Supreme God King

Chapter 2960: Tu Tianzhi

Just one day ago, the Buddhist realm was established.

The establishment of the Buddhism world is also huge. The vast universe and countless buddhists have gathered in the past. The powerful belief and the power of merit have turned the Buddha into a tangible wall, creating a strong barrier and establishing a world. .

Although this **** Sumi is only a five-kalpa **** king, he can rely on his own power to "save all sentient beings" through the Buddhist path, attract countless believers, and build a world of avenues, which makes no leader dare to underestimate it. , If his own strength is infinitely close to the Six Tribulations Divine King, and even surpasses certain Six Tribulations Divine Kings, these leaders will not be surprised.

After the beginning of the new era, the original order is collapsing. The level of the realm certainly means whether the strength is strong or not, but the killing of the higher realm by a low realm is no longer a myth, but has become commonplace.

Just as the Central Emperor had suppressed the Six Tribulations God King Xia Houshun with the posture of the Five Tribulations God King at the beginning, and just as Meng Fan swallowed the Sun and Moon Emperor when he was the Five Tribulations God King, and his opponent had no counterattack.

The masters of these avenues can easily cross the realm to fight the strong.

The Wanfa Divine Emperor obviously did not want many leaders to focus on the Sumi God Buddha, who seemed unhappy, sad, undesirable, for too long, so as not to appear that the Protoss was not indifferent enough, so he looked at the last God King.

This Five Tribulations God King seemed to be too common, but there was an unfettered, unfettered aura on his body, which seemed a little special.

It seems that this Five Tribulations God King seems to be a human race, not handsome, but has a heroic spirit.

After seeing it at a glance, many leaders didn't care too much about the Five Tribulations God King, but the grand old man frowned, and then the war leader became solemn.

Because of the changes in the expressions of the two powerful leaders, the other leaders also began to re-examine the Five Tribulations God King.

Can not help but numb scalp!

First of all, they all felt a sense of oppression from this **** king. This sense of oppression is like encountering a natural enemy, like a sheep encountering a wolf!

Afterwards, they vaguely saw a familiar feeling in the eyebrows and eyes of the Five Tribulations God King.

Seems familiar.

The war leader stood up first, his voice trembling: "Meng Fan..."

That's right!

The body of this Five Tribulations Divine King showed the same aura as Meng Fan everywhere!

"Haha..." The King of Five Tribulations smiled slightly, this expression looked quite mad, completely different from Meng Fan, he slowly stretched out a hand, and three groups of power emerged in his palm.

Many leaders looked over and were shocked again. The three powers in the hands of the Five Tribulations God King are three complete Dao true meanings!

In the Supreme Temple, the atmosphere suddenly became very tense.

"I heard that you created a replica of Meng Fan?" God King of Five Tribulations sneered: "Great, this is finally not letting me give you so much of Meng Fan's blood, but you have Is it necessary to be so scared of Meng Fan? He is just my defeated man."

"Who are you!" the war leader said solemnly.

The King of All Laws said: "He is the King of Transcendence."

"Never heard of it." The old man Hongtu said lightly. Although his expression was gentle, his hands, squeezing the seat tightly, seemed very solemn.

"When the King of Light Brain and the Temple of Science jointly reproduced Meng Fan, he purchased Meng Fan's blood from the world. He provided 21 drops of blood." The scientific leader replied: "These days, he Has always been hidden in the temple of science."

"Thank you too." The detached Dharma King laughed: "Are you mutually beneficial? I have provided you with twenty-one drops of essence and blood, and you have also allowed me to read a large number of banned books in the Protoss library, and gave it to all kinds of things. Treasure and the true meaning of the Great Dao, this allowed me to become the God King of the Five Tribulations, and to grasp the true meaning of the Three Great Dao, and thank you."

The war leader's expression was still serious and did not relax at all: "Who are you?"

However, the war leader obviously did not hope to get an answer from the transcendence King's mouth, and turned around and looked at the King of Ten Thousand Kings.

The Emperor Wanfa did not answer.

The expression is very clear, he also knows nothing about the detachment of the Dharma King.

"Who it is, it doesn't matter." The King of Transcendence shook his head and reintegrated the true meaning of the three great avenues into his body: "In the past, the universe did not know my existence. It was only after I stepped into the black death catastrophe that there was something about it. My news, however, is still a rumor that I have joined the black death army? How could it be possible, I just went and took a look, after the emperor was sealed, I have the ability to take over the power of the emperor and control the black death army, but, black The death catastrophe is indeed out of control, not someone can control it.

You just need to remember that if you want to get rid of Meng Fan, you need my help, because I have defeated him once, and I can defeat him the second time! "

The faces of the leaders are still covered with clouds.

This detached Dharma king seemed too mysterious and full of unknowns.

The Emperor Wanfa Divine Emperor broke the deadlock and said to Akdor: "Arcane Empire, how many people have been sent this time?"

"In addition to me, there are two thousand **** kings, but these are not important, the dean of the Winter Academy, is also here."

Aktor's voice was thick, not at all like a woman.

Many leaders were surprised again.

In the Arcane Empire, there are a total of four Kings of Six Tribulations. They are powerful. They are King's Hand Steve, Guard Knight Commander Akdor, Dragon King Zhuogen, and the Dean of Winter Academy.

The dean of the Winter Academy seems to be very respected in the Arcane Empire. It is said that the emperor of the Arcane Empire was his teacher when he was young, and he was very powerful.

"You sent such a large army here, do you want to deal with Meng Fan, or capture your traitor Dragon King Zhuo Gen?" There was some mockery in the words of the old man Hongtu.

"Heavenly Dao Meng Fan suppressed Lord Shi Weifu. We are here this time to rescue Lord Shi Weifu and punish Meng Fan who insulted the Arcane Empire." Akdor said coldly, "As for the Dragon King Zhuogen, he abandoned the arcane arts. The empire, but at the same time as his betrayal, many curses and imprints on his body also began to work, he will be weakened and become very weak, and we guess that he will rush back to the Arcane Empire with all his strength, because of his people It’s all in our hands, so he shouldn’t worry about it."

The Emperor Wanfa looked at the God Buddha Xumi again.

God Xumi put his hands together first, giving a polite ceremony, and then said in a loud voice: "We have no desires and no desires in Buddhism, just to let sentient beings free from the shackles of heaven and reach the other shore. Secondly, I’m here to help you, and to do our responsibilities as a member of the Heavenly Dao Alliance, to eradicate Meng Fan from the Heavenly Dao, and to bury the gods and buddhas, the gods and the sages, and eight hundred arhats."

The Buddha realm is now established, and some features have gradually become clear. In the Buddha realm, the highest status is the Buddha, but there are only three Buddhas, the Buddha of Sumi, the Buddha of Roots, and the Buddha of Xianjie. Below them are the Arhats. , Are some powerful kings of Buddhism, Taoism and God, almost all of them are three or four calamities.

"I will deduce cause and effect, and lay down a large network of cause and effect, and lay the foundation for our strategy of killing the sky." said the **** Xumi. "Good, good. Karma is invincible, everything has cause and effect, Meng Fan is also in cause and effect, he can't escape, he can't escape."

The Emperor of Wanfa nodded deeply: "Since Meng Fan is the Dao of Heaven, we must slaughter the heavens. After the slaughter, the Alliance of Heavens will rule the roost! All realms, demon realms, and wild realms must be surrendered to the alliance of heavens!"

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