Supreme God King

Chapter 2958: Battle of the Avenue

The future heaven.

Zai Fu Shenfu.

The ancestor of Mingyi was sleeping in a fake sleep. This was a state of half asleep and half awake, but he had used his own calculation ability to the extreme, and was processing all kinds of information in the future heaven all the time.

Although the calculation ability of the ancestor Mingyi cannot be compared with that of the king of light brain, it can be regarded as quite powerful in the vast universe. At least a few Dao worlds, there is no such a master of Taoism as the ancestor of Mingyi. Six Tribulations God King.

Two brothers, Zhuge Ziluan and Zhuge Ziyi, stood in front of the ancestor of Mingyi, their eyes flickering constantly.

"The battle of the avenue seems to be getting closer."

Zhuge Zi said seriously.

Zhuge Ziyi shrugged his shoulders uncomfortably.

At this moment, many things are happening in the great universe.

In the future heavenly court, lonely and proud, invited the moon princess, and Zhuge master, stepped into the realm of the Five Tribulations God King back and forth, which makes the future heavenly court's Heavenly Dao Legion instantly stronger by more than one level.

Xuanyuan Aohan also became the Four Tribulations God King.

These are small things.

Long live mountain, sent a message for help to the future heaven, arrived just before Yi Zhuxiang, the leader of the killing, Hou, appeared on Long live mountain alone, he has reached the peak of the Five Tribulations, and the power is like a broken bamboo, no one can stop.

Ever since the champion Hou began to take charge of the killing, the universe has been full of fear for this young and powerful God King. The road he pursued is simply terrifying, without any purpose, it is just killing. The more you kill, the stronger he is.

Before stepping into the Longevity Mountain, champion Hou had already stepped into the Demon Realm, the Chaos Realm, and the Human Realm. However, in these three realms, he did not have a big kill, it was more like a trial. He is still only the Four Tribulations God King, but relying on the power of murder to penetrate the barriers of any world at will, looking for powerful enemies to fight, but in the Demon Realm, Chaos Realm, and Human Realm, he did not get much cheaper.

But Long Live Mountain is completely different. There is no one who can stop the champion.

Zhuge Ziluan, who got the news, immediately informed Jingyu Divine Mansion that the decision on foreign affairs was made by Jingyu Divine Mansion. When Meng Fan was absent, it was Nangong Jingyu and Xuanyuan Aohan who made the decision. The two made a decisive decision by Ramadan and Zhao. Qilin heads to Longevity Mountain to block champion Hou.

But Long Live Mountain is far from the future heaven.

The two are afraid it will take a few days to arrive, but can Long Live Mountain stop the now and stronger champion Hou for a few days?

In the Demon Realm, Demon Maple has also become the God King of the Five Tribulations. According to rumors, he has awakened the blood of Jiucheng Yuanxu old man, and he has controlled the Demon Dao to a peak level. The Dao is unified, just like the central emperor of humanity. And Meng Fan of Heaven.

In another corner of the prehistoric universe, there is a drama that moves the heavens and the earth. Uncountable Buddhas are gathering in a place shrouded in Buddha's light. As the number of Buddhas increases, that place The Buddha's light gradually took shape, erecting like a wall.

The Buddhist realm is about to be established.

And in these short few years, the development speed of Buddhism and Taoism has far exceeded the imagination of the heavens in the future. If it were not for Buddhism and Taoism to call on the Buddhas from all over the universe to gather, no one would have thought that there are already so many. The creatures stepped into the Buddhist path!

In the calculations of the ancestors of Mingyi, the three seals of Buddhism and Taoism, the unity of all principles, the spiritual control of sentient beings, surpasses any kind of avenue, and even surpasses the power of the mind of the dao. It is much easier to enter the second way of evil.

The concept of Buddhism and Taoism, such as the world of bliss, the universal saving of sentient beings, the separation of the self, selflessness, and so on, can easily be imprinted in the hearts of sentient beings. Especially, in the thoughts of Buddha and Tao, a small world of "self-deception" is created for sentient beings , Let the world encounter any misery and setbacks, they will shrink into this small world, become incompetent, and think that they have an epiphany, but in fact they are just hiding their ears.

In the eyes of many **** kings in the heavenly court in the future, Buddhism and Dao are 10,000 times more terrifying than evil ways and devil ways.

The second way of demons is at least openly saying that they are demons, but Buddhism is completely different. In the concept of Buddhism, there is even the idea of ​​cutting flesh and feeding tigers. Isn't this just acting for the tiger? In addition, there is also put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha on the spot. Doesn't the meaning of this sentence mean that the heavier the murder, the harder it is to turn back, but once you turn back, it means that you have greater determination and you can become a Buddha. Isn't that right and evil?

The most terrifying thing about Buddhism is not the power of permanence and impermanence, not cause and effect, not merit, but this kind of not looking at external objects, everything pays attention to inner peace, and even slaughtered sentient beings. As long as you are at peace, you can become a Buddha. This kind of thinking that has no right or wrong is to destroy all right and wrong views, all right and wrong, laid down in the tens of billions of years of the universe.

Even the demon **** king, the demon **** king, the evil **** king, any kind of **** king, as long as they are willing to change their minds, can step into the Buddhist path.

This is horrible.

All of this, according to the calculations of the ancestors of Mingyi, the battle of the Great Dao that Zhuge's family had been paying attention to was about to begin.

Because all kinds of avenues have taken shape one after another and started to act.

Here, it should also include the evil way, the divine way, the dragon way, the human way, the wild way, and the heavenly way.

Moreover, the ethics of these avenues are almost uniform.

Since the human world was overthrown, the humanity and morality have been attributed to the Central Emperor.

The other avenues, except for the waste road where the orthodoxy is not yet present, the other orthodoxes have been unified and have their own power.

Once the orthodoxy is unified and there are no internal problems, all roads will inevitably move towards the same goal, which is to formulate a new order for the new era.

Who can establish a new order is the overlord of the new era.

There can only be one overlord.

Therefore, many avenues will inevitably lead to war.

This is the Great War.

After performing many calculations, the ancestor Mingyi slowly opened his eyes and he woke up.

After a brief trance, the ancestor Mingyi whispered: "All today's avenues and the leaders of these avenues are inextricably linked to Meng Fan.

The Central Emperor, Xumi God Buddha, Champion Hou, Qin Taichuan, and Mo Feng were all Meng Fan’s old enemies and had a life and death battle with Meng Fan.

All **** kings of Shinto regard Meng Fan as a natural enemy.

Dragon Emperor once fought Meng Fan and was forced to retreat.

The leader of Huangdao, Zhantian Giant, is Meng Fan's brother and best friend.

In my thousands of calculations, the storm of this new era will soon begin to rag Catastrophe, and these catastrophes have already come. "

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