Supreme God King

Chapter 3013: Inclusive of all rivers

After Meng Fan's recovery, the Heavenly Dao Alliance existed in name only. In just two months, the future Heavenly Court, which had been baptized by countless hardships and dangers, rose rapidly.

First, a series of treaties were re-signed with Wasteland, and the Jianchengguan Commercial Road, which was abandoned for half a year, was opened again.

In the future, the origin and relationship between the Heavenly Court and the Desolate Realm is very deep. Only after Meng Fan is suppressed and the future decline of the Heavenly Court, in order to preserve the Desolate Realm, the Zhantian Giants announced their abdication with great heart and left the Desolate Realm, and then hid in In the future heaven.

After that, the wasteland, like the future heaven, chose to forbear and hide, but even so, the two powers have always been inextricably linked. The messengers of the wasteland have always been in the dragon city, so the treaty was signed again. , Establish contact, it will be natural.

On the other hand, Meng Fan instantly destroyed the Heavenly Dao Alliance after his recovery, and the rise of Heavenly Court in the future will be so fast. Meng Fan seems to be firmly seated as the world’s number one giant on every avenue. In the future, Heavenly Court, no matter how you look at it. , Is already the most powerful avenue world in the new era.

Therefore, under the turbulent impact of the black death catastrophe, many supreme celestial dynasties that are unable to protect themselves have sent envoys to the future heavenly court, hoping to seek refuge, and even some supreme celestial dynasties directly request the whole to merge into the future heavenly court.

Compared with the conservative and cautiousness of other avenue worlds, the future heavenly court will show the mind of the cosmopolitan beings. Any supreme heavenly dynasty who hopes to be protected by the heavenly court in the future has been promised. The future heavenly court will send a large number of priests to assist. These supreme celestial dynasties "Norway".

The dimensional laws of the Supreme Heaven are tampered with, and these Supreme Heavens are moved to the vicinity of the future heaven!

This move is unprecedented in history. It is not difficult for the king to simply modify the law of space. If it is to create a big world, some powerful kings can do it after some years. However, they can tamper with the laws of heaven and earth and create one after another. A vast void passage moved the cities of the highest heaven one after another over a long distance, and finally moved the entire highest heaven near the future heaven. This handwriting is simply too big.

And those supreme celestial dynasties who wish to join the heavenly court in the future, the heavenly court in the future will welcome them with an open heart and accept them all.

The mind that Heavenly Court will show in the future is certainly great, but it also makes many Dadao worlds feel puzzled.

Any avenue world that is open to all rivers, such as the human world that invites various humanitarian forces to join, the future heaven that has briefly appeared, and the deadly feather world, are faced with many complicated problems that are difficult to solve, not to mention these avenues. The world is conservative and cautious, but has to be conservative and cautious.

Just like the human world, even if it is so cautious that it only invites humanitarian forces and requires strict screening, in the end, it still cannot prevent the major families from rebelling. The central emperor finally subverted the entire human world and shed countless blood. The prisoners in Jiayu prison were even more serious. It is countless.

In this world, the most difficult thing to control is the human heart. Therefore, any Dao world understands a simple truth. It does not mean that it is only strong, too much power, too complicated, and too chaotic. The human heart is unpredictable and incalculable. Too much, on the contrary, there are all harms and no benefits.

This is the reason why the various avenues are incomprehensible.

In the future heavenly court, the seven highest heavenly dynasties were accepted in just two months. Three of them were all merged into the future heavenly court. However, the wind and waves were calm and smooth, without any problems. Did not show any dissatisfaction with the future heavenly arrangement.

It seems that the sky will rise rapidly in the future, but it is surprising that there are no problems that should arise in the process of rising.

In the future heaven, in the divine mansion of Qi Ji, the ancestor of Mingyi sits at the source of the long river of fate, and controls the entire future heaven's luck.

Zaifu Shenfu, Fuxue Shenfu, and Fasi Shenfu are also in the long river of fate, monitoring the entire future heaven.

The long river of destiny was originally the ultimate power derived from the path of heaven and was used to control sentient beings. After Meng Fan built the long river of destiny, he did not do so. Instead, it really turned the long river of destiny into "a river". The sentient beings of the heavenly court in the future will all be boats wandering on this river.

Meng Fan uses the Long River of Destiny as the carrier, imitating the King of Light Brain, creating a powerful torrent of souls. This torrent of souls has always flowed with the long river of destiny. Regardless of each other, the sentient beings in the heavenly court in the future will receive the torrent of souls. As long as you put aside all the grudges in your heart, open your heart, and fully blend into the torrent of your heart, then there are no secrets. Everyone is open and honest, and any conspiracy, trickery, and calculation are meaningless.

And as long as it blends into the torrent of the mind, there are too many benefits. Being able to feel the various thoughts and collisions of other gods can produce many incredible things.

Especially, in the torrent of the soul, you can feel the experience and martial arts of other gods, and you can use it for yourself.

Therefore, in the heavens in the future, the speed of the monks' promotion will be very fast, and the collision of various thoughts will also make many gods fascinated.

God kings are all mavericks, self-respectful, and one and one.

Therefore, although the **** kings soared between the heavens and the earth and saw many landscapes and many worlds, what they broadened was only their horizons, not their hearts.

Once in the torrent of mind, they will suddenly find that they are "short-sighted."

For this reason, those young cultivators in the heavens in the future, who are far from reaching the realm of the **** king, can also feel what the **** king thinks and make progress faster.

The long river of destiny binds the fate of all beings in the heavenly court in the future, and the torrent of hearts will merge the hearts of all beings in the heavenly court into one.

Nowadays, there are more than half of the **** kings in the future heaven. As long as they are in the future heaven, they will always be in the torrent of the soul and fully open their hearts. The rest of the **** kings will also merge into the torrent of the soul from time to time, and they will be integrated into the time. , Getting longer and longer.

This is the reason why Heavenly Court is so open-minded in the future, accepting seven supreme celestial dynasties in one breath and adding 18,000 **** kings, but there is no problem.

The torrent of soul has a huge attraction. These newly added supreme dynasties, no matter what thoughts or selfishness they have, can not prevent the gods from voluntarily integrating into the torrent of souls. Once the kings merge into the torrent of souls, their status, status, etc. Things will no longer exist, all barriers will be broken, factions, families, classes, pedigrees, etc. will disappear.

In the future, the purpose set by the heavens at the beginning of the establishment has undergone repeated struggles, including the promulgation of the first iron law, the replacement of the position of the main god, the eradication of alien forces, and the baptism of fire and blood. Today, it is reached.

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