could not support the Kun nationality’s belief and civilization of returning people , The fundamental reason for the returnees to return to the primordial age of the universe is to destroy all supreme authority and make all beings equal. "

"Destroy all supreme authority." Meng Fan repeated.

Yu Yiyuan said: "Not only the heavens, but also all the avenues in the prehistoric universe, no matter how good or bad, these avenues have too much power. They can establish order and obliterate sentient beings. The huge disaster in the last chapter is the best proof."

Meng Fan squinted his eyes, and the depths of his eyes were bright and dark. Hearing the words of Yi Yuan, he remembered a word.


Meng Fan blurted out.

Yu Yiyuan's whole body vibrated violently, and he could see that he was really angry, but due to Meng Fan's current reputation and deeds in the past few years, he still relied on reason to suppress his anger.

The meaning of ants in all ancient languages ​​refers to all small bugs.

In the middle and late stages of the Hongmeng primordial era, the gods called the heaven and earth sentient beings as ants, and those creatures that occasionally rise up to challenge the authority of the gods were called flying ants with wings. This is not annoying but annoying.

The powerful monks also called the weak monks ants with contempt.

When the Great Primordial Chaos went out and the Emperor of Heaven came to the world, the words that shook all living beings and the kings also said, you ants who don’t understand the grace of heaven, can stand on the tower of Tongtian to provoke the gods, but they will eventually become ashes. !

That's right, ants.

When absolute authority appeared, the Kun clan, which once wreaked havoc on dominance, became an ant!

Although there are some things that Meng Fan still hasn't seen clearly and can't think through, he can feel that the Kun people are full of fear and rejection of the supreme authority in the prehistoric universe.

This is the foundation of the civilization of the returnees.

"Since you have seen me, and you have realized your dream, then, will you accept death calmly?"

As Meng Fan said, there was a faint ripple in the void under his feet.

He is always ready to smash the vacuum and behead the jacket one yuan!

Meng Fan is not a murderer. He kills every creature for a reason. He wants to kill this jacket for one yuan, and so is it, because the civilization of the returnees has been determined to be an anti-Tian Dao, and now the most powerful force in the Dao It is the future heaven, and Meng Fan is gradually replacing the authority of the heavens. The returnee civilization, a force that has not really contacted the future heaven, has become an established enemy of the future heaven!

For such an enemy, the more he knows, the better. Meng Fan will not let his jacket go with one yuan. He will take out his jacket with one yuan and keep refining until he drains all the information in it.

Yu Yiyuan smiled slightly: "Heavenly Dao Meng Fan, you still know too little about our Kun people. Before I came, I had left my blood. This is a means of reincarnation for our Kun people. Over the years, the methods I have experienced in the great catastrophes retain most of my memory and martial arts brand, as well as more than 80% of the essence. Once the blood worm eggs hatch, they will directly become my deity and another. The one me, the current me, is only an incarnation, and knows very little. Even my deity doesn't know much. The secrets of the Kun people are all in the brood.

Heavenly Dao Mengfan, you will understand in the future why our Kun people are the most successful race in the world, no matter what kind of catastrophe, how long years, we can survive, we have endless means of survival, other The race is unimaginable.

You can kill me as much as you can. When the Kunzu billionaire warrior arrives in the future heaven, you will see me again. At that time, I will step on your corpse and smile!

Our Kun people are endless! "

After that, the jacket Yiyuan began to collapse a little bit, and wither on its own!

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