Supreme God King

Chapter 3077: Ancient Secrets

In the void, the skyless umbrella quickly transformed into an old man wearing a yellow robe, full of folds and a gray beard. He fell from the sky beyond ten thousand feet. Immediately, all the will of heaven and earth was covered, Meng Fan Suddenly, his perception became very weak, and his vision, hearing, and spiritual touch were all restrained.

In the other direction, the Broken Sky Sword was still in the shape of a silver-white serpentine, traversing vaguely in the void. As it wandered, the cold light flickered, looking for the clues that Meng Fan had revealed.

Winding Tiansi, Swallowing Tianding, and Han Tianling also fumbled from all directions.



In the prehistoric universe, there are endless secrets.

Jiao Ling, the hidden powerhouse of the Siyuan Dynasty, did not know what method he used to step into a wild wasteland. Above the wild wasteland, towering cities stood everywhere, but these cities have been ruined. I don't know how many years they have been deserted. , Severe weathering.

Vaguely, one could still see that in the city, some corpses were half-hidden underground, revealing a part. The corpses seemed to be human bones, but they were several times as big as a head, which was close to the size of one zhang.

In the center of these bones.

A woman stood.

Under a short white hair, there is a delicate face that looks like a girl of sixteen or seventeen years old, with extremely delicate features, a pair of pale blue eyes, a cherry-colored lips, stretched out thin white fingers, and gently touched his lips. Stroking.

The woman wore a dark purple brocade robe, showing two round and slender thighs, and a delicate back, staring at a huge skeleton in front of her in a daze.

Jiao Ling quietly fell behind the woman, standing with her bow and without making a sound.

The woman said lightly: "I can feel... the palace, why is it destroyed?"

Jiao Ling said cautiously: "Your Majesty, the future Heavenly Court Meng Fan, is here."

This delicate beauty reveals the ultimate beauty, which makes it difficult for any man to see a woman. There is a little sadness in the expression, and his eyes are a little confused. A finger is still spinning on his lips.

She is the supreme mother emperor of the Siyuan Dynasty, the absolute leader of the Kun ethnic group, the ancient overlord who once corresponded to the monk civilization of Chaos Great Emperor, and the witness of long years.


"Jiao Ling, have you seen it."

Mother Qinglin said softly.

Jiao Ling didn't know why: "What did your majesty say?"

"This city." Mother Qinglin stared at the huge city with pale blue eyes, and said sadly: "From the dilapidated walls and weathered bones, can you see the scene?"

Jiao Ling respectfully said: "The cultivation level is limited, and the years are too far away to see much."

"Really..." Qing Lin was stunned, and suddenly his eyes flashed, and a few tears flowed out. It seemed that the pear blossoms were raining, so sweet and loving. She pointed her finger at a tower with only a half left. "I finally saw... Emperor Gu worm."

Jiao Ling's body trembled for a while, and his hands slowly dropped on his sides. Although his face was hidden by the mask, he could still feel his shock.

"The ancestor of the Kun nationality... just fell here." With crystal clear tears on Qing Lin's face, he stretched out his finger in another direction. "The Great Chaos."

Jiao Ling turned around instinctively and looked in the direction Qing Lin was pointing at.

But there is only yellow sand.

I don't know how far away Qing Lin's eyes are.

"The Emperor Gu Chong followed the Great Chaos for millions of years and regarded the Great Chaos as his belief and god. In the battle of the Lord's coming, he died for the Great Chaos... The Great Chaos lamented because of the fall of the ancestor..."

Jiao Ling looked at the direction Qing Lin was pointing in shock, but he was only shocked, unable to express any other emotions.

a long time.

Qing Lin said: "This Meng Fan's experience is clear to me. A person like him will not willingly become one of my thousands of faces, nor will he surrender. Invite him to come, in fact, it is just idle. It’s a boring attempt, but I never thought he would come. Since he’s here, just kill it."

With that, Qing Lin flicked his palm, and a golden key fell into Jiao Ling's hand.

"I know that you are here to borrow the ancient soldiers. This key can open a military depot, which contains three thousand ancient soldiers. In addition, I have to tell you that before killing Meng Fan, the imperial city and the 109 prefectures connected to it are up to you. Take full control, go, let me continue here, continue to appreciate the traces of the ancient years."

"Yes!" Jiao Ling took the key in hand and left immediately.

Qing Lin still looked at the ruined city and muttered to himself: "Our appearance is determined by the history we stepped on under our feet. Will today's young people understand this truth? However, people like Meng Fan, It's really a pity to kill like this."

Qing Lin licked his lips, a greedy taste came out, his eyes became full of temptation, and the water sparkled.

"But, kill, just kill."

At this moment, another light and shadow fell behind Qing Lin.

The person who came was completely shrouded in a brown robe. If you didn't look carefully, the person and the surrounding yellow sand would be almost indistinguishable and exactly the same.

"Is the time up?" Qing Lin asked.

The person hiding in the yellow sand said in a rough, vicissitudes of life: "Yes."

"But I don't want to leave." Qing Lin said pitifully.

People of Huangsha: "Three days and three nights, this is our agreement."

Qing Lin turned around, looked at the man in the yellow sand, and said charmingly: "If you kill you, the agreement will be invalidated. I will stay here as long as I want."

"If you kill me, everything here will disappear." The man of Huangsha said. "I am a bridge across time. Without me, Master Qinglin would not be able to step into this place. It would be extremely difficult to leave. Even if I could leave, I am afraid that there will be huge coincidences if I want to come here again in the future. Up."

"Oh." Qinglin was a little boring, and walked towards the man in the yellow sand, a pair of slender legs swayed, and a lovely smile said: "I'm really curious, what is your civilization as a poet."

"The guardian of history." The man of Huangsha replied lightly.

"The answer is too general, the little girl doesn't understand." Qing Lin was a little coquettish. "Can you make it clearer?"

"We are servants of Tao." The man of Huangsha said again.

Qing Lin frowned: "Dao?"

"Tao Master."

"Who is Taoist?"

"We can't give you an answer, but you have to find the answer yourself, think about it, now, you already have some answers."

"Yes, yeah." Qing Lin nodded, and passed by the man of Huangsha, and continued to walk outward. "It's just this answer, which is somewhat unacceptable."

"Accept it or not, it's a fact." After Huang Sha said, the figure gradually disappeared into the yellow sand.

Qinglin also disappeared at the same time.

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