Supreme God King

Chapter 3011: Indifferent

Ten powerful **** kings who bear the expectations of the gods have fallen into this secret middle-thousand world.

Around the Zhongqian World, there are a large number of infinite powers, including several prehistoric warships.

After the fall of the gods, his face was solemn, and he said loudly, "Where is the king of light brain!"

Immediately, a white armored king of the infinite realm appeared and said to the gods: "The realm of gods is fluctuating, and the gods of ten thousand and the grand old man have fallen, and the infinite realm is deeply regretful. I never thought of this reservation, really One day it will come in handy. Meng Fan’s means to reach the sky, the King of Light Brain asked me to tell you, don’t stay here for too long, immediately step into the space node, and rush to the infinite realm, where the Lord of Heaven cannot be presumptuous."

God said coldly in Chengyin: "I want to see the King of Light Brain!"

"I can convey any advice."

"Nonsense. King of Light Brain, I know you are everywhere, come out!"

God is screaming sternly.

His words, deeds, and temperament are somewhat similar to those of Meng Fan when he was young, but he was much more frantic than Meng Fan, and his face was also very gloomy.

Immediately, an incarnation of light and shadow fell in front of God Zengcheng, looked at him silently for a moment, and said:

"Meng Fan's method ignores the distance space, even if this is the impossible world I created, shielding all the power of the heavens, but it is not safe, it is still true to leave immediately and go to the infinite realm, everyone, don't stay for long."

God looked at the King of Light Brain coldly in Cheng Leng, and said: "I know that you are in our God Realm and have deployed many methods. Perhaps many Protoss don’t know this, but in the past six months, you and I have been secret agents. This time, everyone knows that the God Realm has suffered such a disaster, why didn't you take action?"

"It's too late." The voice of the King of Light Brain had no emotion. "God is inheriting, now is not the time for anger and dementia. Meng Fan's strength is obvious to all. The two most powerful **** kings of the Protoss, the **** of ten thousand gods and the old man of Hongtu, have fallen, and the power of the entire gods has been injected into Meng Fan's In the body, there was no harm to him. Even if Meng Fan, as the Lord of Heaven, naturally restrained the Protoss, this result was too unexpected. Now in the vast universe, there is only the chaotic land that has disappeared for a long time. Able to confront Meng Fan. You leave immediately, and you can't let the efforts of the Protoss be destroyed."

The **** stood coldly on Cheng's face for a while, and finally let out a long breath unwillingly, and with the nine gods, stepped towards a misty space node.

at this time!

The space node suddenly closed.

Then disappear.

Many **** kings were stunned.

From where the space node was before, Meng Fan, dressed in a blue shirt, walked out slowly.

He appeared too suddenly.

In the eyes of the gods, as well as the eyes of the replicas, extreme fear flickered at the same time, instinctively retreating back, as if a rabbit, seeing the tiger, the body trembled involuntarily.

Meng Fan looked at the gods waiting for the gods, nodded lightly, and said to the incarnation of the king of light brain: "It's really good. This is no longer the concept of a statue. Shen Yun, aptitude, control of the heavens, the Creator The flesh. King of Light Brain, you are really amazing, even today I can’t do this."

The King of Light Brain slowly turned around and looked at Meng Fan: "This was originally a perfect plan. Once the Protoss has any ups and downs, ten replicas, they will step on the space nodes to come here all the way, those spaces Nodes were built in the infinite field within six months and spent a lot of resources. They were secretive and elusive. Moreover, from the moment they stepped into the space node, the entire space node was collapsing to prevent anyone from following.

However, it is still a step slower. I did not calculate that you would step into the God Realm with only a few people without warning, and I never thought that you would destroy the God Realm in just a few hours before and after. , Did not delay you for too long at all, everything happened too suddenly, these ten replicas, also fled in panic, and you followed. "

Meng Fan nodded: "I want to escape under my nose. This is a joke."

As he said, Meng Fan took a few steps forward, and the many white armored kings in the infinite realm looked at him vigilantly. Outside the middle and thousands of worlds, a huge prehistoric warship rotated the muzzle of the thunder artillery, locked Meng Fan.

Thousands of gold and stone puppets are also ready to move, and will burst out at any time to besiege Meng Fan.

However, these were ignored by Meng Fan.

"I didn't destroy the God Realm, I just obliterated the Ten Thousand Magic God Emperor, the grand old man. The God Clan still exists, and I even dispelled the Heavenly Scourge for the God Clan, so that they can fly freely in the cosmos."

"Do you have such a mind that can accommodate heaven and earth?" The King of Light Brain said lightly. "Why did you give the old man Hongtu a chance to do it again, before he was dying, you were willing to reshape the soul body for him, but you didn't give the Ten Thousand Magic God Emperor such a chance?"

"Because he killed Xuanyuan Jingzhe."

Meng Fan's answer was simple and clear.

At this moment, a killing intent suddenly burst in his eyes, and gradually dissipated.

King of Light Brain: "Angry, killing intent, it seems that your mind is not that big yet."

"What do you think of me, the way of heaven?" Meng Fan smiled, even surrounded by the power of many infinite fields, still talking and laughing. "Heaven still has anger, it brings disasters, and there is fear, fear of kings, I also have anger and fear, just like the vast number of sentient beings in this world, of course, you cannot understand this sentence."

The King of Light Brain was silent.

"No matter how you imitate sentient beings, you are not a living being. The Emperor of Ten Thousand Fas calls you the king of Dao implements. This is biased. Dao implements have souls and lives, but you do not.

"So I am strong." The King of Light Brain said calmly.

"It's not strong enough." Meng Fan chuckled lightly. "The way of heaven still has to be transformed into heaven and earth, wanting to become a living being, what about you? Constantly learning, constant imitating, trying to comprehend what all beings think, to understand the human heart, and to feel the beauty of heaven and earth. Wouldn't you want it? Is it a life?"

"No." The King of Light Brain replied simply.

"Then even if you stand on top of all beings, it's the second way of heaven." Meng Fan sneered. "Always stand on the opposite side of sentient beings."

After saying that, Meng Fan stopped talking nonsense and waved his palm fiercely. God's eyes were splitting suddenly, and his body exploded with a cry, and several groups of pure laws were released from his body and fell into Meng Fan's hands.

Four pieces of avenue true meaning.


Reckless meaning.

The meaning of the five elements.

The meaning of Qi machine.

Instantly blended into Meng Fan's pillar of martial arts.

The **** was shattering the flesh, only the bones and head were still supported, and the blood was splashed on the ground, he was already standing unstable, shaking, looking at Meng Fan, there was no anger or frenzy in his eyes, only fear.

Meng Fan looked at him pityingly.

"Everyone needs his own way. Everyone is independent. From the moment you give up your martial arts and become a replica, you are destined to have such a day."

Meng Fan waved his palm again.

All the remaining nine replicas of the Protoss exploded!

Eighteen pieces of great meaning flew out.

The meaning of broken, the meaning of withering, the meaning of the four images, and so on.

All fell into Meng Fan's palm.

These re-engravings, as if God was inheriting, became incomplete.

They did not die.

The damage to the body and the pillars of martial art only caused their realm to fall quickly and turned into mortals, and their foundation was damaged.

They are still alive.

Whether life is better than death, only they know.

And whether to stay alive, or to choose to understand oneself, not to bear the humiliation, the choice lies with them.

Meng Fan gave them this choice.

This is already Meng Fan's kindness.

"King of Light Brain."

Meng Fan shrugged his shoulders, making the newly plundered 22 Dadao true meanings more mellow and integrated with his martial arts pillars.

"Your calculation ability surpasses all beings of heaven and earth, and I can't reach it now, but I can feel that you are laying out a big conspiracy, you are always fighting with me and the future heaven. Your power is unknown to me. The power of is also the unknown power of all beings in the world, so I am looking forward to this battle."

Stop talking.

Meng Fan disappeared.

Only ten incomplete replicas were left.

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