Supreme God King

Chapter 3100: Start

The thirty-seventh day after Meng Fan returned from the Siyuan Dynasty.

The front line of the Kun ethnic war is becoming more and more stable.

In one of the fortresses, a leader of the Four Tribulations God King was waiting for the dispatched scout to report the news.

In the outermost forts on the front line of the war, the daily task is to send scouts to inquire about the various news of the monks’ civilization.

But on this day, the Four Tribulations God King had a serious expression.

Of the 80 scouts sent today, only twelve returned!

Eighty scouts, without exception, are God Kings of the Two Tribulations. They are extremely fast, and they have evolved skins and flesh that can withstand all kinds of harsh environments, and can shuttle through the turbulence of various laws.

The Kun nationality has a strong vitality, and at the same time, it also has a strong ability to evolve. In order to adapt to the environment, it can change its body in all aspects.

In the past nine months, when these scouts went out to perform missions, they would also suffer losses. Sometimes they would encounter some powerful **** kings and behead them. But it has never happened before that 80 scouts were sent out at once, but only Come back to the situation of twelve.

After waiting for another hour, the school administrator reported the news to Daying.

Later, the commander learned from another commander that in addition to her, four fortresses also sent a large number of scouts today as usual, and only a few returned.

the next day.

The scouts sent by this school leader were a little less, only thirty, but the strength was much stronger. Among the thirty scouts, half were the King of Three Tribulations, who were already elites on the front lines of the war.

When this day is about to end.

Only one scout returned.

The third day.

The command from the camp was written by Jiayi himself. All scouts can only move within a radius of 3 million miles on the frontline of the war. They cannot leave any further, and if they encounter situations, they will immediately return to the frontline of the war without careful investigation.

By the fourth day, the news spread like wildfire.

I don't know if it came from the general who was close to Jiayi.

In the future, the Heavenly Court will begin to attack the front lines of the war. In the first round, the Heavenly Court will behead the eyes and ears of the scouts on the front lines of the war and reduce the scope of activities on the front lines.

In the camp.

Gaiyi leaned on the long table and narrowed his eyes while looking at the huge cosmic map on the long table.

Behind him, many generals and subordinates stood.

Gaiyi suddenly smiled.

"This game of chess has already begun. I am really excited to be able to play against the king of the future."


On the fringe of monk civilization, there is an ark hidden under the obstacles of many laws.

The appearance of this Ark is very similar to the Ark of the Infinite Realm, but it is fundamentally different. If you look closely, you can see that the Ark is not forged from steel, and the Ark itself is a middle-grade Taoist artifact!

This ark is called "Scourge".

The skeleton of the Scourge is the prehistoric Ark of the Infinite Realm. Yes, it was an Ark that was destroyed when the Heavenly Court first shot the Heavenly Dao Alliance many years ago. Through the hands of the craftsmen, this middle-grade Taoist artifact was created. .

However, this middle-grade Taoist device has only the outer shell and no device spirit. It is very difficult to create a Dao artifact spirit. Either you can derive it yourself, or you can grab the powerful **** king, extract its spirit and inject it into it.

Inside the Ark of Scourge, in the largest hall, there is also a huge table.

It is a round table made of white spar.

The round table is one of the symbols of the heavenly court in the future. In the heavenly court in the future, in addition to special circumstances, such as the judicial palace for trial, when the bill is passed by the law, the chief **** of the law will sit on a high place. In most other cases, no matter what Everyone has to talk around a round table for identity, high or low.

The round table, with no head down, no hands down, no theme, no secondary, symbolizes equality.

At this moment, beside this white spar round table, there were four people sitting alone and proud, Inviting Moon Princess, Meng Niuniu, and so on.

In this battle on the front line of the Siyuan Dynasty war, the main force is the Heavenly Dao Divine Mansion, the commander, for the four of them, there is no supreme commander.

This approach was originally a taboo in the art of war. In an army, there must be a supreme commander, otherwise how will the military order be issued? However, many common senses will not be common in the heavens in the future. Even if many commanders are in charge of a large army, there will not be a situation where multiple commanders will cause disunity and cause the army to lose heart.

Especially the princess Lonely Haughty and Inviting the Moon is now the main **** of the law and the main **** of Hongwu, and does not belong to the gods of the heavens, but in the future, the gods of the heavens will flow greatly, and there will be no people doing their own duties and not asking about foreign affairs. The situation, not to mention the loneliness and arrogance and the princess Yueyue, were leaders at the first level in the dark alliance period, and the era alliance was also the case. Once the Heavenly Dao Legion, they were also the main force, and the Heavenly Dao Divine Mansion has the same respect and loyalty to them.

In the original assumption, the four leaders, although they are all commanders, do not have a supreme authority, but they should be alone and proud to command the army. His identity and reputation will be extremely high in the future. Second only to a few veteran **** kings.

But at this moment, it was Meng Niuniu who was beating Fang Qiu at the round table.

"Are there any fish caught?" Meng Niuniu said softly.

Zhi Weiyi rubbed his shoulders: "The scouts dispatched by the Kun nationality war front are scattered, and most of them are acting alone. This helps us kill one by one without being discovered, but we want to all the scouts dispatched by the war front. Killing, not missing one, is still a bit difficult. But I guess that the scouts sent by the Kun clan in the past few days have lost 80%, and a total of 210 heads have been recovered. This is not a small loss. The person called Kaiyi should give an order. Let the scout shrink back, our goal of containing his ears has been achieved."

"I don't think so." Meng Niuniu shook her head: "According to the habits of the Kun nationality, I don't care about the lives of subordinates. Then think about it. If I am changed and cold-blooded enough, I will continue to send scouts and send them. There will be more, even if only a few come back, but as long as you can get enough information, it's worth it."

Zhiwei frowned and said: "But the Kun ethnic war front line has indeed shrunk, and today we have not seen the Kun ethnic scouts."

"Those Kun scouts are too weak and small. They are just two-half gods and three-knife gods, not enough to see or kill." Meng Niuniu stretched out her hand and drew a line on the universe map on the round table: "If it were me, If the number of scouts is reduced, a few, but very powerful scouts will be sent, such as a few Five Tribulations God Kings."

As soon as I heard it, I thought for a moment, and nodded: "It makes sense. In this case, we should also send a few strong people to monitor and see if we can find some clues, and we should also send out the King of Five Tribulations."

Meng Niuniu said: "Can you choose someone?"

"Zhao Qilin counts as one." The best one.

Meng Niuniu was startled: "Isn't Zhao Qilin performing a task outside?"

Zhao Qilin himself is still a member of Jingyu Shenfu, not a member of Tiandao Shenfu. The tasks he is performing are also the tasks of Jingyu Shenfu.

"Senior transferred him back and joined this battle." The only person who was called senior by him was Meng Fan, who was ridiculed. "Zhao Qilin's friendship for you is well known. Seniors let him participate in this battle. It is also meticulous. I think if there is a chance that you are in danger, Zhao Qilin will save you regardless of his own life. Hey, when will I be like Senior is so profound and meticulous."

Meng Niuniu frowned: "It's impossible for you in this life."

Not at all annoyed at all, he nodded and said solemnly: "Of course, how can I catch up with seniors."

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