Supreme God King

Chapter 3002: Domineering truth

There is no distinction between upper and lower in the universe.

It is because of the birth of heaven, the emergence of the source of the heavens, and the great famine of the universe that up and down appear.

The source of the heavens has always been the supreme location of the primordial universe and the source of the laws of heaven and earth. Therefore, the direction of the source of the heavens is upward. All **** kings have their feet on the earth and the highest position invisible above their heads. It is the source of the heavens.

Now, the source of the heavens, began to move.

So up, down, left, right, east, west, south and north, all directions began to change.

This impact is huge.

As the source of the heavens moves, all worlds and dimensions will also rotate, always moving in the direction of the source of the heavens.

The high dimensionality that was once may no longer be high. The oppressed high dimensionality will gradually unfold and squeeze other worlds because it loses the **** of the heavenly way; it was once weak, and the vitality and laws are very thin, but because there is no heavenly way The law is suppressed, so the very ambitious low-dimensionality may gradually become a high-dimensionality and squeezed by the powerful laws of heaven.

Everything will change.

And this change can be estimated.

Because the source of the heavens is moving in the direction of the future heaven, so the closer to the dimension of the future heaven, the future will be the higher dimension.

However, this process is also long.


The future heaven.

Zai Fu Shenfu.

The fate is endless, galloping.

In the long river of fate, the ancestor of Mingyi was also in the center of the torrent of soul. At the same time, he also felt the long river of destiny and the baptism of Meng Fan's various powers.

Suddenly, the ancestor of Mingyi opened his eyes and mouth, and three beams of light burst out from their eyes and mouth!

The light stone is so intense and condensed, as if it were an entity.

Meng Fan looked at Mingyi's ancestor quietly.

For a long time, Meng Fan whispered: "It's time to come."

His voice fell.

Obey the laws of heaven and earth!

A catastrophe fell from the sky and bombarded Mingyi's ancestor.

Meng Fan waved.

"time to go."

Obey the law of heaven and earth!

This catastrophe exploded quickly and condensedly, and then quickly disappeared.

The ancestor of Mingyi, a cloud of smoke appeared all over his body, panting.

His appearance, a little bit, regained his youth.

From an old-fashioned person, he gradually became a middle-aged person.

Strong young and full of energy.

The ancestor Mingyi sat up, the emotions and emotions on his face gradually disappeared.

He became the King of Seven Tribulations.

"The long river of destiny has taken shape." Meng Fan said to the ancestor Mingyi with his hands behind him: "Here is the source of the long river of destiny, ancestor Mingyi, you have to take charge of the source of the long river of destiny for the future heaven.

In the future, the spiritual power of all creatures in the heavenly court will be connected by the meaning of cause and effect as a thread, which is a powerful calculation ability. Fate is the result of all calculations. You are in charge of the source of the long river of fate, and you have this calculation. ability.

Although this kind of calculation ability is not enough to compare with the calculation ability of the King of Light Brain, the King of Light Brain can only calculate, and does not have a deep understanding of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. This is our advantage. At the same time, the more When creatures join the heavenly court in the future, the destiny will be greater, and the calculus will be more powerful. "

"Understood." The ancestor Mingyi nodded gently. "This feeling is really wonderful." He stretched out his hand and gently stroked the long river of fate. This river, like a creature, responded to his touch and set off a wave.

"Don't be fooled by this feeling." Meng Fan solemnly said: "The meaning of destiny is the last born true meaning of the Great Dao, and it is also the most powerful true meaning of the Great Dao, but destiny is too strong. Once spread out, all beings will be destined. Fetters, you are in charge of the source of the long river of destiny, and you will naturally have this feeling of being confident and in charge of everything. Don't be confused by this feeling, and never think about it. In charge of everything, sentient beings have their own destiny and struggle. Have your own efforts, don't use fate to restrain them."

"I understand." The gaze in Mingyi's ancestor's eyes brightened again, with some insights. "In the long river of destiny, there are now 80 kinds of Dao true meanings gathered, which are not completely powerful. You need to incorporate more Dao true meanings into them. It also requires you to master more Dao true meanings, or make more Dao true meanings. More **** kings who master the true meaning of the Great Dao will join the future heaven."

Meng Fan nodded and seemed to know everything in his palm: "Over the past ten billion years, from the source of the heavens, there have been 488 true meanings of the Great Dao, and 90% of them are scattered in our monk civilization, because here is In the center of the prehistoric universe, among other civilizations, there are not a few of the true meaning of the Great Dao, but there are a few in the civilization of the returnees. They mastered the true meaning of these Dao in order to study the method to destroy the true meaning of the Dao, but they never did it. To.

These 480 true meanings of the Great Dao, there are 80 kinds, in our future Heavenly Court, there are 32 kinds, in the God Realm, there are 31 kinds, in the infinite realm, the others are scattered everywhere.

And the sixty-three real meanings of the great avenues controlled by the God Realm and the Infinite Realm were all created by them, and I can take back these great avenues by beheading them on my body.

However, since my recovery, the God Realm and the Infinite Realm have made various preparations to hide twenty-one copies of me. Although I can spy on everything, I am not an invincible existence. The king of the gods and the light brain still has methods to cover my ears. I don't know where these 21 replicas are. "

"There are four hundred and eighty-eight Dao true meanings in the world," the ancestor Mingyi repeated: "So, in the source of the heavens, there are more Dao true meanings?"

"Three Thousand Avenue, I don’t know how much it is." Meng Fan said: "The source of the heavens is now the only place I can’t see, whether it’s the civilization of the returnees, the arcane civilization, or many places in the infinite realm. All can be seen, only the source of the heavens, I still can only see the huge door, unable to peek into the mystery."

"Because you have completely replaced the power of heaven, you are still one step away." Mingyi's ancestor said the answer.

Meng Fan nodded: "The Emperor of Heaven is still alive."

"So, what should we do now?" Mingyi ancestor asked. Having recovered his youth, he also seemed confident. The current Meng Fan and the future Heavenly Court are too powerful.

It seems omnipotent.

"I have just returned and have been away for six months. Although the heavenly court will recover in the future, it still needs further improvement. There are many things that need to be dealt with. After that, I will attack the God Realm. I sent a message to the Ten Thousand Dharma God Emperor, The God Realm must give up all the authority of the God Realm. If he agrees, the God Realm will continue to exist and can continue to pursue their God Realm. As the oldest race, the most powerful race, the God Realm can still shine in the future. However, God Realm To this day, no envoy has been sent to visit me."

"Domineering." Mingyi ancestor said lightly.

"It's not overbearing." Meng Fan shook his head: "It's just the truth, the God Realm, no longer has the qualifications to compete with the future heaven."

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