Supreme God King

Chapter 2991: Fear of god

"Suppress Meng Fan!"

A stern shout sounded around the sky above the sky.

Six months ago, the Heavenly Dao Alliance suppressed Meng Fan.

They thought they could do it again.

In the past six months, the Protoss has risen rapidly.

Because of the decline of heaven, the **** race can walk between heaven and earth like other sentient beings, and the damnation almost disappeared.

Because of the decline of the gods, the probability of survival of the Protoss babies is getting higher and higher.

At the same time, for the past six months, the newly born Protoss created by the King of Light Brain and the Temple of Science have been born every day. There are now thousands of them. Not only have these newly born Protoss escaped the scourge, but the martial arts and spirits are extremely perfect. And it has a better calculation ability than the ancient gods.

The God Realm surpassed the human realm in six months and became the most powerful avenue world in the universe. The Heavenly Dao Alliance built around the God Realm is also the most powerful force today.

Many Dao worlds are now facing three crises that will definitely occur, the black death catastrophe, the civilization of the returnees, and the recovery of the emperor.

With these three crises, the black death catastrophe was imminent, and the meeting was launched. The God Realm was like the leader of this meeting, the Emperor of Ten Thousand Laws, like the lord of heaven and earth.

All these made the Protoss' confidence soar in six months.

Amidst the overwhelming shouts, the sea of ​​clouds above the sky was rolled.

"All beings live in this world, even if an ant lives tenaciously, it is respectable." Standing on the sky, Meng Fan said faintly: "After all, the Protoss is the descendant of the sages of the primordial era of Hongmeng, yours History is the tragic song and the origin of everything. What you carry is the lament that lasts for hundreds of millions of years. I will respect an ant and I will respect you too. What a pity, what a pity."

Meng Fan stretched out a hand.

"It's a pity it's the enemy."

Then, he waved his arm.

The grand old man in the void, staring at Meng Fan closely at this moment, did not dare to relax, even the arrogant enemy close at hand, he didn't even look at it. He was very vigilant when Meng Fan made any movements.

But Meng Fan just waved his arm.

It's that simple.

In the eyes of the Hongtu old man, Meng Fan didn't release any power. It seemed that even the pillar of martial art hadn't rotated a bit, and even the slightest vitality had not been emitted.

Just waved.

At the moment when the grand plan old man is surprised.

The moment when thousands of protoss rushed towards Meng Fan near the sky above the sky.

The laws of this world trembled slightly.

The tremor was so slight that no **** king could understand, see clearly, or understand what the tremor meant.

Until the thunder resounded in the sea of ​​clouds.

The old man Hongtu suddenly lowered his head!

This was not his own action, but a strong pressure on him. It was too sudden that his head drooped, and even the bones of the whole body rattled and the spine was bent!

The old man Hongtu felt a huge power hovering beside him. This power distorted all the laws around him. The old man Hongtu couldn't see clearly with his eyes and could not hear with his ears.

He gritted his teeth and said: "Heaven's scourge...Heaven's scourge!"

There are more than 4,000 **** kings stationed near the Vault of Heaven, of which more than half are **** kings of the gods, and 30% are **** kings of the Arcane Empire. The rest are some monitors and golden stone puppets sent by the Infinite Domain. .

The moment the old man in Hongtu uttered the word Scourge.

Among the more than 4,000 **** kings, nearly half of them knelt on the ground!

Yes, the body was crushed in half, and flesh and blood flew!

Nearly half of these are the Protoss!

The old man Hongtu tried his best to turn his head and looked at Meng Fan on the sky. His eyes were full of fear and disbelief, even vaguely, with a hint of despair.

The Emperor of Heaven was sealed, Meng Fan was suppressed, and the way of heaven fell, and the gods, who were on the opposite side of the way, rose.

This is a matter of course.

The relationship between the heavens, the gods, the Meng Fan, and the returnee civilization is quite interesting.

It can be regarded as a dynasty. Heavenly Dao and Protoss are all the princes of this dynasty. They fight together for the supreme authority, and this supreme authority is the throne.

Heaven has won, so the Protoss will be suppressed everywhere.

This suppression is God's Scourge.

Newborns of the Protoss have to withstand a powerful tribulation, so in the history of tens of billions of years, only tens of thousands of powerful Protoss have multiplied.

The law of Heavenly Dao restrains sentient beings, but the restraint on the Protoss is the strongest. Therefore, the Protoss can only live in the Divine Kingdom in the past. It was a shelter they built for themselves, built by the laws of God, and was not suppressed by the laws of Heaven.

Later, Tiandao was sealed, which can be understood as a serious illness of the emperor.

As a result, the condemnation and suppression of the Protoss became weak, and the Protoss was able to breathe and develop itself quickly.

However, the Protoss is not the first heir to the "throne".

The first heir is Meng Fan.

Meng Fan assumed the imperial power as the prince.

The Protoss suppressed Meng Fan.

Then the Protoss will rise as a matter of course. Without any scourge or suppression, the most powerful race in the primordial universe has begun to show its ambitions. No one can stop it, and it will gradually inherit the power of heaven!

Now that Meng Fan has escaped the suppression, the Protoss will be affected by Heaven's Scourge.

But the grand old man would never think of it.

Meng Fan did not mobilize any force, used any means, and directly caused endless condemnations and curses to the gods in this piece of heaven and earth. The gods here bear the condemnation more than at any time in the past. , Must be several times stronger!

The old man Hongtu vaguely guessed what Meng Fan did.

He did not urge any force.

He just moved his thoughts.

The will of heaven!

This is the source of the fear and despair in the eyes of the Hongtu old man!

In the past, Meng Fan was just a "prince", acting as an agent to exercise imperial power. Although the longer the emperor was seriously ill, the "prince" could further consolidate his position and power and cultivate his own team, but he was after all the prince.

As long as the emperor is still there, even if he is unconscious, he will always be the prince.

At this moment, he only moved his thoughts, and with a single will, he changed the world, created a powerful scourge, and suppressed all the gods, and even some of the lower gods have attracted billowing thunder and lightning. The storm was torn into pieces, and even the soul was wiped out instantly!

This is simply not what the "Prince" can do!

This is what the "emperor" can do!

The real dragon gets angry and can lay a million corpses without **** himself!

Even if it is a grand old man, a dignified king of six tribulations, the overlord of heaven and earth, at this moment, he still feels that it is difficult to mobilize the pillar of martial arts, and even he has a hunch that if he dares to urge the pillar of martial arts, he will immediately be attracted. The bombardment of various laws of heaven!

The gentle Meng Fan took a step forward.

At this step, he came directly between Hongtu old man and Gu Xin proud, only a few steps away from Hongtu old man.

For a moment, the old man of Hongtu was full of energy and blood, and his spirit was languid, and his mind was unable to calm down. It was like a lamb who saw a tiger, instinctively afraid and withdrawn.

Encountered the fear of absolute natural enemies!

"I have compassion for all beings."

Meng Fan spoke. His tone was no longer the overbearing and fierceness he had when he had just achieved the Dao of Heaven, nor was he lost the confusion and perdition of watching Tian Zhimei in Faxiangtian, but he was like a person who saw everything through, smiling. Meet all the old men.

Another realm.

A state that is difficult for the old man to understand.

A state of...extremely confident.

"The past me may be as ruthless as the heavenly way. Today I will even have mercy on an ant. The elegy of the Protoss should not be sung by me. In front of me, the Protoss will always be weak-I hope I can bother you , Bring a message to the Emperor of Ten Thousand Fas."

The old man Hongtu raised his head hard, his eyes were already covered with blood, and every inch of skin on his face was shaking.

Meng Fan said peacefully: "Tell the God Emperor of Ten Thousand Fas that the Protoss will give up the power of the heavens and give up forever. As long as he agrees, he will no longer be an enemy of the heavens in the future. The future world will always have a place in the Gods. This is my promise. ."

The grand old man, after all, is a King Kong of the Protoss who has experienced countless lives and deaths. He still has great pride in his heart. Even in this case, the more than 2,000 Protoss were suppressed by Meng Fan in an instant. Under the circumstances of the counterattack, the old man Hongtu had already grown strong fear and despair in his heart, he still gritted his teeth.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because the future world order will be formulated by the future heaven." Meng Fan said indifferently.

"It's a big tone... What if you don't agree?"

"The Protoss will be annihilated." Meng Fan said earnestly: "However, I will leave behind some species of the Protoss, the oldest race, which cannot disappear into the world like this. I can't bear it. Qing Yao is also a Protoss. I will take care of it. she was."

Stop talking.

Meng Fan flicked his finger.

"Go, tell the Emperor Wanfa Divine Emperor."

Following Meng Fan's "Go".

The old man Hongtu opened his eyes wide, and his body retreated uncontrollably, and suddenly fell into a distorted space, moving in a way he couldn't understand.

Lonely and proud came to Meng Fan's side.

"You have the cause and effect." Gu Xin asked proudly.

Meng Fan nodded.

"I can feel that heaven is already in your hands."

"Not yet, it's still the most important step." Meng Fan turned and looked at the old friend who had been with him for so long. "The Emperor of Heaven is still alive."

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