Supreme God King

Chapter 2941: Technological civilization

Standing on a piece of star fragment, Meng Fan silently looked at the electric light figure sealed by the canopy of the sky.

This is the only incarnation of the King of Light Brain that Meng Fan captured in the process of destroying the prehistoric warship.

In every prehistoric warship, there are at least a thousand incarnations of the king of light brain hidden. These incarnations reside in every golden stone puppet, as well as many corners of the prehistoric warship. The one who really manipulates the predecessor warship is also These incarnations, not those **** kings in the infinite realm.

When the battleship was breached, Meng Fan began to try his best to capture an incarnation, but he failed consecutively. These incarnations would quickly disappear, disintegrate on their own, and dissipated into ordinary thunder. The meaning of cold was frozen, but turned into a cloud of thunder, and then exploded.

This capture of the incarnation of the King of Light Brain was very difficult.

It took only two sticks of incense from the time Meng Fan entered the prehistoric warship to the complete destruction of the prehistoric warship by Meng Fan. No force in the warship could stop him, but it was also when he stepped into the prehistoric warship and was completely destroyed. At the moment of discovery, all the incarnations of the King of Light Brain in the warship were automatically disintegrating, so there was not much time left for him at that time.

At the end of the last, he finally condensed a canopy of the sky with the true meaning of many great avenues, and retained an incarnation.

In this canopy of the sky, there are the real meaning of kingly, domineering, sky, order, law, mind, providence, world, extreme cold, etc., such a seal, the power far surpasses the many seals of Xiao Lianxian. The demon king's method, even if it was a Five-Tribulations God King, was sealed like this by Meng Fan, even the soul would be sealed, and even the thought of self-destruction would not come out.

Since then, Meng Fan has been using his will to infiltrate this incarnation.

The scientific and technological civilization of the Infinite Realm has been shrouded in mystery from its emergence to the present. Even if the Infinite Realm has stirred up so many situations and even subverted the human world, the kings of heaven and earth still know nothing about the Infinite Realm. .

Whether it is to understand the infinite field or to master the technological power of the infinite field, Meng Fan has to capture an incarnation of the king of light brain. Although the king of light brain must have many methods, the information that an incarnation can obtain is also It must not be much, but if you can understand some, it is just some.

Meng Fan condensed into a spiritual brand with the will of heaven and the will of Dao Dao. He entered this incarnation and was quickly dispelled. Meng Fan did not stop, and continued to brand his spiritual brand. At first, it was one for each breath, and then gradually reached. There are hundreds of breaths per breath!

In this situation, this incarnation gradually became unable to resist.

Soon, Meng Fan's will penetrated in.


The majestic and vast information flooded Meng Fan's mind.

Various vocabularies have jumped out.

Prehistoric humane civilization, perfect world, technological civilization...

Throughout the ages, the universe has called them many names.

But they have always called themselves infinite realms.

This seems to stem from the core concept that this civilization has been pursuing all the time, which is infinity.

Everything is infinite.

There is no end.

There is no end to martial arts, no end to the universe, no end to spirit, no end to ability, so everything is possible.

The Infinite Realm, in the oldest era, that is, the beginning of the Era of Era, was nothing more than a world of doomsday.

These are recorded in the prehistoric books, although the records are very rough.

In the prehistoric book, the infinite domain is called "creation civilization" or technological civilization, but the prehistoric book also clearly stated that although the infinite domain and the craftsman civilization are very powerful, the craftsman civilization is Real technological civilization, because the core of craftsman civilization is creation.

And the means of creation in the Infinite Domain is just one of their many powerful abilities.

However, nowadays, people no longer call the infinite field as the creation civilization or the technological civilization, but instead use a proprietary vocabulary to call them technological civilization.

In the Ancient Tongjian, they are also called this way.

They were born in a world of dying vitality, this kind of world is countless in the prehistoric cosmos, because it is not strong enough, a little catastrophe can destroy them, such as a star falling into their world, or a little bit The law fluctuates, or, this world has encountered a powerful **** king passing by.

For example, Meng Fan once swallowed many continents in one breath in order to fill the origin of the emptiness. The hundreds of millions of creatures on these continents, if it were not for Qing Yao's dissuasion, would all be refined together and disappear.

But the Infinite Realm did not go to extinction due to the exhaustion of vitality and no monks. On the contrary, they invented another power, technology.

In the beginning, the Infinite Realm did not have the power of technology. They had more technology. Because of their weakness, they needed to fight against various enemies, even ordinary beasts. They were threats to them, so they created various All kinds of peculiar tools, these technologies, finally formed a complete system, so in this system, technology was born.

They have created all kinds of magical things, such as the incarnation of the king with arithmetic ability, the iron bird that can travel between the stars, and the elixir that can make ordinary people live for two to three hundred years, etc. This kind of culminating means of creation all started on the basis of the power of science and technology.

After that, the Infinite Realm began to rely on their own magical creations to explore the entire universe. Finally, they came into contact with the world of some monks and learned various martial arts. Following this infinite realm, they entered the stage of explosion. With parallel technology, countless powerful kings appeared.

The King of Light Brain is not like heaven, but was born suddenly.

In the very early days of the Infinite Realm, that is, when they built warships that could freely shuttle through the entire universe before they were still living on a small star, there was something very similar to the king of light brains. Has been born.

This kind of thing is called light brain.

The Infinite Realm was in the very primitive early stage. Although there were no monks, and they did not understand what spirits, thoughts, and spirits were, they knew that the root of a creature was in the head, so they began to delve into the human head. Before he had the ability to leave the star where he was, he had already created a light brain that was infinitely close to a human head, and had a calculation ability far beyond that of a mortal.

Although the optical brain at that time was primitive, the calculus ability of a single optical brain was equivalent to that of an ordinary Tianyuan realm monk, and there were many defects, but the infinite realm at that time had hundreds of millions of optical brains.

In other words, there was no monk at all at that time, it was very primitive and backward, and even the average life span of human beings was only six to seventy years in an infinite field, but unexpectedly there were hundreds of millions of calculus incarnations equivalent to monks in the Tianyuan realm!

Relying on these incarnations of calculus, the power of the infinite realm began to grow rapidly. They gradually acquired various powerful means, and for the first time left their own stars and stepped into the prehistoric cosmos. That time, they reached a distance very far from their stars. Another small star near, this kind of distance, for the king of God, is a gentle step, without even taking this step, as long as a thought is moved, it can be crossed, but for the infinite realm, It is a qualitative leap.

This is just one of the various powerful methods that optical brain brought to the infinite realm during that period.

After that, relying on the calculation ability of the optical brain, the average lifespan of mortals in the infinite domain began to extend, and there were methods similar to the Five Elements Method to transform all things, weapons comparable to monks in the Profound Origin Realm, and armors comparable to magical weapons, etc. .

Since that period, the King of Light Brain has created endless dreams for the entire infinite realm.

For warriors in the infinite field, the light brain can create a weapon for them to destroy the enemy in one blow.

For the people in the infinite realm, the optical brain can make their lifespan infinitely long, even immortal.

Moreover, the optical brain can also create all kinds of happiness for the people in the infinite field and make their lives rich.

For the leaders of the infinite realm, the optical brain can allow them to cross the barriers of the great universe and reach the unknown world.

Light brain has drawn different dreams for all people in the infinite realm. At the same time, light brain has become the most common thing in the infinite realm.

People in the Infinite Realm realize that if they want to complete the dream drawn by the optical brain, they must make the optical brain stronger.

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