Supreme God King

Chapter 3006: Destroy Dao Xin

Since the decisive battle of the God Realm, it has been thriving, and its strength and luck have been growing rapidly. It seems that it has become the number one Dao World in the new era.

After the human world has experienced the subversion of power, various problems have not been resolved. Although the central emperor has concentrated the Taoist leader and the human world leader into one, the human world is after all established on the basis of the Great Qin Empire, even if The central emperor was superb. He suppressed the team of the Great Qin Empire, divided the Hundred Saints, and consolidated his power. After that, the human world fought the Demon World and defeated a rebellion of Emperor Bowu's followers. After that, Emperor Bowu was also silent. It seems that humanity is completely unified.

But the development speed of the human world has slowed down.

One and the other, the God Realm surpassed the human realm. As the leader of the Heavenly Dao Alliance, he received various supports from the Arcane Empire and the Infinite Realm. After suppressing Meng Fan, the luck of the entire Protoss rose, especially the newly born Protoss completely broke away. The influence of the Scourge caused the Protoss to rise rapidly.

Riding on the rise of the Protoss, the Emperor of Ten Thousand Dharma appeared on the Sun Moon Peak as the leader of many Dadao Worlds. He wanted to lead many forces to jointly fight the black death catastrophe and the rapidly spreading returnee civilization. The most important thing is Yes, behead the Emperor of Heaven who will break through the seal nine years later.

The God Realm, the Protoss, and the God Emperor of Ten Thousand Laws have become the makers of the new era order, and the existence of the leader level.

This seemed unstoppable, and the power rising up like a scorching sun broke into a mere four people.

Destroyed two temples.

Standing calmly on the ruins of the war temple.

And issued a challenge to the Emperor of Ten Thousand Fas

After Meng Fan recovered, crushed the capital of the Arcane Empire, and suppressed Augustus, the news of his awakening spread throughout the vast universe.

On Sun Moon Peak, many of the treaties that the God Realm had to pass through were temporarily shelved by various forces.

The God Realm was no longer eager to fight for more rights and interests on the Sun Moon Peak, but curled up instead.

Just like the future heaven after the decisive battle of heaven.

Meng Fan raised his hand.

His palm holds the lives of hundreds of Protoss.

"The leader of the aloft Protoss, the king of the gods, and the most dazzling star in the universe today, the Emperor of Ten Thousand Laws, I will challenge you."

Meng Fan's voice sounded in every corner of the God Realm.

Calm and serene.

Many protoss leaders, outside the ruins, looked at Meng Fan with very solemn expressions.

The old man Hongtu took a deep breath.

He knew that when Meng Fan came this time, he would not slaughter every creature like the Heavenly Dao Alliance in the decisive battle of the heavens.

There are only four **** kings, even these four **** kings are giants of heaven and earth.

Meng Fan would not do this.

He wants to punish the heart.

He wanted to plant a sad and failed seed for the Protoss, and then let these seeds take root.

The history of the Protoss is the history of tragedy.

Meng Fan said that the Protoss is sad.

Elegy, sorrow.

A word difference, imprinted in the hearts of many young Protoss, will have an indelible effect.

Meng Fan planted the seeds and wanted to nourish them, so he challenged the Emperor of Ten Thousand Fas.

This king of the gods, the leader of the great God Realm, and the leader of the Heavenly Dao Alliance, was just one step away from establishing the pinnacle of the order of the new era.

If you don't accept the challenge, it will be a shame, and you will have to bear the lives of hundreds of Protoss.

Maybe, more than a hundred, when Meng Fan wiped out all the protoss in his hand, as if after crushing an ant, he would attack other protoss.

The self-confidence of the Protoss will completely collapse.

Feelings of inferiority, negativity, and renunciation will spread.

But the God Realm was able to confront the future heavenly army head-on, without giving way to Meng Fan, the power of the God Realm, but could do nothing.

Because as long as the signs are wrong, Meng Fan will leave, the God Realm will never be able to keep Meng Fan.

Nowadays, in the predicament of the universe, I am afraid that there is no power that can keep Meng Fan.

Once, there was a big web of cause and effect.

Now, Meng Fan has control of cause and effect.

He can go anywhere in the universe, and no one can keep him.

Even if the power of the entire God Realm was used, it would not be possible to stop Meng Fan from shattering the vacuum, wreaking havoc on the God Realm and massacring the Protoss.

Therefore, the Emperor of Ten Thousand Dharma can only accept the challenge.

Many Protoss leaders have solemn expressions because they are unsure whether the Ten Thousand Dharma God Emperor can defeat Meng Fan.

After Meng Fan recovered, the leaders of the gods could feel that the fortune of the gods began to decline, the condemnation appeared again, and the **** emperor of ten thousand laws also began to retreat.

Even if Meng Fan was still a Six Tribulations Divine King, the Ten Thousand Tribulations Divine Emperor had no certainty that he would win when facing him.

Now, Meng Fan has completely become the lord of the heavens, controlling the meaning of cause and effect, and standing in the **** realm as the Seven Tribulations God King, the peak giant of heaven and earth.

The leaders of these Protoss are pessimistic about the outcome of this challenge.

After a moment of silence.

In the depths of the Supreme Temple, a violent wave came.

Then, a young man wearing a golden brocade robe walked out of the Supreme Temple.

Under his feet is a long torrent of laws.

His body is full of marks of various martial arts.

The king of gods, the emperor of ten thousand laws, came out of the gate.

With Meng Fan, his eyes face each other.

Many Protoss retreated one after another.

Lonely proud, inviting Princess Yue, and Xie Jingyi, also backed away.

In the calm, the brewing storm is beyond their tolerance.

This will be a duel between the Seven Tribulations God King.

Is the real highlight.

Lonely proud, invited Princess Yue, and Xie Jing, one of the three Six Tribulations God Kings to be there. Their role, as we knew it, was to hold down Meng Fan. Although the current Meng Fan is so powerful that no kings can understand, he can step into the God Realm. This is the main battlefield of the God Race. How many things will happen, or the God Race will use the power of the entire God Realm to attack Meng Fan, what are the consequences? ,unimaginable.

What they have to do is to let Meng Fan be able to face off against the Emperor of Ten Thousand Fas at ease.

This battle of punishing the heart is Meng Fan's most ferocious revenge against the Protoss.

"Pull the list, and settle them one by one."

Wanfa Divine Emperor said leisurely.

"The capital of the Arcane Empire has been turned into powder. Numerous Austrians died and died. The emperor fell from the altar and was physically and mentally exhausted. The Dean of Winter Academy, Joel, became a mortal, and his martial arts was sealed by you. The rest of the Guard Knight Commander Akdor was struggling to support him, but he was still unable to turn the tide. Within the arcane civilization, waves of rebellions were set off, headed by Dragon King Zhuogen.

When you recover, the foundation of the Buddhist martial art of God Xumi is shattered. According to legend, he has been in nirvana and silence, no different from falling. The Buddha world is looking for his heir, but the cause and effect is lost, and the Buddha world is not worthy of the truth.

Now, come to find God Realm again.

Meng Fan, this fateful battle between you and me will determine the future direction of the world. It is you or me to determine the future order of the universe. "

With every word, the aura of the Ten Thousand Dharma God Emperor is swelling.

Obviously, Meng Fan's recovery and the curling up of the gods became his motivation, allowing him to take another step in retreat!

"The battle of fate?" Meng Fan looked indifferently: "Who do you think you are? The Central Emperor? You and I are not enemies, you are not worthy."

The emperor's brow throbbed violently.

"When you become the Lord of Heaven, do you think you are invincible in the world? Meng Fan, today, the faith of the Protoss will not collapse, but your faith will collapse!"

The Emperor of All Laws shouted loudly.

In the sky above the gods, the tribulations of heaven and earth are coming!

In the calamity, many gods' figures flickered!

The vastness of this tribulation is really rare!

All laws are dancing with it!

The **** emperor of Wanfa, retreat for a few days, and the moment he leaves the barrier, he will break through and step into the realm of the king of eight calamities!

He will become the first Eight Tribulations God King born in the new era.

In the God Realm, countless protoss have seen this scene. Many protoss leaders, originally pessimistic, suddenly boiled up. Once the God Emperor of Ten Thousand Laws becomes the King of Eight Tribulations, the outcome is unknown, and here is the God. The realm is the main battlefield of the Protoss. As long as the Protoss temporarily abandons those honors and devotes all their strength to help the Ten Thousand Dharma God Emperor obliterate Meng Fan, then the Protoss will continue to rise, unstoppable, and serve as the future world order maker and laying the foundation. Everything!

Sudden changes in form!

There was a look of doubt on Xie Jingyi's face.

Lonely proud, also tightened his brows.

Only Princess Yueyue flashed something in her eyes, and then the corners of her mouth raised, showing a sneer.

"Heavenly Tribulation?" Meng Fan said lightly. "I am the sky."

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