Supreme God King

Chapter 3020: Leaders gather

The destruction of the Legion of Order has indeed shocked the entire universe.

Destroyed too soon.

According to the very few kings who escaped from the fierce battle, this fierce battle lasted for four days.

After the Legion of Order rushed to the point where the black death army must pass through, it was hidden and dormant in the law of the void.

Sure enough, an army of black deaths appeared.

It is said that the army of the black death shuttles through the prehistoric cosmos, vast and overwhelming, among which some black death kings can be vaguely seen.

So the Dragon Emperor ordered, and the Legion of Order launched a surprise attack.

The Legion of Order has concentrated the power of various avenue worlds, including the blueprint of the Dragon Gate Flying Armor provided by the Heavenly Court in the future, and has produced thousands of battle armors with a tenth of the effectiveness of the Dragon Gate Flying Armor, and various ways of using humanity, dragon and heaven. The refined Dao artifacts, etc.

And this army of black death, although the number is staggering, but most of the black death creatures in it are very weak. There are only about a few hundred black death kings. The entire black death army is like a storm, and the power of the black death army can penetrate the barrier of dimension. .

So the Legion of Order enters it like a tiger enters a pack of wolves, no one can stop it.

But this fierce battle, which seemed to be superior to one another, lasted for a day.

The army of black death seems to be endless.

Many **** kings of the Legion of Order were accidentally penetrated by the black death air and fell.

This is a protracted battle. The spirit of the Legion of Order is gradually dying out. Most of the **** kings are gradually exhausted. They need to swallow all kinds of medicines and spars they bring with them to maintain them. They even have to fight on wheels. Retreat and rest.

At this moment, the **** king leader of the human world, the medical saint, finally saw the clue. It turned out that in the melee, from the various void mazes, more and more dark dead creatures were continuously drilled out and joined the battlefield. This is The reason why the black army can't be killed.

In fact, the first black army that the Legion of Order encountered at that time had already been killed. Later, it was just fighting against a steady stream of follow-up reinforcements.

The number of dark creatures exceeds the imagination of the Legion of Order.

In the fierce battle that day, at least millions of black death creatures were obliterated, including at least two thousand black death kings.

After the medical sage discovered the clue, the Dragon Emperor decisively led the Order Legion to retreat.

But the army of black death, such as the army of walking dead, has no emotions, and does not fear death at all, biting tightly behind the Legion of Order.

The Dragon Emperor wanted to use some void maze to escape, but found that the Legion of Order had been fighting for too long, and it was too late to escape.

In the process of the retreat of the Order Legion, the Black Death Army constantly appeared to block the Order Legion, and tides of black death creatures poured out of various void mazes. In the end, the already very exhausted Order Legion was beaten to pieces. The emperor decided to abandon the Legion of Order and flee with his dragon clan remnants.

This is the whole process.

Meng Fan was the first person to feel the changes in the Legion of Order through the secrets of heaven and all things. He also decisively sent three powerful six-tribulation **** kings, Lone Xinao, Xie Jingyi, and the Great Emperor, to save him. Returned to the sixty-one **** kings of the future heaven.

And the other Dadao worlds did not have time at all.

It is said that the medical sage of the human world, relying on the power of the mantle of the Hundred Sages, used some kind of magical means to return to the Datong and escaped.

There are too few examples like this.

The total number of surviving **** kings in each Dao World is no more than two hundred. Half of them are the Dragon Realm **** kings brought out by the Dragon Emperor who fled ahead of time, and some are the sixty rescued by Lone Heart Proud, Heaven Splitting Emperor, and Xie Jingyi. One future **** king of heaven, and other surviving **** kings of the Dao World, scattered and scattered, adding up to only a few dozen.

This shocked many Dadao worlds.

It was also a major blow.

The black death catastrophe has become a prehistoric plague in the entire universe. It is like a fierce beast to raging. There is only one master, that is, the way of heaven, but the way of heaven is very weak in the control of this fierce beast, just a thin piece. It's just silk thread. Don't be too cruel to be able to pull the fierce beast, but when the Dao of the day sinks, this silk thread is let go, and the fierce beast is completely crazy.

Now, many Dao worlds have speculated that even if the Emperor of Heaven wakes up, they will not be able to catch this thread.

The black death catastrophe, this fierce beast, was the final catastrophe that Heaven had brewed for hundreds of thousands of years before it broke out.

This final catastrophe established the Dadao World and opened the curtain of a new era.

Originally, although the black death catastrophe was raging, it did not have much impact on many avenue worlds, and even many avenue worlds still got the benefits of the black death catastrophe to a certain extent.

Because only the Dao World can resist the black death catastrophe, many supreme celestial dynasties, various forces, and various powerful people have joined the Dao World, which is why the Dao World can be quickly established.

But now, the kings of heaven and earth finally realized the crisis of form.

The third Sun-Moon summit talks began.

On the thirteenth day after the destruction of the Legion of Order, all the Great Dao World, as well as the missions of the Infinite Domain, reached the Sun Moon Peak.

This time, since the Sun-Moon Summit, the participating forces have participated the most.

In the future, there will be seven worlds of heaven, human world, dragon world, devil world, buddha world, evil **** dynasty, and waste world.

Infinite Realm, Arcane Empire, two civilizations.

What many Dadao worlds did not expect was that the Arcane Empire, which was supposed to be cloned in the civil strife, could actually send a mission to participate in the meeting.

This seems to be a signal, the Arcane Empire gradually controlled the situation?

Hard to say.

As for the Buddha Realm, it was already dispensable at Riyue Peak, but this time, the root-buried **** and Buddha were present.

These two forces, which have been weakened due to Meng Fan's recovery, appeared in the Riyue Peak this time, seeming to give many Dao Worlds a signal that they want to revive.

A few days after the arrival of the messengers of the Infinite Domain and the Arcane Empire, that is, the day before the Sun-Moon Summit talks about to begin, another civilization appeared.

Craftsman civilization.

This civilization, which has been gone for a long time and rumored to have been destroyed by the civilization of the returnees, reappears, leaving many forces very surprised.

The issue of the civilization of the returnees has long been put on the table by many Dao Worlds and several major civilizations. The Sun Moon Summit has three purposes. The first is to deal with the black death catastrophe, and the second is to deal with the increasing expansion. Hurry, it is bound to destroy all avenues, and let the world return to the civilization of returnees with disordered and chaotic laws in the primordial era of Hongmeng.

Third, it is the Emperor of Heaven who will break through the seal after nine years.

Therefore, the reappearance of craftsman civilization is also profound.

Seven avenues of the world, three major civilizations, thirty-five high heavens.

This is the most grand conference since the beginning of the new era.

Especially, because of the instantaneous destruction of the Legion of Order, there is not even a chance to escape.

This time, the supreme leaders of various forces appeared one after another.

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