Supreme God King

Chapter 2949: Martial arts

"The end of the martial arts."

Meng Fan said these four words softly.

The end of martial arts was the realm that all the gods were pursuing when they were in the ten thousand domains very long ago.

It is the performance of deducing one's own martial arts to the extreme!

Once, the overlords of the ten thousand domains, Meng Fan, the ancient emperor, the thirteen hall masters, and so on, were all pursuing the end of martial arts, but when Meng Fan left the heavens and the realms, he truly saw the entire universe and discovered What he once lived and knew was just a corner of this huge world, just some small details. For the end of martial arts, he no longer had the original pursuit.

If one kind of martial arts has come to an end, then how about going to the sea and accepting more other martial arts?

The current Meng Fan is rising rapidly, constantly devouring the power of the Dao of Heaven, and incorporating the true meaning of the Dao Dao into his body. At this moment, how can he go to the end of the martial art to block his own martial art?

And the moment the Six Tribulations God King Shi Weifu took the initiative to paint the six-pointed star, Meng Fan vaguely felt the four words at the end of the martial arts from his body.

Arcane civilization, dedicated all of their own to arcane arts, even emotions and life, no longer exists, only arcane arts are the subject, everything, their pursuit of arcane arts has reached the extreme, just as they have reached the end of martial arts !

The six-pointed star flickered. In Meng Fan’s eyes, this method is still a little confused and unclear. This is a completely different martial arts system, but Meng Fan can feel that the laws of space around the six-pointed star have changed. Shi Weifu seems to be In an instant, with this magic circle, a huge void channel was created.

At the other end of the void passage, you can vaguely smell the breath of a prehistoric behemoth, extremely fierce!

Dragon King Zhuo Gen?

Meng Fan narrowed his eyes.

After an instant.

A long scream!

This long howling sound is definitely not Long Yin!

Long Yin is holy and vast. After hearing it, he will have great admiration and admiration from the bottom of my heart.

This long howl was like some ancient wild beast, brutal and domineering, and full of greed and bloodthirsty.

The six-pointed star disappeared.

A black void without any luster emerged.

From the void, a giant beast was plundered!

This behemoth is huge, and even looks a little bloated. The whole body is covered with maroon scales. It has four thick legs and sharp claws. Each claw is like a sword, and the most peculiar one is On its back, there are two bat-like wings, fully spread out, hundreds of feet square!

The head of the giant beast is different from any known dragons. Although it also has horns, it is messy. It has no regular horns. The head looks like a python, with fangs sticking out of the lips.

Detestable face, extremely fierce!

And Meng Fan could also clearly feel that this dragon king Zhuogen, surprisingly, was a **** king of six calamities!

The sense of power and murderous aura he released was very strong, especially on the dragon king Zhuo Gen’s body. Every scale was painted with an arcane magic circle. The effect of these magic circles, based on Meng Fan’s understanding of arcane magic, could not See through.

After the appearance of the dragon king Zhuo Gen, he rolled frantically in the air, as if a beast that had been imprisoned for too long was suddenly released from the cage, arbitrarily exuding his own violent aura, flapping his wings, forming a storm, hovering over the entire city. Many **** kings were blown off the ground by the storm, dancing in the air like willow leaves, and many pavilions were uprooted by the storm!

"This is a restless guy." An arcane **** king sneered: "I have been detained for tens of thousands of years, and I will be released all of a sudden, I must be Sa Huan."

"Master Shi Weifu, is it too dangerous to release Zhuo Gen?"

However, there are other Arcane God Kings who expressed doubts, looking at the expression of Dragon King Zhuo Gen, they were also a little worried.

"The Aolong clan has always been a restless clan in the empire. In the past few million years of history, they have caused thousands of great upheavals. To overthrow the empire and establish the Aolong regime, we have spent a lot of money. With the strength of his power, they captured their leader Dragon King Zhuogen and suppressed them. Because they controlled Zhuogen, the Aolong clan settled down and served the empire honestly. It was a bit wrong to let him out."

Several Five Tribulations God Kings all whispered.

Schweife, the hand of the king, did not respond, but slowly stretched out his index finger and moved it in the air.

Immediately, the dragon king Zhuo Gen, who was raging and howling, became quiet and looked at Shi Weifu.

"Master of the King's Hand..." Dragon King Zhuo Gen sneered, his voice was like a volcano that was brewing to erupt, and it was rolling, and there was an uncomfortable glow. "You let me out, what's your order?"

"Kill him." Shi Weifu pointed his index finger to Meng Fan: "I will intercede with the emperor. Your sentence will be reduced by 10,000 years, and I can send your wives to prison. You don't need to Wearing any shackles, you can fly freely in the imperial dungeon world."

"Oh?" Dragon King Zhuogen looked at Meng Fan and raised his eyebrows: "Six Tribulations God King? This is a powerful human race. In the Arcane Empire, there are only a few Six Tribulations God Kings. I want me to kill him. , It's really embarrassing."

"Don’t talk nonsense, Dragon King Zhuogen, you are one of the six six tribulation kings of the Arcane Empire. Back then, I joined forces with the guard knight commander, and twelve five tribulation kings created the arcane world before you Suppression, your strength, we know." Shi Weifu said coldly.

Dragon King Zhuo Gen took a deep breath and closed his eyes: "I know this is not the Arcane Empire. You let me out. I might as well fly away. Who can stop me? Isn't that better? Hahahahaha!"

He said so, but did not flap his wings.

Steve took a faint look at him: "In these tens of thousands of years, how many arcane brand and puppet silk have been entwined on your body, you know for yourself, escape from the range I set for you, you will separate the soul and the body, it is better to die. !"

"So what?" Dragon King Zhuogen's smile seemed full of confidence. "As long as I escape, even if I fall into the realm, I will be able to rise rapidly in the years to come! The huge Arcane Empire has only a few six-kalpa **** kings, and the emperor is just a seven-kata **** king. Once I leave, you are looking for Without me, how many people can catch me again in this great universe?"


An arcane **** king said angrily.

Shi Weifu said coldly: "I will order your people to be slaughtered."

As soon as he said this, Dragon King Zhuogen's eyes immediately narrowed, revealing a great killing intent, but he was silent and did not break out.

Meng Fan watched everything.

The dialogue between Shi Weifu and Dragon King Zhuogen was only a moment, very fast, just a few moments.

But these few moments were still very long for Meng Fan.

"It's really long-winded."

Meng Fan said lightly.

The voice was very small, but it was clearly transmitted to the Arcane Empire and Dragon King Zhuo Gen's ears.

This is the sound of law resonating, and the **** kings of the entire deserted ancient city have heard it, and can also feel the impatience in Meng Fan's heart.

Meng Fan stretched out a hand, raised it above his head, spread his five fingers, and slowly clenched it.

This clenching process is very slow.

His fingers were shaking violently.

There is nothing in the palm of his hand.

As his fingers shrank slowly and violently trembling into a fist, in the palm of his palm, the laws of heaven and earth emerged from the invisible and gathered in the tangible place!

Turned into a three-foot three-foot three-inch long spear, based on the power of strong vows and primitive laws, the meaning of space, time, kingly, domineering, etc., is a long spear carved with rune imprints.

The tip of the gun is not sharp.

A galleon pointing to the Arcane Empire.

Meng Fan held a gun in his right hand and took a step forward with his left foot. This step made ripples out of the invisible space. The whole body was stretched like a huge bow, with a sense of strength. The deserted ancient city was desperately trying to transport the ancient gods. The walking protoss couldn’t help being stunned, watching Meng Fan’s perfect figure like the ancient **** of war in the legend, looking brilliant and proud against the fluctuations of the laws of heaven and earth. All the powers in these protoss were in an uncontrollable commotion. Get up, there is a buzzing in your mind, that is the inherent fear of the gods in the long history of the gods!

"The collision between martial arts and arcane arts, I was originally full of expectations." Meng Fan held a long spear, ready to go, and said softly: "Peek into the secrets of arcane arts and find more possibilities for martial arts-but you are too long-winded."

The voice fell.

Meng Fan's right foot twitched like a whip, and he took a big step forward.

The right arm rotated perfectly in a semicircle on his side, leaving an afterimage that could not dissipate!

The spear shot out.

The speed of the spear is too fast.

So much so that just after leaving Meng Fan's palm, almost exactly at the same time, the spear had appeared one foot in front of the Arcane Empire sailing ship!


It was one foot in front of Schweife's eyebrows.

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