Supreme God King

Chapter 3103: First battle

The range of activities on the front line of the Siwon Dynasty war has been compressed.

On the seventh day of the confrontation, the daily scouts sent by the Siyuan Dynasty were only one-tenth of the past, and the scope of their activities had been reduced to within a million miles.

Millions of miles, it can be said that the front line of war is equivalent to the blind, deaf, and monk civilization. For the front line of war, it is a shady, and the information that can be obtained is pitiful.

The countermeasures to change the choice are also very simple. While reducing the number of scouts, they secretly dispatched strong men. These strong men are the dozens of Five Tribulations God Kings on the front line of the war. They are all commanders, generals, and temporary. Serving as a scout, secretly enter the monk civilization.

However, these school generals have special identities and are strong. They are also asked to proceed with caution if they are changed for fear of loss. They are also asked to proceed with caution when they encounter any situation, regardless of whether it is endangered or not. Therefore, the scope of their activities is still not large, but they are detected. Some things.

The information before and after is changed and integrated together, and the result is that there are many wandering arks outside.

The appearance of these arks was never seen by the Siyuan Dynasty.

Each ark is thirty feet long and twelve feet wide, and it looks like it was forged from some ancient wood. Souls and thoughts can’t penetrate into it, and some clues can’t be seen, so , The generals who went out to investigate did not act rashly and attacked these arks.

Except for the Ark, the investigating generals did not see any God King, so it can be confirmed that the enemies on the front lines of the war are hidden in the dark Ark.

So cracking the secret of the Ark became the top priority.

On the front line of the war, there was a monk civilization in the east, and it was a shady scene, but on the front line of the war, it was the Siyuan Dynasty. There are still many powerful Kun people coming and going. Among them, there are several king skulls.者来。

The information brought back by the leading scouts was given to these murderers, through their thinking, all the clues were grouped together, and fed back to the king head of the imperial city, and then fed back, repeating the cycle, and gradually, some of the faces became clear.

The source of these arks is the wreckage of prehistoric warships in the infinite realm and the fragments of the ark without sea.

In the monk civilization, there are many sea-free arks scattered around. These sea-free arks are all made from the branches of the oldest ancestor tree, and they were created by the Great Chaos nearly ten billion years ago.

The Ark of No Sea in the past was the only tool that could cross No Sea. In fact, it was the "fishing rod" left by Emperor Chaos to let his "prey" enter the Chaos World.

It’s well known that the Great Emperor Chaos never leaves the Chaos Realm. Therefore, what the Great Chaos Emperor needs must be sent to him by a **** king outside the Chaos Realm. Since he wants to send it, he must have a ship. The ancient ship without sea is For this.

The toughness of the ancient ship without sea is comparable to an immortal monument.

At that time, the Era Alliance had two arks transformed from ancient ships without seas. Later, after the establishment of the heaven in the future, more than a dozen ancient ships without seas were successively found from various places in the cosmos.

According to the analysis of various documents and historical data, there are more than 300 ancient ships without sea built by the Great Primordial Chaos 10 billion years ago. With the passage of time, the whereabouts of these ancient ships have long been unknown, and many have been lost. After billions of years, there are not many that can be found now.

The sea-free ancient ship itself is not considered precious. Even if the chaotic world rises again today and the sea-free reappears, many leaders of the Taoist world can step into the chaotic world without relying on the sea-free ancient ship, but the fragments of the ancestor tree, It was too important. It was refined by the future heaven and merged into the wreckage of the prehistoric warship, creating those dark arks.

According to the thoughts of the conspirators, these arks are not only made of extraordinary materials, but also a collection of ancient ships without seas and prehistoric warships of infinite realms. More importantly, the means to create arks from these materials are also very powerful. Among them, there is the shadow of craftsman civilization.

The conspirators inferred that these pitch-black arks were forged at the same time by combining four technologies: ancient ships without seas, future heavenly slayers, infinite realms, and craftsman civilization.

Although each of these arks was only thirty feet long, the number of monks in it could not be counted.

The strength of the dragon gate flying armor has been spread throughout the universe, and everyone knows that every dragon gate flying armor has the meaning of space for the future heavenly king Meng Fan. The space in it is folded layer by layer. There are about thousands to tens of thousands of small worlds, densely packed with various formations, so they are very powerful.

So how many layers of space are contained in these pitch-black arks?

In these spaces, how many monks, strong men are hidden?

These pitch-black arks may be another extraordinary work of Heavenly Court in the future after the Flying Armor of the Dragon Gate.

The ninth day.

At the moment when he was thinking about countermeasures and thinking about whether to attack a dark ark and seize its secrets, news suddenly came.

The whereabouts of a murderer who should have arrived today and also brought more than a dozen middle-managers with him is unknown and there is no news.

Gaiyi was a little surprised.

About half an hour later, there was news that traces of battle were found on the front lines of the war and several passages of the Siyuan Dynasty. One passage has been cut off!

This matter made Kai Yi completely serious.

This shows that in the future, some powerful men in the Heavenly Court have quietly bypassed the front lines of the war, playing ghosts in the rear, not only to destroy the front lines of the war to face the eyes and ears of the monk civilization, but even to completely isolate the front lines of the war!

He immediately fought hard to write a letter, and passed a few tokens to the Siyuan Dynasty, asking Jiashouguan and Yegefu to immediately send troops to protect the safety of those passages.

At the same time, there was a token passed to the imperial city, hoping to send another Six Tribulations God King to support the war front.

After writing these tokens, Jiayi shouted: "Prepare my armor, tomorrow, follow me to force an Ark."

Kaiyi understood in his heart that continuing to wait is not waiting for work with ease, but sitting and waiting for death.

The ghosts and gods of the future heaven are unpredictable. They can bypass the front lines of the war and invade the rear. After nine days of confrontation, the scouts sent by the front lines of the war have been eradicated, but they have never seen any future **** king.

If you continue to wait, you will be constantly compressed. In the future, the heavens will work step by step and are very stable, but they will definitely be proud of the critical moment. They will perform a thunderous blow on the front line of the war and completely pull the front line of the war.

Gaiyi is certainly a stable role and a strong man who can wait forever, but he has participated in so many wars before and after, and is known as the first commander of the Siwon Dynasty. He also knows that at critical moments, he must take action and cannot miss the opportunity.

So he decided to take action personally and seize an Ark.

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