Supreme God King

Chapter 3120: meteorological

The Siyuan Dynasty was defeated on the front line, the 91st day.

Dadao era, the beginning of the fourth year.

In the future, the sky will turn to cold weather, and most areas will be covered with snow.

Based on many calculations and exercises, Zaifu Shenfu decided to change the weather in some places to Daqingzhiyang and let some mountains and lakes thaw first.

Even in the severe winter, everywhere in the heavens will still be vigorous in the future. After all, there will be no ordinary "ordinary people" in the heavens in the future. The agrimony planted everywhere releases sufficient aura, and the great gods seize the aura of the heavens and create things with skill, especially Those young priests who want to gain contributions and merits will also travel around to help the people. Therefore, the creatures of the heavens in the future, even a newly born baby, will often be naturally conceived in the body before one year old. With the power of vows, and with the power of vows, you will no longer be "ordinary people", which means you have entered the martial arts for the first time.

And many talented children, who have reached the realm of Tianyuan when they are eighteen or nineteen years old, or more than twenty, can be said to be very good, but they can't be called geniuses, because there are many people.

In other words, in the future heaven, almost every child will be a monk entering the martial art.

Even the weak creatures, such as foxes, cats and dogs, are spiritual, and even some animals derive enough wisdom every day to enter the martial arts and become "monsters."

Therefore, the severe winter will make a duny dynasty become cold, but in the future, the heavenly court will still be vibrant, no different from spring, summer and autumn.

You can see that in the sky above a city, many cultivators pass by in the sky, some are sitting on huge cruise ships, some are riding birds and beasts, and some are flying by themselves.

In the city, hundreds of cobblestone avenues spread to the outside. Each one is more than ten feet wide and extends in all directions. Many business travelers and pedestrians walk in it. These business travelers have different appearances. Some look like monsters. He didn't transform into a human form, and talked and greeted people with a monster appearance.

On the edge of the city, there was a huge river flowing. This area was determined by the Zaifu Divine Mansion as the place to thaw first. Therefore, in the trickle river, many plump fish have jumped out.

In this river, you can see a dozen and a half-year-old children swimming naked, upstream, letting the cold river water wash their bodies, exercising their physique and will, each with a firm face.

On the river, there are several huge three-story cruise ships. On the cruise ships are large local families. Those who carry gold and silver are often local merchants and their family members. The simple but elegant ones have some identity in some places. Children.

In the future heaven, there will be no concepts of nobility or common people. Some of the so-called identities are actually the lord of a city or some relatives of officials in the county. In the future heaven, there is no difference between officials and civilians, and they are strictly protected by the first iron law. Therefore, there is no distinction between superior and inferior, and no one dares to dictate. , Even the story of entering the Dragon City, this kind of story happens every day, even all the time.

To be sure, the future leaders and bigwigs of the heavenly court are almost all with strong backgrounds, such as the Zhuge family, the Wang family, the Xie family, the Rui family of the Qilin family, the blood of the Faxiang Tian Dynasty imperial family, etc., but here, no one looks at those identities. , Blood, family, don’t forget, the future king will only be a poor boy in a small town ten thousand years ago.

Even if the children with local status can board the huge three-story cruise, it is just that the family has some money. Moreover, the officials of the heavenly court in the future will have a characteristic, that is, they must be low-key, simple, and approachable. You can tell from the decorations on the cruise ships.

At this moment, the dozen or so half-old children swimming in the icy water passed several cruise ships, greeted with the smiling gaze of a handsome scholar in white robe on the cruise ship, and then aboard a merchant cruise ship with gold, silver and gold. Several celebrities carried the pedals on their shoulders to connect the merchant cruise ship and the cruise ship where the scholar in white robe was on. The technique was clean and neat. One celebrity carried a half-foot wide and three-foot-long one foot thick, and it weighed four to five thousand two. The pedals were all expressionless, and the twenty pedals were placed horizontally, directly combining the two cruise ships into one.

When the scholar in white robe left the fence, he saw a tall and sturdy man coming from the cruise ship opposite. There were not many people flocking behind him, only a few energetic family members who waited on him.

The tall man came in front of the scholar in white robe and said with a smile: "Young Master Xiong." His voice was deep.

The scholar in white robes also said, "Mr. Xiang."

The tall man laughed: "When you come to Zhongkou County to do business, you have to learn these humane rules. It's really annoying."

The scholar in white robes, known as Master Xiong, smiled and said, "Mr. Xiang actually doesn't need to be like this."

Mr. Xiang said: "Do you follow the customs? Zhongkou County is a big county with 39.1 million Li people, and Jiucheng is your human race, and many children of the Dragon City King’s family were arranged here. Humane culture is still It's heavy."

Longcheng Wang Family, that is, Wang Haicheng's, the ancient emperor family's Wang family.

Several great families were merged into the future heaven. The Wang family's children are still relatively small, but there are more than 10 million people, of which more than two million are arranged in this Zhongkou County.

"Mr. Xiang really looks like a human merchant, and he looks alike." Young Master Xiong smiled.

Mr. Xiang nodded: "Right? The second grandfather's characteristic of humanity is to pretend! Haha, don't mind."

"Where would you mind." Young Master Xiong also responded with a smile. "The Kylin clan is a symbol of ancient humanity and auspiciousness. Mr. Xiang is here to make the place shine. Compared with Mr. Xiang, we are just pretending to be."

This Mr. Xiang is a family of unicorns.

The Kylin family has nine surnames, Rui, Xiang, Fu, Lu, Shou, Yuan, Chang, Ming, and Tong. Among them, the Rui surname is the largest and dominates. The leaders of the Kylin in the past are the Rui surnames, and they have a very high status.

The surname Xiang is only behind the surname Rui, and there are many in number. The so-called "second ancestor" in Mr. Xiang's mouth refers to a certain senior ancestor of the Xiang surname, which may be Rui Baichuan. A nephew.

"Dragon City encourages business and mobility. Zaifu Shenfu has established tens of thousands of teleportation formations in various counties in the past year. There are countless canals, waterways, land routes, and royal cruise ships everywhere. Now our future heaven is The hegemons of the world, even the Kun people have been repelled, and they dare not make trouble, and are peaceful and prosperous, so I also come to do business. This is also encouraged by the second grandpa. Our generation, these two or three hundred years old Many of the younger generation have started to do business."

Mr. Xiang said and waved his hand, and a family next to him brought a set of pens, inks, papers and inkstones, all of which looked expensive, and gave them to Mr. Xiong.

At this moment, Mr. Xiang happened to see a few teenagers walking up against the current next to the cruise ship, and he couldn't help but ask, "Who are these teenagers?"

Mr. Xiong said: "The children of some fishermen in this city."

Mr. Xiang immediately leaned on the fence and shouted: "A few young men, come up and drink some hot tea! I first arrived in Zhongkou County, I really want to see the weather in Zhongkou County."

Those children ignored them and swam forward on their own, obviously in a game.

Young Master Xiong said with a smile: "There is a saying in the ancient chapters of humanity that the emperor can't get on the boat. This refers to a great monk who cultivated abundance and righteousness in ancient times. To this day, there are many poems that the children of the humane family want to learn The article was written by this great monk. And in our future heaven, everyone will be called by the emperor to be unable to board the ship."

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