Supreme God King

Chapter 3053: Find the Self

Destiny is long.

The nine-month retreat is about to end. At this time, Meng Fan is still immersed in the long river of fate, but has completely awakened, and some people have begun to come to visit one after another.

Most of them were priests from various gods, who were ordered to report something to Meng Fan, and at the same time, they received some instructions from Meng Fan to make arrangements.

In fact, even if these priests did not come to communicate with Meng Fan, all future trends in the heavenly court would be clearly seen by him.

In the future, he could see and feel every inch of land in the heavenly court, every grass and tree, and even the crawling movement of an ant.

In nine months, all beings in the heavenly court, whether they are kings of gods or ordinary monks, will spend seven or eight hours in the twelve hours a day in the torrent of hearts and the long river of destiny. What they think, Meng Fan also saw clearly.

In addition to the perception of the laws of heaven and earth, not only the future heaven, this vast universe, many corners, many places, Meng Fan can see, now, only the world of the Great Dao, and behind the gate of the source of heaven, Meng Fan is completely can not be seen.

Except for these few places, there is no secret in his eyes for the vast universe.

Including the dialogue between the King of Light Brain and God Zaiqing.

The two most powerful **** kings in the gods fell, the barriers were broken, the luck fell, and the gods were forced to move. At the same time, because the seeds of failure were planted and the condemnation was dispelled, the gods no longer exist.

Scourge is a disaster for the Protoss. It also created the Protoss. It is the most important label and characteristic of the Protoss. Without the Scourge, the Protoss is not the Protoss.

The Shinto no longer exists, and the new God Realm is just a blank sheet of paper in front of Meng Fan's eyes, without any ambiguity.

The dialogue between the King of Light Brain and God Zaiqing seemed to happen before Meng Fan's eyes.

When the King of Light Brains left, God was leaning on the throne in Qing Qing and gasping for breath. Meng Fan retracted his gaze and turned back and said, "Sorrowful race."

Behind him stood a tall **** king who was more than four feet tall and rugged, but there was also a vaguely calm and abyssal temperament on his body. That is the temperament of an emperor. Only an emperor above 10,000 can cultivate this. Kind of temperament.

Fighting giants.

Since Meng Fan's recovery, in fact, he and Zhantian Giant have never met.

After recovering at that time, Meng Fan wanted to solve the problems of the Heavenly Dao Alliance in the shortest possible time. In the future, the Heavenly Court would be a waste of time. However, the Zhantian Giant was in retreat and the two did not meet.

Immediately after the desolate world envoy came to the future heaven, I hope that Meng Fan will persuade the Zhantian giant to return to the desolate world and continue to serve as the original immortal emperor, because today’s desolate world has never found the orthodoxy of the desolate way. There is no leader of the dragons, and Meng Fan’s answer is everything Seeing the meaning of Zhantian Giant, did not go to persuade Zhantian Giant.

After that, Meng Fan entered a nine-month retreat.

These days, Meng Fan regained consciousness, Zhantian Giant also left the gate, and the two finally met.

Time has changed many things.

Meng Fan and Zhantian Giants are no longer what they were in Wanyu.

At the request of the ancient elephant tribe and under the arrangement of the Bai Buxian, the giant of the war sky became the emperor of the dragon elephant valley, and led the rejuvenation of the ancient elephant tribe, which had been declining for 30 million years, in the future. With help, he defeated Wan Quanzong, Phoenix Empire, and Dragon Emperor.

These three powers split after the fall of Longxiang Valley, and they have always emphasized that they are orthodox. The three powers were defeated and expelled from Jiancheng Pass. This allowed the Longxiang Valley to be re-established and the wasteland to be established.

In this process, the Zhantian Giant truly became the leader of the ancient elephant tribe, the dragon elephant valley, and the wilderness. His strong personality charm made the proud and ruthless ancient elephant tribe surround him. Later, Meng Fan Being suppressed by all the powerhouses of the Heavenly Dao Alliance, the Heavenly Court will usher in a crisis in the future, the battle of Heavenly Dao will break out, and the position of the Desolate Realm will be embarrassed.

He is no longer the one among the ten thousand domains who slept for hundreds of years and did not care about world affairs.

In the process of Longxianggu's re-emergence, it cultivated its own emperor aura.

The vicissitudes of life.

"What did you see?" Zhantian Giant Urn asked.

"Protoss." Meng Fan said lightly, but there was some sadness in his heart.

He was sad that after the establishment of a new God Realm, among the Protoss, there will be many elites who will regard Meng Fan as the savior?

Just because Meng Fan dispelled the scourge for them.

They regarded the enemy as a benefactor.

On the contrary, the God Emperor and the grand old man, because they are the enemies of Meng Fan, actually have a tendency to be vilified in the hearts of the younger generation of the Protoss.

Similarly, the old leaders of the Protoss also had an embarrassing position because they had participated in the battle of the Heavenly Dao and were enemies with Meng Fan and the future Heavenly Court. Even when they chose a new God Emperor, they would be attacked for it, thinking that they were a war. The criminals started a fierce battle with Future Heavenly Court and Meng Fan, overpowering themselves and dragging the Protoss into the abyss.

Everything in the world is the winner and the loser. Meng Fan has won. In Meng Fan’s eyes, the emperor of the gods and the grand old man, as well as the many existences in this era, whether it is a demon or a righteous way, whether there are rules or unscrupulous means , Are all heroes.

The leader of an ancient and powerful race like the Protoss is even more so.

Meng Fan did not expect that after he planted the seeds of failure for the gods and destroyed the gods, there would be people in the gods now who would ungratefully vilify the gods and grand old men of the gods, and would even treat him as a person who had clearly damaged the gods. Grateful Dade.

Such a race was destroyed, and there was no point in its existence. To destroy this race, Meng Fan had no burden in his heart.

Meng Fan confronted the Heavenly Giant and said: "The Protoss now has only two paths, either to become my servants or the swords in the hands of the King of Light Brain. As long as the Protoss begin to realize that once I change my mind and drop the Heavenly Scourge, they will I was fragile at any time in the past, and I had to make a choice, whether to pray to me for peace or to take refuge in the King of Light Brain. The blueprint of the new Protoss drawn by the King of Light Brain, I have, and I have seen it, King of Light Brain The calculus ability is too powerful, I can’t understand it, but vaguely can feel that the new Protoss has problems. The same is the disaster of extinction. The Protoss and the Night Race are completely different. They are really old and old. The time of existence of this race After too long, the string that supported their spirit broke and collapsed."

The Giant Zhan Tian said blankly: "I don't understand."

"I know you don't understand, just listen, don't worry about it, I have my own plan." Meng Fan stood up and stretched out, exhaling a long breath, which is the essence, and a field of flowers has been born in the long river of fate. , There are many elves.

"The envoy of the Kun clan has arrived for one day, do you plan to leave them alone?" Zhan Tian giant asked.

"Stay." Meng Fan smiled: "It's you, there must be something to come to me, or do you just miss me purely?"

"Something's going on." Zhan Tian giant nodded: "I hope you take out the original meaning in my body."

Meng Fan's eyes flashed, and then he said, "Have you thought about it?"

How thoughtful is Meng Fan today? All thoughts can be spied on at once, but Zhantian Giant and Meng Fan have been brothers for too many years, and they have experienced too much together, and they know each other and know each other.

"I have become the King of Six Tribulations, and I am ranked as a giant of heaven and earth, and I can feel many truths of heaven and earth." The giant of heaven and earth replied slowly. "However, I still haven't found my way because I depend on the meaning of the origin. I have made a reputation in the prehistoric universe because I am the immortal emperor of the origin. My achievements today come from the meaning of the origin. I It is a giant of the sky, not the original meaning, I am looking for the self."

"That's right. Arcane civilization is to dedicate everything to arcane arts, and it has become the carrier of arcane arts. This road has not yet come to an end, but in my opinion, the end of this road is already miserable. Meng Fan agreed: "Have you figured out which way to go? Your mind, the avenue is simple, the understanding of martial arts, surpassing many people with delicate minds, should have some goals."

"Yes." Zhan Tian giant nodded. "It's just that the road is still a bit vague. I'm still lonely and arrogant. From the beginning, he didn't step into the law of heaven, but has been pursuing the road in his heart. His martial art of dying is already very powerful."

"Since you think it over." Meng Fan stretched out his hand, palm facing the Zhantian Giant.

The face of the giant Zhan Tian immediately showed a childlike fear: "Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt, but you will be weak for a while, and it will take about ten days to recover." Meng Fan smiled.

After a while.

There was a shrill scream from the Palace of Heaven, which was heard in many places in the Dragon City, and the priests of the great palaces were all shocked.

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