Supreme God King

Chapter 3004: Vengeance

The alternation of power is the fusion of the upper heavenly court in the future.

Immediately afterwards, there is the fusion of the lower heavenly courts in the future.

The scientific expedition was originally a humanitarian system, but in the future, Heavenly Court will always use all the useful things in the primordial universe, such as the calculation ability of the King of Light Brain, the profound meaning of the Arcane Empire, and the humane system.

At this time, a big test in the heavens in the future began.

The big test is for all the monks in the future heaven. Any monk, whether or not a **** king, can participate in the big test.

The content of the assessment includes martial arts, realm, comprehension, talent, and various views on the future heaven and the new era, and so on. There are various, all-inclusive, as many as thousands of items.

Then, the ancestors of Mingyi conducted various deductions on all the monks who participated in the big test, selected suitable people among them, and handed them over to the five divine palaces and the heavenly palaces to divide them for the next test.

At the beginning, all the monks who participated in the big exam were thousands of people sitting together and conducting the assessment in front of the incarnation of the ancestor Mingyi.

At the same time, more than a dozen examination rooms were opened.

In this process, a new divine mansion was established, named Qiji Divine Mansion, with Mingyi ancestor as the main god.

In the future, Qiji Shenfu will be responsible for the big exam every eight years, as well as cultivating young monks, and deducing all the affairs of the heavenly court in the future.

During the test, Meng Fan had been observing that he also showed up in the meeting place of the test. As a result, all the candidates were extremely excited. Meng Fan also issued a sentence destined to be included in the history of the heavens.

"You, in a few decades, hundreds of years, will become the mainstay of the heavens in the future, and there will be people who will stand in my position and say the same things as me to the candidates for hundreds of years. You are the hope of the heavens in the future. "

After the big exam, it is the wedding banquet.

First of all, Xuanyuan Aohan finally selected an outstanding young woman from the Zhuge family, and the two got married. This was the beginning of the integration of the Xuanyuan family and the Zhuge family. Meng Fan also honored his promise and became their master of marriage.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Haicheng married one of his granddaughters to Xuanyuan's family.

The Xie family and the Wang family also became in-laws.

These young people are in the process of growing up in the heavens in the future, and even in the decisive battle of the heavens, the friendship forged with each other.

This further completes the future integration of heaven.

At the wedding banquet of a young **** king of Xie Jingyi's generation and a great-granddaughter of Wang Haicheng, Meng Fan sat in the chair, beside Meng Niuniu.

Now Meng Niuniu has grown up completely, becoming more and more heroic and more charming.

"Niuniu, your age has arrived." Meng Fan said lightly.

Meng Niuniu was taken aback by the sudden words, and it took a long time before she aggrieved: "Grandpa..."

"I didn't urge you." Meng Fan smiled: "It's just that no matter who you are in the picture, I agree."


Meng Niuniu responded inaudibly.

Everything that happens in the heaven in the future will make the luck of the heaven rise rapidly.

The Emperor Cracking Heaven and Gu Daozi were also healed by Meng Fan, their injuries were almost healed, and they began to recuperate.

A few days later.

In the future when the heaven is still in all kinds of joy.

Meng Fan, Lonely Proud, Princess Yueyue, and Xie Jingyi, the four giants of the future heavenly court, quietly left the future heavenly court.

Go straight to the God Realm.

The four giants only had a short time, almost in the blink of an eye, they crossed a long distance and reached beyond the gods.

"For the God Realm, I have given enough mercy." Meng Fan looked at the God Realm and said softly: "Even if the Heavenly King and Hongwu Lord God have fallen in the decisive battle of the God Realm, I still give the God Realm a chance, as long as they give up the God Realm. I won’t be held accountable for authority, but they just wouldn’t give me an answer."

Xie Jing said coldly: "If the God Realm really answers, it won't be the proudest race ever."

"Their pride will harm themselves. This is false pride."

After saying this, Meng Fan took the three giants and stepped directly into the God Realm.

The barriers and various formations of the gods could not stop them at all, or even discover them.

They went straight to the capital of the God Realm, and in front of them were the major temples of the God Realm.

Meng Fan felt it quietly for a moment.

The God Realm has risen very quickly during these six months, and a large number of masters have been born, and many Five-Triplex God Kings have appeared, and the number of leaders has increased to 27.

According to the rules of the Protoss, any Protoss that breaks through the realm and endures the calamity is much more dangerous than other races. Therefore, the Protoss that can reach the Five Tribulations is very difficult and valuable, and it has entered the realm of the Five Tribulations God King. He is the overlord of heaven and earth, who has the ability to tear through dimensions and wander, so according to the rules, the gods of the Five Tribulations must become leaders, build their own temples, and manage some affairs.

The temple of the Protoss is completely different from the temple of the future heaven.

In the future, the sacred mansion of Heavenly Court will be administrative, with distinct powers.

And the temple of the Protoss is like a kind of reward, a kind of knighthood, as long as the realm is reached, you must build the temple yourself, and you must also give some authority, even if it separates some power from other temples.

Meng Fan and his party swaggered and walked on the streets of the capital city of the God Realm. They immediately attracted the attention of many Protoss. Finally, Meng Fan stopped in front of the Temple of Science.

"The Protoss owns ten replicas of mine. Each one has mastered the true meaning of the two great avenues. By obliterating them, the true meaning of these great avenues can be retrieved. Now, these ten replicas have grown up, the most of them The powerful one has concentrated a large amount of resources in the God Realm. It is already a Four-Tribulation God King, known as the Little Creator, and has mastered the true meaning of the four great ways at the same time, but where they are is still unknown.

But the Temple of Science, where they were created, should be able to find some clues. "

After Meng Fan said, he raised a hand.

With a sudden grasp, the huge temple of science was uprooted directly!

In the Temple of Science, many protoss were shocked. Before they could react, they were thrown into the Origin Universe by Meng Fan, and they were immediately crushed into powder by the power of the universe. Among them, those useful The information was stripped out, merged into Meng Fan's spirit, and carried out various thinking and analysis.

At this moment, in the God Realm capital city, I finally noticed the entry of Meng Fan and the three giants. The news immediately spread. Various formations began to operate one after another. There are many powerful protoss rushing here. .

Meng Fan could feel everything that was coming, but he was expressionless and did not say anything. He just closed his eyes and quietly analyzed the information.

After a while, opening his eyes again, Meng Fan shook his head: "After the ten replicas awoke, they left the Temple of Science and were transferred to the Temple of War."

The voice did not fall.

He had already got up, brought the three giants, before coming to the temple of war, and stretched out his hand again, uprooting the huge temple of war, and likewise throwing it into the vortex of the original universe!

In the blink of an eye, the Temple of War and the hundreds of **** kings in it all turned into dust at the same time.

There is no resistance.

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