Supreme God King

Chapter 2998: Temper

In a wasteland of arcane civilization.

Many Aolong clan gathered.

After the Arcane Empire suppressed the Aolong clan, the Aolong clan was divided into several categories, some of which directly joined the Arcane Empire, served in the palace, and even became Augustus's mounts.

In the other part, several small kingdoms have been established successively, all of which are subject to the Arcane Empire.

Only a small part remained. Although it did not surrender to the Arcane Empire, it no longer resisted and survived in the reservations divided by the Arcane Empire.

This wasteland is a reserve.

At this moment, in the minds of many Aolong clan, the sight of the imperial capital of the Arcane Empire appeared, and they clearly saw Augustus falling to the altar.

These Aolong clan were still in shock. They were shocked by the sight just now to the point where they couldn't be furthered, and they couldn't react for a while.

at this time.

From an underground cave in the wasteland, a black dragon suddenly jumped up and laughed wildly.

It is the Dragon King Zhuo Gen!


The laughter of Dragon King Zhuogen disturbed the turbulent flow of clouds and mist between heaven and earth, flying sand and rocks on the earth.

"Finally, let me wait until today! It's him, Meng Fan, Heavenly Dao. The moment I saw him suppress Shi Weifu, I knew he would become the savior of the Aolong clan. Finally, it's finally time to wait!

Immediately inform all the tribal leaders of the Aolong clan, that is today, it is time for our Aolong clan to rise and overthrow the Arcane Empire! "


The capital of the Arcane Empire was constantly crushed by two giant dragons of heaven and earth.

In the palace, all the power of the imperial emperor Augustus has been shattered, leaving only a divine king's exorcism and a broken pillar of martial arts. The current Augustus is just an ordinary one-half god.

This scene once happened. After the champion Hou was defeated by Meng Fan, he fell directly from the Three Tribulations God King with a high status in the Faxiang Dynasty to a mortal, but Meng Fan had predicted that the character and talent of the champion Hou would even become a mortal. It won't take long to return to the top. With his understanding of martial arts, just a few years is enough.

As a result, the champion Hou returned to the realm of the King of God in just a few months. After that, he realized the way of killing, beheading the leader of the king’s sanctuary, becoming the Taiyi Holy King, integrating Taiyi martial art with his own killing method. One body, the experience has become a kind of martial art that will be terrifying no matter who hears or sees it, and can only kill one word.

And Augustus, in the eyes of Meng Fan, is completely finished. His starting point and achievements are higher than those of the previous champions, but now he is almost impossible to win The realm begins and returns to the peak.

Augustus was born an emperor, pampered with dignity, and the arcane civilization he was born is not as powerful as the monk civilization. As the King of Seven Tribulations, he is the supreme existence.

His life is also a smooth journey.

This kind of people, once they fall for a while, will be sorrowful and can't get through easily, let alone fall from the altar to the bottom in an instant?

People who have not experienced failure, people who have been in a high position, once experienced failure and injured, the impact is huge.

Unlike Champion Hou, he was a beggar struggling between life and death since he was born. In order to survive, he killed many people before he entered the martial arts. Champion Hou and Hongtu old man have experienced countless times. The ups and downs have been tempered.

Augustus's life is magnanimous, but it is very similar to the Central Emperor, but between the two, there is a big difference in xinxing. The Central Emperor is a generation of outstanding people that even Meng Fandu admires. The heart and temperament are both admirable and more eye-catching. It is lofty, so the central emperor was defeated. Although he would sink for a while, he would always rise again.

Augustus couldn't do it.

What's more, the sight of him being stepped naked by Meng Fan has spread throughout the vast arcane civilization!

Meng Fan waved his hand, and the condensed legal power gathered from the void in all directions was continuously refined in Meng Fan's hands.

The purest and most sturdy law was refined and transformed into the seal, space, time, world, order, and law of the Dao true meanings, and then condensed into a square, smooth monument.

"This monument will be weathered a thousand years later, or it doesn't matter if a powerful existence appears in this thousand years. It doesn't matter if this monument is broken. This is a huge catastrophe for you. If you can overcome the emotions of fear, humiliation, grief, anger, negativity, etc. in your heart, you will truly transform, grow up, and become a true emperor."

Meng Fan said faintly towards Augustus.

Augustus was groaning, lying on the ground, his whole body was gone, he could not move at all.

"This, even if it is an experience, any powerful existence in the prehistoric universe has gone through various experiences and tests. No one can frankly become the peak hegemon and rule one side. This is not right, I To correct this error."

Meng Fan’s voice spread throughout the Arcane Empire. Every monk heard it clearly. His voice was huge and loud, and there was also a kind of holy power. It made people feel that he was not destroying arcane arts for personal grievances. The empire, but a god, came to experience the arcane empire!

Flick your finger.

The monument fell and was crushed on Augustus.

On the smooth monument, one after another appeared. These words are like a heavenly book. They use the law of heaven and earth to write a story, which is what happened today.

Augustus was completely suppressed.

Unless there is a strong man who can break Meng Fan’s seal, Augustus will be suppressed for a thousand years. During this thousand years, all his power will be completely sealed, because here Under the monument, the speed of time flowing is very slow, or even not flowing. In this thousand years, he can do nothing but think.

In today's cosmos, there are very few people who can unlock Meng Fan's seal.

"Bring your hatred, perhaps, regard me as an enemy that must be killed, or find the way forward in your heart, transform it, and grow up."

Meng Fan speaks with a heart and heart, as if to teach a weak junior.

It shows a kind of tolerance and compassion of "Heaven" for all beings.

"Heaven will give a great responsibility to the people of Sri Lanka. You must first suffer from his mind, his muscles and bones, his body and skin hungry, his body and behavior are empty, and his behavior is chaotic. Therefore, he is tempted to endure what he cannot."

Meng Fan left such a paragraph and turned and walked outside the palace.

Outside the palace.

Hundreds of kings, marquis, and guard knights gathered!

The backbone of these arcane empires, the blade power, has been shocked by the previous scenes, unable to move their steps and figure, just watching them quietly and staying silent.

Even the Guards Knights, which had undergone various cruel training since their youth, couldn't say a word at this moment, and looked completely shocked.

Because, since their teenage years, they have been instilled with the idea that Augustus is the highest god.

These Guardian Knights have a glorious task to protect their gods.

These thoughts grew up with them.

Augustus is also an excellent performer. His clothes and appearance, including the fact that he must ride Oron wherever he goes, to show his only merit, are all calculated.

Now, this **** is suppressed like a drowning dog.

So, if Augustus is not a god, why do they fight?

So, if Augustus were all gods, what kind of existence was this man who easily destroyed Augustus?

Meng Fan ignored these gods and walked out step by step.


A woman walked out from the crowd.

This woman, dressed in a long pink gauze dress, has an exquisite body, looming, her face is quite three-dimensional, her skin is fair, and her eyes are light blue, which is quite strange.

He is a God King of the Four Tribulations.

Meng Fan's gaze swept away, and he could see that the blood of Augustus was flowing on this woman, who was the heir of Augustus.

After the woman appeared, she suddenly knelt down in front of Meng Fan.

"I beg you, tolerate the Arcane Empire, and release my father...I beg you..."

The woman said in tears, she could see that her heart was also full of fear for Meng Fan, but she forcibly resisted this fear and gave up her noble status, bowed down and prayed for forgiveness.

This knowledge of current affairs and this decisive abandonment of dignity made Meng Fan a little admired.

However, it is impossible for him to be changed by such a small matter.

"The arcane empire needs training. This is the training I prepared for the arcane empire. After this training, the arcane empire is qualified to stand in the prehistoric cosmos. Let’s coup, civil strife, bleed, Fight together."

Meng Fan stepped out, rolled up Xie Jingyi and Lonely Heart, and left the Arcane Empire.

There was still a sideline and witnessed everything, Joel, the Dean of Winter Academy who had become a mortal.

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