Supreme God King

Chapter 3008: Fight for life

The Emperor of Ten Thousand Fas, the legend of the ancient years, the peak giant that once reached the top of the new era, has fallen.

The wounds on Meng Fan's body gradually recovered.

The Protoss has experienced tens of billions of years of pain. At the moment when it is about to rise, it is even hopeful that it will once again become the predecessor of the universe. It is marked by failure. What is more terrifying is that this brand is not tragic, even some Indifferent, in front of Meng Fan, the Protoss had no backhand.

Rise and fall, success or failure, in one thought.

No one can stop Meng Fan from even half a step in the huge God Realm.

What declined with the Ten Thousand Dharma God Emperor was not only the faith of the Protoss, but also the luck of the entire Protoss, as well as many formations and dragon veins in the God Realm, all began to disintegrate.

Standing in the place where the Divine Emperor of Ten Thousand Dharma had dissipated, under the gaze of many leaders of the Protoss, Meng Fan was silent, mourning in his heart this legendary powerhouse who lived from the ancient times to today.

At the same time, around him, among the many Protoss, sad emotions are also permeating and brewing.

This emotion, in the brewing, has changed.

Gu Xinao, Xie Jingyi, and Princess Yingyue squinted their eyes at the same time, looking in all directions, watching the numerous Protoss.

Because of emotions, backlogs, brewing, and bursts!

That is the emotion of mourning the soldiers will win.

It is the power of grief and anger.

Numerous protoss focused their attention on Meng Fan, with those leaders as the core, the power of the formations rose and hovered, and the laws of heaven and earth also formed storms.


At this time, Gu Xinao said in a very low, almost whispering voice, this voice can only be heard by Princess Yueyue and Xie Jingyi beside him.

"It will not be so easy to destroy the belief of a powerful race that has gone through tens of billions of years of tragedy. What I worry most is that the Protoss may explode in this kind of grief and anger. After this kind of baptism, they may not decline, but It is possible to embark on another path and rise faster, just like the Dark Alliance, Era Alliance, and the Future Heavenly Court. On this road, I don’t know how many ups and downs, but it has become a sharpening stone, making us tough and sharp. "

Princess Yueyue said: "This emotion is too strong, desolate, abandoning distracting thoughts, only the emotion of resistance, Meng Fan's strength, on the contrary, the Protoss is born with unprecedented tragic and strong, making them even more hope to change their lives ."

"In that case." Xie Jing squeezed her fists tightly: "This kind of signs must be completely contained."

Lonely and proudly waved his palm, wrapping his robe tightly.

Princess Yingyue sneered coldly: "The grand old man is mine."

The words of Princess Yueyue have not yet fallen.

Several Protoss leaders have already jumped up!

They concentrated all their strength, even burned lifespan, and killed Meng Fan at the cost of life!

Xie Jingyi, lonely and proud without hesitation, got up directly.

As soon as Xie Jing unfolded the power of strength, law, and vow, the whole person turned into a long river of martial arts. The waves in the long river were surging. The martial arts power of his life condensed into big fishes, which rolled in the long river and swallowed them. Those few gods leaders.

The lonely and arrogant gray robe swept across the world, the way of dying, "death", suppressed vitality, and suppressed the spirit, locking in the most powerful war leader among these leaders!

Collide, fight, and burst out instantly!

Xie Jingyi and Gu Xinao, as two powerful six-tribulation **** kings, the peak power of the heavens in the future, in the gods, to find a powerful existence like them, there is only one grand old man.

The strength of the heavens in the future is well known throughout the world. The younger generation of heroes will come out in large numbers. Unlike other avenues, they are often unique, or supported by a few Optimus Prime. In the future heaven, there will be too many powerful gods, the six gods There are a few kings, and the Five Tribulations God King can't even count on a few hands. Even without Meng Fan, the Heavenly Court will survive the attack of the Heavenly Dao Alliance in the future, but it is weak, but not decayed. This shows that.

So Gu Xinao and Xie Jing shot one or two **** kings and several war leaders, it was hard to resist!

However, at this moment, the Protoss, in the midst of the sorrow and wind, also burst out amazing power.

Hundreds of Protoss leaped forward, rushing towards Guxinao and Xie Jingyi!

These protoss may be very weak.

There is even a God King.

But at this moment, none of them flinched!

The wind blows, the gods fight!

The grand old man, standing in place, was different from all the gods. Although his expression was solemn, it was only solemn.

Too much suffering, too many big ups and downs, honed him into a thousand tempered God Race King Kong.

His spirit is very strong.

Just as after Meng Fan's recovery, he personally experienced Meng Fan's strength, but still said unyielding words to the Emperor of Ten Thousand Dharma, the grand old man at that time was not sure whether he could defeat Meng Fan in his heart, but he Knowing that if the faith of the Protoss collapses and gives up, it will fall completely.

He is always calm and composed.

At this moment, he also understands.

Protoss still has a chance.

The oldest race in the universe, the creators of later generations, the true "gods", will not fall so easily.

At this moment, this feeling of grief and anger is the last chance for the Protoss!

In this mood, baptism, transformation, growth, rise!

Complete the Protoss, the last glory.

The grand old man turned his palms.

In the palm of his hand, is a small, inconspicuous little spar.

Only a few leaders knew about this spar.

This is the entire God Realm, the core formation of the eye stick.

The core of all the formations of the God Realm is the Divine Emperor of Ten Thousand Laws. Only the Divine Emperor of Ten Thousand Laws can completely activate all the formations of the God Realm. Others cannot do it, and can only activate certain formations. .

Therefore, when Meng Fan came, the Ten Thousand Faith God Emperor actually had two choices. One was to immediately endure the calamity and become the Eight Tribulations God King, and the other was to inject all the power into the great formation of the God Realm and use the entire God. The power of the world hit Meng Fan.

It’s just that if the Ten Thousand Magic God Emperor makes a second choice, his lifespan will be drastically reduced, and his cultivation base will also be drastically reduced. For the time being, it will take time for the huge God Realm formation to be fully activated. , Meng Fan couldn’t give Ten Thousand Magic Divine Emperor this slow time to activate, so Ten Thousand Magic Divine Emperor could only promptly activate immediately, and the God Realm couldn’t withstand this instantaneous burst of power. The entire God Realm might collapse. , The world's barriers will also be broken.

Therefore, the Emperor Wanfa did not make a second choice.

And after the fall of the Ten Thousand Magic God Emperor, only the formation pestle held in the hands of the old Hongtu man could spur the entire God Realm's great formation.

Although only 70% to 80% of the power can be used.

It will also have a devastating effect on the entire God Realm.

But the grand old man thinks it is worth it.

Driven by the power and tragic emotions of many protoss gods, kill Meng Fan at the cost of the destruction of the entire God Realm!

The God Realm was destroyed, and there was no concern.

As long as the many Protoss are still there and their beliefs are still there, especially Meng Fan's fall, then the Protoss, still the most powerful race in the world, can still rise quickly!

The old man Hongtu raised his head and looked into the ruins, still silently mourning Meng Fan, the Emperor of Ten Thousand Dharma.

He ignored Xie Jingyi, who had turned into a martial arts river, and used his lonely arrogance to cover everything with his robes of nirvana.

Holding the formation pestle in his hand, he took a sharp step!

But at the moment he stepped out.

Princess Yingyue was like a silent arrow, killing her instantly. From a tricky angle, without fancy, with five fingers like a hook, she grabbed the old man Hongtu's throat, forcing him to step back a few steps, and didn't immediately rush towards Meng Fan.

"There is a saying that the deceased is the greatest." After the Princess Yingyue forced the old man Hongtu back, she said with a sneer: "Meng Fan is mourning the Emperor of Ten Thousand Laws. Don't you know how to respect the dead?"

"Killing Meng Fan is the best sacrifice for Ten Thousand Fa God Emperor!"

The old man Hongtu's voice was loud and firm, and he took a step again, punching and colliding with Princess Yue!

This punch stagnated briefly in the air, and then invited Princess Yue's face to change slightly, and her body flew out like fallen leaves.

Although both are the six-tribulation **** king, there is still a big gap between the strengths of the two. Princess Yingyue has just become the six-tribulation **** king, and her foundation is not stable enough to compare with the old king of Hongtu.

After repelling Princess Yingyue, the old man of Hongtu coughed slightly, a few drops of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, holding the formation pestle in his hand, rushed towards Meng Fan again.

"Are you going to kill me at the cost of your own life?"

Meng Fan didn't look at the grand old man, but still looked at the void in which the Ten Thousand Magic God Emperor dissipated, and said lightly.

The moment the voice fell.

The grand old man, has arrived behind Meng Fan!


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