Supreme God King

Chapter 3064: Enlighten me

Meng Fan glanced at the Kun nationality man lightly.

His realm has been infinitely close to the seven calamities, and he has stayed at the peak of the six calamities for at least a million years. The martial arts in his body faintly exudes three completely different auras of broadness, fierceness and femininity. The majestic degree of vitality is close to not giving up. The Heavenly Battle Giant before the original meaning surpassed almost all the Six Tribulations God Kings Meng Fan had seen.

Because he stayed at the peak of the Six Tribulations for too long, the power of change exuded a taste of ease, and his movements were very natural and smooth.

It is worth noting that the black and yellow robe worn by Changyi is impressively a high-grade Taoist artifact, and there is a powerful instrument spirit sleeping in it, like an ancient beast, snoring heavily.

All these together constitute a peak powerhouse.

Meng Fan smiled slightly: "Meng Fan."

Indifferent and relaxed.

Gaiyi also appeared personable, and he stretched out his hand and said, "Please take a seat, Lord Heaven. This stop is the first stop to welcome Lord Heaven to the imperial city. I will do my best to host Lord Heaven. Your reputation is so great. The civilization of the monks is thorough, and there are no one in the world of great avenues. It is an honour to see the Lord of Heaven today, and we must have a good talk."

Meng Fan didn't respond, and sat directly into the platinum throne in the middle of the hall, picking up the blue shirt at will.

Regarding the courtesy of the change, Meng Fan showed a lack of interest. This was clearly felt by all the Kunzu **** kings present. This made the eleven five-tribulation **** kings all look dissatisfied.

Jiayi narrowed his eyes slightly, and was also sitting in his position as the coach, no more than thirty feet apart from Meng Fan, which was equivalent to being close at hand and corresponding to the distance.

He patted his palms, and sent them a gluttonous feast made from the flesh and blood of all kinds of rare and exotic beasts, and even the ancient wild beasts. It quickly filled the entire hall. The rich taste was enough to make the gods. Wang is addicted to confusion.

With a body of up to two feet sitting in the position of the coach, the palm of his hand is placed on the long table, showing a kind of confidence that as a landlord, everything is in control, and said: "When the next leader of the Eastern mad army came, it was about Eleven months ago, I passed through a world of wild beasts, where there were two big sects, one was the gluttonous sect, the other was Paixiu’s sect. These two sects were originally wild beasts, but they were fighting each other endlessly. , Are enemies with each other, the two sects each have hundreds of **** kings, and only a few of the four tribulation **** kings. At that time, they were interested in hunting. Their flesh and blood are rare treasures and used to entertain. Lord Uranus."

Meng Fan heard and saw the huge piece of roasted meat in front of him. It was clearly a piece of brave meat. It was fired with various high-grade spirit grass and fairy objects. In Meng Fan’s creation eyes, he could see this piece of meat. The flesh was originally a four-tribulation king of brave, who has lived for millions of years, has absorbed infinite geniuses, the flesh and blood has already metamorphosed, and every drop of blood is a precious medicine, enough to let the **** king realm. Scramble.

Meng Fan smiled and pushed aside this piece of roasted meat that was almost as big as him.

The change is showing off the powerful force and confidence of the Siyuan Dynasty.

He changed his words: "Oh? Doesn't suit Lord Uranus's appetite? Or is it that Lord Uranus is a wise person who feels that devouring this ancient, powerful and wise desolate beast is like eating humans, which is somewhat difficult to accept? I heard that the future The previous generation of Heavenly Kings in the Heavenly Court was Qilin Ruihuang and Desolate Beast."

"There are three incarnations of the heavens in the heavenly court, one of which is named the Sun and Moon Emperor, which is a six-kalpa **** king who was swallowed by me." Meng Fan responded with a light smile.

Change the eyelid movement.

Meng Fan continued: "This world is inherently weak and strong. There is nothing that cannot be imported. It is just that Meng has already passed the naive age of looting foreign objects to nourish himself. The impure foreign objects are useless to me. It is far worse than my breathing. The derived power is powerful, and the most important thing is—"

Meng Fan's nose moved.

"The meat killed eleven months ago, no matter how well preserved it is, it is not fresh anymore. I can't agree with the coach's taste."

In the hall, fell silent.

The eleven Five Tribulations God Kings stared at Meng Fan without saying a word.

Gaiyi was silent for a long time, his mouth raised, and smiled: "I don't know about something, I want to ask Lord Heavenly King."

Immediately changed the subject.

Meng Fan nodded: "I can enlighten me."

This remark also caused dissatisfaction among the Five Tribulations Divine Kings. In their eyes, hostility grew. This spiritual force was enough to cause pressure on many Divine Kings. However, for Meng Fan, it is not worth mentioning, but is completely ineffective. .

The change was calm, not caring about the meaning of Meng Fan’s words, and said, “The two sects, one pi Xiu and one glutton, were originally powerful races. In the ancient times, they were all overlords, but they were in that tiny world. Is it ridiculous that they have fought each other for tens of millions of years?

They don’t know how vast the universe is. Before I arrived, they thought that the world they lived in, and some voids around them, was the entire universe. They thought that if one side won, it would be the king of the universe. Not ridiculous?

They were originally wild beasts. If they can lay down their wars and unite, they can develop, walk out of the world they see, blend into this vast universe, and have greater achievements, especially in their ancient books. It was recorded that hundreds of thousands of years ago, one of them was born a Five-Triplex God King, but at the moment of breakthrough, at the weakest moment, he was attacked and killed by the opponent.

If there is no such internal fighting, the five-caliber **** king appears, and he has the ability to tear through the barriers of dimensionality, and he can see this huge world.

This is like monk civilization.

The universe is prehistoric, many civilizations, returnee civilization, science and technology civilization, arcane civilization, craftsman civilization, and the distant poet civilization. These civilizations are unified. There is no internal fighting. They can concentrate all their forces and expand outward. The solitary monk civilization is divided into thousands of factions, large and small, many great roads, countless races, and there are too many grievances and hatreds between each other.

Not to mention other things, the human race in the monk civilization is distributed in the human world and the future heaven. They walk on two completely different or even opposite avenues. This is just the surface. If you divide it in detail, humans There are many aristocratic families, and in the human world, there are two opposing factions, one is the Central Emperor, and the other is the old tribe of Emperor Bowu.

How weak is the monk civilization for such division and chaos?

The craftsman civilization is a unified civilization, but it still can't stop the crushing of the Siyuan Dynasty. Then, is the monk civilization capable of resisting the arrival of the Siyuan Dynasty's army? "

Ask some questions.

Meng Fan did not hesitate, smiled and said, "You should tell me the answer to this question."

Change Yi: "Oh? How to say?"

"The army of Siyuan Dynasty has stayed on the edge of monk civilization for nine months. If monk civilization can't stop, you have already poured down like a flood, why are you still standing still? So you have the answer in your heart."

Meng Fan answered simply.

The change was startled.

Meng Fan stood up and said, "Because there is no unified thought for pursuing different avenues, so a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend. Everyone can find their own avenue instead of a avenue made by one person. Various people who pursue the avenue communicate and collide with each other. Blooming dazzling brilliance, this is the reason why the monk civilization is strong, and also the reason why this new era is called the Dao Era. An old empire with a high degree of unity will always be blindfolded, stand still, and cannot see the wonderful and colorful other roads. Will fall into the illusion of prosperity and prosperity in front of me, and then be destroyed by the rising star that was once despised. Throughout the ages, there have been too many such examples. Will the Siwon Dynasty be an exception?"

After speaking, Meng Fan turned and walked out.

"The greeting is over, let's stop next."

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