Supreme God King

Chapter 3067: Palace Lord Night Song

After passing Jiashou Pass, to the west, there is a desert of 8 million miles.

There is no grass growing here, and it is filled with suffocating heat. The mountains and hills are bare, let alone the water source.

Compared to the east side of Jiashouguan and the west side of Jiashouguan, there is only lifelessness.

In Cuidi’s memory, Meng Fan learned that there have been many wars around Jiashou Pass since ancient times, and the main wars are still west of Jiashou Pass, because the east of Jiashou Pass is where the craftsman civilization is located. To the west is the Kun ethnic group.

From ancient times to the present, the Kun ethnic empire has continued to prosper and decline. It must be divided for a long time, and a long time must be divided. .

Because craftsman civilization does not advocate fighting, in order to maintain peace, they often send various friendly messengers, or send a large amount of resources and Taoist tools to pay tribute to seek peace, and most of the years, craftsman civilization can come into contact with The Kun Empire is the Kun Empire that controls Jiashouguan.

Therefore, Jiashouguan is not only geographically important, whoever can control it can communicate with the craftsmen civilization and extract all kinds of benefits. The Kun people’s crafting methods are far from being compared with the craftsman’s civilization. The craftsman’s craftsmanship, artifacts, and various things are all needed by the Kun people.

Like the black and yellow robe worn by Jiayi, in Meng Fan's eyes, it can be seen at a glance that it is the handwriting of a craftsman's civilization, and the spirit of it is vaguely transformed by the spirit of some ancient beast.

In Jiashou Pass, those operating institutions, as well as hundreds of beasts, are also the creations of craftsman civilization.

So many cruel wars broke out in the west of Jiashou Pass.

In the east of Jiashou Pass, although countless wars have erupted in history, the craftsman civilization is too good at building. Every time the creatures become charcoal and everything is messed up, the craftsman civilization will re-forge the world and everything will be restored to the original state.

In contrast, the west of Jiashou Pass is too cruel. After each war, no one has cleared the battlefield. After hundreds of millions of years, this place has become a wasteland.

Walking in the distorted space, Meng Fan could still vaguely see that, above the vast desert of 8 million miles, the heat, death and resentment of the ancient battlefield, as well as the breath of death and resentment, made ordinary creatures. It is impossible to survive at all. The resources and manpower required to transform these 8 million miles of desert into the world are amazing. At least in the future, the Zaifu Divine Mansion of Heavenly Court will not be able to do it, because this piece of land, in the eyes of Meng Fan, has been to the extreme. In the depths, the source of the ground, all the strength and vitality have been wiped out.

Suddenly, Meng Fan's eyes flickered.

Just when he thought it was a desert where no living things could exist, he suddenly saw a city in one place.

It is more of an "ant nest" rather than a city.

All kinds of mud and stones were piled up crudely into a hill, in which there were many caves, and the Kun people were faintly entering and leaving.

These Kun people did not turn into human forms, but walked in the form of insects.

What surprised Meng Fan was that many of these Kun people were actually in the realm of Tianyuan.

But their hard and heavy shell keeps them from being attacked by sand and heat.

The vitality of the Kun nationality is indeed very strong.

Those smells of death, vitality, hot, and decay have minimal impact on them, and lack of water will not be fatal.

Even these Kun people, the sea of ​​qi faintly derived from their bodies, can convert the hot breath into vital energy for absorption.

The Kun people are indeed the most powerful beings in the prehistoric universe. The more chaotic and cruel the environment, the stronger they are.

Soon, Meng Fan saw more nests. Many nests were connected together. Some of the Kun people’s bodies were very peculiar in structure. The martial art system was also the five elements of soil virtues, which could eat sand and stones, and then secrete gold stones. The essence is then transported westward by some Kun people who are as big as buildings.

In other places, Meng Fan saw that the Kun people were using various methods and magical powers to create oasis lakes.

It's just that these nests and oasis are dotted, and you can occasionally see some.

After a dozen breaths, Meng Fan crossed 8 million miles of desert.

There were more and more oasis, and finally some streams appeared, followed by high mountains, sparse forests and roads appeared on the high mountains.

Among the high mountains, you can occasionally see the settlements of the Kun nationality. These settlements are not the appearance of insect nests, but the appearance of the city, but compared to the cities of the human race, these Kun people’s cities have no sense of beauty and do not pay attention to the four. Elephants, gossip, and feng shui are just built randomly.

"Master Tianwang, this is the green pine mountains. After turning over the Yesong mountain range in front, you will arrive at Yege Mansion. There, the Lord of the Night Song Mansion is responsible for receiving Lord Tianwang."

Yaozhu waved his hand backwards: "Siyuan Dynasty divided the world. There were 21,900 houses. Some houses were very large, and some were relatively small. Yege Mansion controlled the Yege Mountain Range and 8 million. Li Desert is also responsible for the supply of Jiashou Pass."

After listening to these introductions, Meng Fan knew that she still hid a lot of words.

Yege Mansion, among the more than 20,000 mansions of the Siyuan Dynasty, is actually one of the most important places. Nothing else, because it controls 8 million miles of desert and Jiashou Pass. Throughout the ages, it has been in the Kun nationality world. In the middle, Yege Mansion are all important places.

The former Yege Mansion was originally a kingdom called Yege Kingdom. The origin of the name is quite simple. It was a Kun clan queen named Yege who came here to settle and thrive. In ten years, it developed into a small kingdom with millions of Kun people. It was hundreds of millions of years ago. Since then, it has been called Yege.

The history of the Kun nationality can also be regarded as the "history of the mother emperor". Only the Kun nationality, a woman who has become the **** king of the Five Tribulations, can be called the mother emperor. All of them have amazing reproductive ability. Millions of children and grandchildren were reproduced in ten years, creating a kingdom.

Because of the important position of Yege Mansion, after the Siyuan Dynasty unified the Kun clan, it was the eldest daughter of Mother Qinglin who was in charge of the Yege Mansion.

In Cuidi's memory, this eldest daughter was also a **** king of the Peak Six Tribulations, with terrifying strength and equivalent to change.

In the Siyuan Dynasty, not any woman who reached the realm of the **** king could become the mother emperor. After the Qinglin mother emperor was unified, she issued strict orders to the world, wanting to become the mother emperor to multiply and create her own blood and family. , It must be allowed to do so, that is, to enshrine titles. The Kun people who do not have titles do not have the right to prosper.

The mother Qinglin has tens of millions of children, of which about several million have the title of title, but the mother of Qinglin has higher requirements for her own children. Even if she has a title, she cannot thrive and must obtain Qinglin. The mother emperor’s personal consent is required.

This is to ensure that the Qinglin clan is pure and strong enough, and at the same time, to ensure the absolute authority of the Qinglin mother emperor.

In the world of the Kun nationality, a **** king of the Five Tribulations can multiply and thrive, which is equivalent to in the humane world. After possessing the title, he also owns his own territory and military power, which is equivalent to being a prince, and dividing the territory.

Because a powerful Kun tribe does not need to recruit troops or expand its power, as long as it can multiply, it will be enough to establish its own power in a hundred years.

Therefore, among the children of Mother Qinglin, only a few hundred have the power to reproduce.

Among them, the palace lord of the Night Song Mansion, the eldest daughter of Mother Qinglin, is one.

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