Supreme God King

Chapter 2995: All over the world

The more than a dozen dimensions of Arcane civilization have been changed by the Arcane Empire.

Layers of dimensions are superimposed on top of each other. The lowest dimension is the most extensive. The laws and vitality are thin, and the creatures are weak. Most of them are secular dynasties, and there are various strange civilizations.

No matter how high the dimension is, monks and sects appear. In the eyes of the lowest dimension, these monks are called arcanists or wizards.

The higher the dimension, the more powerful forces.

The highest dimension is the Arcane Empire.

The style and architecture of the Arcane Empire are very distinctive. Between the castles and the cities are dense forests. In those forests are all kinds of strange arcane creatures. There are many creatures that Meng Fan has never seen. of.

Surrounded by circles of castles, cities, fields, and villages is the capital of the Arcane Empire. The towering walls surround the entire capital. Towers are densely covered with arcane formations and many gods. Wang Yu walks.

The four **** kings Meng Fan, Xie Jingyi, Lone Heart Proud, and Joel stood on a mountain outside the capital, and their existence could not be detected by any formation.

very quiet.

Joel looked at Meng Fan's eyes, full of fear.

In the sky above the sky, Meng Fan’s tremendous power after his recovery left a deep mark in Joel’s heart. More than four thousand gods could not be approached. The old man Hongtu, one of the best in the gods, was thrown out like a ball. After that, Meng Fan came to the Arcane Empire in just half an hour.

All these methods made Joel, an old monster who had lived for too long, trembled.

This power is beyond his understanding.

Meng Fan sat quietly on the hillside like this, looking like a handsome young man, blending with the surrounding bushes and grass, like a resting walker, light and breezy, undesirable, and the past years The impression left by Zhongmeng Fan on the gods of the heavens is completely different.

"what are you going to do?"

Joel finally couldn't help it, and questioned.

After Meng Fan easily sealed all his power, he only said one sentence, sending him back to the Arcane Empire, and he was here.

What made Joel most flustered was Meng Fan's composure.

His domineering, fierce, and cold-heartedness were gone.

This indifferent, seemingly indifferent attitude made Joel very uneasy.

Meng Fan turned his head and glanced at Joel.

Those clear eyes made Joel feel naked for a moment, as if everything had been seen through and his mind had been seen through.

"I used to be like walking on thin ice. I have had many friends and many enemies along the way. These enemies are now almost all leaders of one party, and they even dominate the world. They are the trendies of the new era.

In the process of rising, these enemies are all around me, so I must be fierce and cold. "

Meng Fan retracted his gaze.

Joel's mind became more restless.

Meng Fan's words did not finish.

Joel had to think about the rest.

Meng Fan picked up a stone from the ground and whispered softly: "This unbroken mountain peak surrounds the Arcane Empire capital. It is the dragon vein of the Arcane Empire. This dragon vein contains amazing spiritual energy and nourishes all things. The foundation of the capital is also built on the dragon veins."

Meng Fan shot the stone out.

This small movement also caused Joel's eyelids to jump violently, and now he was already a frightened bird.

"The sentient beings of the Arcane Empire have only seen Aolong, have they seen a pure blood dragon?"

Meng Fan asked.

Joel pondered for a moment. Although his mind was up and down, he still maintained the demeanor of the Arcane Empire Winter Academy. He replied: "After the new era opens, the Arcane Empire begins to come into contact with the monk civilization. There are almost no people. I have really seen a pure blood dragon."

"All beings have dragon nature, do you know what dragon nature is?"

Facing Meng Fan's question, Joel did not answer.

"All beings are eager to soar into the sky like a great dragon, unfettered, change their fate against the sky, step into the source of the heavens, and say that my fate is mine."

Meng Fan said, looking at the blue sky of the Arcane Empire, he whispered softly, "Fly."

The voice fell to the ground.

After a few breaths.

The earth shook slightly.

Some pebbles on the hillside rolled down.

Joel clearly saw that from Meng Fan's body, there were waves of the true meaning of the power flowing out of Meng Fan's body, continuously blending into the ground under his feet, and reaching deep into the ground.

The shaking of the earth became stronger and stronger.

This shock spread all over the capital of the Arcane Empire!

The sentient beings began to exclaim.

Is this an earthquake?

With such a powerful force as the Arcane Empire, changing the world and suppressing the luck, how could an earthquake occur, and it is in the capital again?

Joel's lips trembled.

Although all his powers were sealed, he was still a six-tribulation **** after all, and he could still see exactly what happened.

Vaguely, he saw the appearance of a dragon in the depths of the capital.

That is the underground dragon vein that has nourished the capital of the Arcane Empire for tens of millions of years, possessing spirituality, life, and truly opening up wisdom and awakening!

The true meaning of the Great Dao that Meng Fan injected into it, the power of good fortune, order, laws, figures, dragons, etc. gave it life!

This dragon is too big.

It is huge enough to be equivalent to a big world!

Connected end to end, it can almost wrap up half of the capital of the Arcane Empire!

As the dragon awakened, the earthquake became more and more violent.

All the foundations of the capital were built on the ground veins, including many formations. The dragon awakened. These formations began to fall apart, continue to collapse, and many houses also collapsed.

Joel looked at everything in shock.

Xie Jingyi, lonely and arrogant, silently felt this huge power.

Meng Fan did not go to see the capital, but raised his head and looked at the sky.

"Arcane is the evolution of martial arts, but it is not inherently powerful. However, if the Arcane Empire's ability to create everything out of thin air, if it continues to develop, after hundreds or thousands of years, it will undergo a qualitative change. Martial arts are different. At that time, the Arcane Empire can completely build the Dao World and become a powerful existence. This power should not be buried, it will be used by the heavens in the future, and I will not completely destroy the Arcane Empire. This is too cruel. Everything appears for a reason, and it has gone through all kinds of hardships before it survives. Any small thing, a small creature, should not be easily wiped out."

Meng Fan held out his palm facing the blue sky.

"I'm just destroying the capital of the Arcane Empire. In other places, I will not move everything. Besides, I need to suppress your students, the emperor of the Arcane Empire."

Keep palms together.

In the sky, the law evolves, the wind and the clouds meet, the clouds and brilliance of the sky, gathered together, also turned into a faint dragon shape.

Immediately afterwards, a long dragon chant resounded through the world!

"There are dragon veins in the ground, formations in the void, and the law of heaven and earth is a bit interesting."

Meng Fan used his other hand to place it on the ground beneath his feet.

Then, his hands were slapped together.

The underground dragon veins burst out of the ground and emerged from the depths of the capital, and immediately many parts of the huge capital burst apart!

The dragon in the sky also fell.

The two giant dragons issued a long roar, quickly circling around the capital city, and huge winds and waves were formed between the rotation of the huge laws, tearing up the fragile formations at the edges of the capital city.

However, the capital of the Arcane Empire has existed for tens of millions of years, and the accumulated formation, foundation, and heritage are amazing and majestic. Although the two dragons, one is transformed by the land of the Arcane Empire. One was transformed by the sky of the capital, but it only destroyed the formations around the capital, and was immediately blocked by the solid formations on the towering walls. The law storm did not penetrate deeply.

However, the two giant dragons were connected end to end, constantly rotating in the same direction outside the capital.

The law also changed from a messy storm to a grand vortex.

This magnificent vortex continuously polished all defenses around the capital.

Joel looked at in surprise, muttering in his mouth: "Mill..."

"Yes." Meng Fan was still sitting on the ground, the clouds were light and the wind was light, and the storm in front of him did not disturb his voice. "It's like grinding rice."

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