Supreme God King

Chapter 2989: Deprive the body

The summit of Mount Xumi.

The well head is shattering.

The complexion of the Buddha of Root Burial and the God of Xian Tribulation became paler.

On Mount Xumi, among the 800 arhats, people vomited blood and fainted to the ground.

The brows of God Buddha Xumi were beating violently, and his expression became more solemn. Although he tried his best to suppress the meaning of cause and effect in the pillars of martial art, this meaning of cause and effect was like a heart and a horse, not under his control, and did not listen to his will. !


The **** Xumi murmured a word.

The sound is too small to be heard at all.

At the moment he said nothing.

All the seals outside the well head burst into cracks and turned into countless messy rules, like catkins flying all over the sky!

Mount Xumi shook violently, like an earth dragon rolling!

This shock quickly spread from Mount Xumi, spreading to every corner of the Buddhist world.

The foundation of Buddhism is Buddhism. The foundation of Buddhism is permanence and impermanence. Permanence is cause and effect.

The vibration of cause and effect is the vibration of Buddhism and Taoism.

The vibration of the Buddha's path is the vibration of the Buddhist realm!

Since its establishment, the huge Buddhist realm has been called the Pure Land of Bliss. The Buddha's light is shining, all beings are peaceful, and there is no fighting. There are hundreds of thousands of secular dynasties here, and there are no soldiers to fight. The people of Li people in these dynasties only need to worship daily It is enough to provide incense, the power of faith, and the power of pious merit for Mount Xumi.

At this moment, the catastrophe fell from the sky, and the violent shaking instantly destroyed countless cities, even some secular dynasties, and they were directly reduced to ashes!

Especially the temples dedicated to the gods of Xumi, the gods of roots, the gods of virtuous robbery, and the Buddha statues in them have cracks. The power of belief and merit are all collapsing against the current and circling ragingly.

The summit of Mount Xumi.

God Buddha Xumi closed his eyes lightly.

He sits cross-legged on the ground, with five hearts facing the sky, his hands folded.

"Everything has cause and effect, and everything is definite."

The Root Burial God Buddha and the Xianjie God Buddha were in the center of the shock, and blood was vomiting out of their mouths. Hearing these words, he couldn't help but his face was greenish, clutching his chest and panting violently.

The Xianjie God Buddha said solemnly: "Could it be..."

Xumi God Buddha did not say a word.

A group of extremely pure laws, like strands of intertwined silk threads, came out of his body and fell into the well.


The shock of the Buddhist world ceased.

In the well head, there is also a piece of clear water.

The breath of the **** Xumi is getting weaker and weaker.

The summit of Mount Xumi was dead silent.

The root burial **** Buddha broke the silence: "This is..."

Xian Jie Shen Buddha gritted his teeth and said: "Immediately set up the Altar for Consummation, Buddha... is going to sit down.


On Mount Xumi, there were bursts of exclamation.

"The Buddha is going to sit down! The Buddha's dying, the era of the end of the Dharma is coming, the Buddha and the path will encounter the disaster of extinction, immediately arrange the consummation altar, concentrate all the power of merit, let the Buddha Nirvana, choose a successor!"

"Meng Fan..."

"He has mastered the cause and effect."

Xian Jie Shen Buddha long exhaled, his eyes flickering violently.

"In this world, except for the Great Chaos Emperor who has disappeared for a long time, I am afraid that no one can stop him, there is no..."


Lift up to the sky.

The grand old man, the lonely proud, Joel, and Xie Jingyi are fighting in the air. The confrontation of the four six-tribulation **** kings continues to attract the visions of heaven and earth, and even the heavens and thunder fall, and the sky is constantly shaken. Rolling down the boulder, raising dust and sand.

Gu Xinao and Xie Jing were gradually at a disadvantage.

Because Yangtianqi has been under the control of the Heavenly Dao Alliance for six months, countless formations have been arranged, and more than 4,000 God Kings of the Heavenly Dao Alliance are gathered here. Although these **** kings cannot participate in the four six During the battle of King Jie Shen, they could spur a large formation and severely suppress Gu Xinao and Xie Jingyi.

In addition, Gu Xin Ao is still a young King of Six Tribulations, and his foundation is not strong enough. After all, he is not Meng Fan. He can be called a generation of arrogance. After the breakthrough, Gu Xin Ao has not fully matured in six months.

The difference between him and the veteran king of the gods like Hongtu old man, the King Kong of the Protoss, is still huge.

As the battle gradually separated the high and low, the grand old man suddenly dropped his palm, and his palm instantly changed to hundreds of meters in size, like a sky curtain, suppressing the loneliness and pride on the sky, and then shouted to all directions: "Don't push The formation method suppressed the two of them, fully urged the formation method, and at all costs, killed Meng Fan's body under the sky!"

Meng Fan, who has been suppressed for six months, has a threat that far surpasses Guxinao and Xie Jingyi!

Go beyond countless times!

Look to the east of the sky dome.

The detached Karmapa sitting on the ground was expressionless and didn't know what he was thinking. After a long time, he suddenly got up, faced a row of twelve monumental monuments, opened his mouth, swallowed these monuments, too late to go. Refining, immediately got up and stepped on the void to leave.

But at the moment he just got up, his body suddenly weighed ten thousand times, and crashed to the ground, setting off a huge wave of sand with cracks!

The Dharma King looked stunned. He found that these twelve monumental monuments had become too heavy, so heavy that he could not even move them!

He turned his head in amazement and looked at the sky dome behind him.

Vaguely, he saw a hand.

A delicate hand.

Facing the direction where he was, he greeted slightly.

"Do not……"

The face of the detached King was lamented.

He shook his head gently, rejecting what would happen next.

But it still happened.

Twelve immortal monuments blasted his body to pieces and flew towards the sky!

In addition to these twelve immortal monuments, there are three great avenues that have been refined in his body.

The meaning of dragon elephant.

The great dragons and elephants are the first to step into the source of the heavens and plunder the true meaning of the great avenue. Not only are the gods plundering the power of heaven, but the heavens are also being plundered again and again, gaining the power of the **** Myself, the meaning of this dragon and elephant, is the power that heaven nurtured after the death of the great dragon and elephant master.

Unruly, majestic, unruly.

It symbolizes the good wishes and strong longings of creatures!

The true meaning of this avenue, no one knew in the past years, only appeared in the prehistoric universe after the beginning of the new era. Because the emperor was sealed, the heavens began to decline, although the gate of the source of the heavens was still tightly closed. , No **** king can step into it, but many powers of the heavens are lost from the source of the heavens.

The detachment of the Dharma King controlled the meaning of dragons and elephants, and even vaguely felt that the true meaning of this avenue has a strong power to restrain the dragons and ancient elephants. Issues.

The meaning of violent.

It is the true meaning of the Great Dao that has been brewed in the great catastrophes of the era, fierce and manic, and possesses the power to surpass the dominance and the meaning of the king.

The meaning of rainbow light.

For the true meaning of all the rays of light in the world, it is a sign of auspiciousness, and the appearance of luck.

The true meaning of the three great avenues shattered the pillars of martial arts that transcended the Dharma King, and merged into the dome of heaven!

Suddenly, the body of the surpassing Dharma King and the pillars of martial arts were shattered into powder, leaving only the incomplete soul that escaped from the shattering, immediately falling into the chaotic body and fleeing desperately.

The chaotic body is far less powerful than the heavenly body. His chaotic body is only the God King of Three Tribulations, so he was full of fear on the way to escape.

At this moment, a voice rang in the mind of the King of Transcendence.

"You can't die so easily. I will deprive you of the body that doesn't belong to you, and leave your own body. You will live forever in the shadow of being chased by me and the Great Primal Chaos."

Running beyond fear of the King.

I dare not look back.

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