Supreme God King

Chapter 3083: Spear of Destiny

The ninth ancient soldier!

Meng Fan stepped on his chest.

On his body, sweat fell like raindrops.

Three thousand ancient soldiers, tirelessly engaged in the siege.

far away.

Jiao Ling, who turned his compound eyes, looked at everything in front of him silently.

Meng Fan pulled the bare feet from the ancient soldier's chest, and his eyes fell on Jiao Ling's body.

"There are already 28,000 **** kings gathered around the imperial city. Among them, there are seven **** kings of six calamities, but they don't make a move. Why? Does it take until I can't fight anymore before making a move?"

While speaking, Meng Fan still had a smile on his face.

Even if his physical strength is exhausted time and time again, even if there are three thousand ancient soldiers waiting in the air.

This word was passed on in an instant.

Jiao Ling squinted his eyes and said coldly: "Meng Tianwang, as you said, our Kun people are very arrogant, but no powerful **** king in the world can be blind and conceited. What's more, the Siyuan Dynasty is also at war. We have grown up in the baptism of our country, we know you well, understand your methods, and understand your toughness.

You were born 13120 years ago and entered the martial arts in your teens. It has only been more than ten thousand years of groping in the martial arts. Compared with the countless giants in the world, you are young Too much, but created a legend that surpasses many giants.

We are all aware of your confusion, your sinking, and your decline. In order to understand you, we have spent a lot of manpower, knowing that you have gone from immature, young, and confused to today. It seems innocent, but in fact there are great roads. You have tempered your own powerful mind, forged an amazing body, and swallowed many secrets from ancient times to the present. For example, if you enter the martial arts today, 90% of you can remember it when you enter it and turn it into your own martial arts.

But even so, among the cloud-like powerhouses of the Siyuan Dynasty, even if you run wild and invincible, it is impossible to truly win.

The only thing worthy of my attention is your invincible means of walking, ignoring the supernatural power of space.

These 28,000 gods and kings have only one purpose. At the moment when the Nine Extremes of Sleepy Immortal Array can't stop you, they will use flesh and blood to turn into a jail and keep you here until they kill you. until! "

All words are passed between the electric light and flint, between the spirits of Meng Fan and Jiao Ling.

Meng Fan sneered: "It's such a big handwriting. The last time I had such a big handwriting, I was still leaning under the sky, the Heavenly Dao Alliance."

"If you can kill you, the 28,000 gods and kings will all fall, and they will all be there!" Jiao Ling showed determination, even madness!

Meng Fan squinted his eyes and shook his figure. He slammed an ancient soldier who had attacked him on his shoulder, and then blasted out with a punch. The void twisted and rippled, forming ripples that spread outward, seemingly soft as water. However, the approaching ancient soldier pushed a distance away.

This kind of ripple is exactly the appearance of Meng Fan changing the laws of heaven and earth. He used this ripple several times to crush a huge void and thousands of creatures into a landscape painting. At such a close distance, if a **** of the Five Tribulations is touched by the ripple, Immediately the body will disintegrate into the smallest particles and spread all over the place.

But these ancient soldiers were just pushed away. This is not only because their bodies are hard, but also because their bodies have strong resistance to any heavenly law!

Without exception, the nine ancient soldiers destroyed by Meng Fan were completely destroyed by his bare hands and purely physical power.

At the moment when Gu Bing was pushed away, a thought shot from Meng Fan's mind and passed to Jiao Ling's mind.

"Do you think that I will run away without being defeated? The Siyuan Dynasty has too many secrets. These three thousand ancient soldiers are just the tip of the iceberg. After eight years, I need to face the unblocked Emperor, eight years Here, what I want to solve is the Siyuan Dynasty, so that I can face the emperor without any worries, so if I come this time, if I don't get the answer I want, I will not leave!"

When the thought came, Jiao Ling's compound eyes flickered.

The next moment, he opened his eyes!

After Meng Fan pushed away the ancient soldiers in front of him, surging power gushed out from his body.

That is, the power of vows!

After fighting with unarmed hands for a long time, Meng Fan's vow power that had been exhausted was refilled again, the original universe moved extremely fast, and the majestic vow power provided was amazing.

The power of the turbulent vow is condensed in Meng Fan's hands, and the pillar of martial art is also violently rotating, condensing a dark as ink spear of the spirit!

Meng Fan took a step forward.

Flick your arms.

The spear of Mingyi pierced the void.

The speed is too fast.

Ignore distance.

The moment Mingyi's spear was released, it already appeared in front of Jiao Ling.

Even though Jiao Ling had realized that the danger was coming, he still had no time to dodge or stop him. He watched the spear of Mingyi pierce through the chaotic power of his body, the heavy armor defense, and pierce his chest.

Then the huge inertial force drove Jiao Ling, the giant of heaven and earth, the Seven Tribulations God King, to fly backwards.

All of a sudden, fly out of a hundred miles!

Suddenly nailed to a mountain in the Ding Jue Mountains.

Then pierce this mountain and river, and Jiao Ling and Mingyi's spear disappeared from the vision of all the gods!

The whereabouts are unknown.

Life or death is unknown.

This scene stunned the more than 20,000 **** kings who had been watching around the imperial city.

His Royal Highness Thirty, Palace Master Lin Xiu, and Ninth Dynasty Kings were all gutted, unable to even exclaim.

And the next scene caused these powerful **** kings to withdraw their minds.

Meng Fan, who threw the jet-black spear, folded his hands together, and then suddenly opened it. Between his hands, a short spear that released a dazzling light appeared.

The reason why many **** kings withdraw their minds is that this short spear releases a powerful oppressive force. All **** kings who see the short spear give rise to an irresistible and obedient mind in their hearts. The suffocation, the feeling of being bound by chains.

"what is that?"

The voice of the thirtieth majesty became trembling.

This feeling is horrible.

She has never experienced it!

At this moment, she even had an illusion. There were cliffs in front of her and behind her. She could only stand in place and could not do anything. Otherwise, she would fall off the cliff and be broken to pieces with no choice.

Meng Fan, who had condensed a short spear, suddenly changed the laws of heaven and earth around him.

Those laws, from invisible to tangible, colorful, turned into pieces of spar, revolving around Meng Fan, and then sticking to him piece by piece.

A few breaths.

These fragments of the law condensed into a patchwork armor on Meng Fan's body.

Wearing five-color armor and holding a short white spear.

Meng Fan shrugged his shoulders.

Three thousand ancient soldiers looking into the air.


The future heaven.

Qiji Shenfu.

The ancestor of Mingyi was stunned.

The long river of fate he was in charge of, suddenly dried up in half.

"this is……"

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