Supreme God King

Chapter 3133: Reinforcements

The old artisan, **** battlefield.

After the Siyuan Dynasty unified the Kun nationality world, the east side of Jiashouguan became the main battlefield. Among the 6.7 million miles of mountains and rivers, there were unknowingly buried bones, and the mountains became bloody.

In the last general attack of the Siyuan Dynasty on the craftsman civilization, the army led by Jiayi and the main force of the craftsman civilization fought the most tragic battle here. The number of casualties in the subsequent battle of the new city subjugation was not comparable to this battle. , The Scarlet Battlefield got its name.

Amidst the mountains and rivers, leaning lonely on a boulder, looking up at the sky, his body was completely damaged, exposing large pieces of white bones. This was the moment when the master guard Yumen was breached, the mother Qinglin's offensive As a result, the five masters of the craftsman guarding Yumen joined forces against the mother of Qinglin. If it were not for the frontal block of the horned horns, the thousands of **** kings guarding Yumen of the craftsman would fall. In difficulty.

But even after the wave, the loneliness was still half-dead.

The majesty of Qinglin mother emperor is evident.

In the chaotic battle, everyone evacuated, and the five big brothers dispersed. Now there is only one woman who is following the lonely heart. This woman is quite immortal, wearing a goose-yellow brocade robe and fluffy. The hair does not look exquisite at all, but the face is very small, and when you look closely, you can vaguely see that there are two bumps above the girl's eyebrows, which are slightly abrupt.

This woman is a lonely and proud apprentice.

The Qilin family, the children of the Rui family, speaking of it, are the distant niece of Rui Baichuan.

In the future, the major forces, factions, and races of the Heavenly Court will merge, and it is not uncommon to accept a unicorn disciple alone.

And the new generation is replaced by the old, the new and the old alternate, and the loneliness and arrogance are also the veteran gods, and it is normal to support the younger generation.

This apprentice named Rui Jia'er came into the door of Gu Xin Ao six months ago. After that, Gu Xin Ao accepted four disciples one after another. Among them were a genius from the royal family, a nephew of Master Zhuge, and a descendant of the nobles who had been in the dynasty. , And the fourth son of Dragon Blood Taibao, one of the five dragons.

However, the last four apprentices joined the sect at a later time and were relatively young. They appeared in the torrent of the soul on weekdays. Only Rui Jiaer had already become the King of Two Tribulations. After joining the sect, he followed the lonely day and night. The arrogant side, this battle is the same.

Now I am lonely and seriously injured, but she has no expression on her face, looking at the sky, not knowing what she is thinking, the female apprentice beside her is panicked, constantly using all kinds of medical techniques she knows, but she is not good at it. Dao, because she admired Meng Niuniu, Rui Jiaer focused on Kendo.

In addition, she was just a small two-tribulation **** king with limited strength. Faced with the body of the lonely and proud six-fold **** king, and the injuries left by the mother emperor Qinglin, what she did was nothing but a drop in the bucket.

The weaker and the more anxious, Rui Jiaer actually shed tears.

A drop of tears had just drawn out of the corner of her eye, and was suddenly wiped away by Gu Xin Ao with his fingers, but Gu Xin Ao's body was covered with blood, but this time she wiped a **** path on Rui Jia'er's face, and she was stunned and smiled helplessly. Said: "Sorry."

Rui Jiaer cried even worse.

Guxin smiled and shook his head: "You cry, you can't die."

"Master..." Rui Jiaer still wailed loudly.

Lonely and proudly said again: "If I die, it’s nothing. I have been waiting for my own death many years ago, before the Ten Thousand Realms War. It can be good for people. Many people who wanted to live forever died, but I Live all the time."

Rui Jiaer could not cry.

at this time.

Suddenly there was some noise, Rui Jiaer was quite alert, with a pear blossom on her face, she turned around abruptly, and at the same time she was holding an emerald green hook in her hand. This is the sharp sword "Wu Hook" made for her by Lonely Heart. Unlike all sharp swords, Wu Gou is curved, and only Guxinao knows whether there is a deep meaning in it.

Lonely proud also looked over.

In the distance, between the canyons, there appeared a woman in an emerald green veil, which looked quite agile.

But the expressions of the woman at the moment were all screwed together, looking quite tangled.

Rui Jiaer was shocked when she saw the woman, and Wu Gou barely clenched her hand.

"Five Tribulations God King..."

Facing a powerful five-tribulation **** king, Rui Jiaer, the two-fold **** king, seemed too weak.

And the master behind him was dying.

But even so, Rui Jiaer still stood in front of her lonely heart and did not move her footsteps.

"I remember you." Facing the Five Tribulations God King who suddenly appeared, Gu Xin proudly smiled: "Cui Di, that little girl who ransacked."

Cuidi bit her lip and said: "Before, because of various rumors, I always thought that the future king was the most attractive man in the world. It was not until I stepped into the future heaven in person, saw the future king with my own eyes, and saw you, did I understand that. It's just a rumor."

Lonely smiled arrogantly: "Forget who once said that Meng Fan is not a very charismatic person, in fact, he is very boring, compared to inviting the Moon Palace Lord, the Heavenly Giants, and even the ancient emperor, he is very Boring. His charisma is because he has done too many earth-shattering things, and he is too responsible. Under his reputation, the imagination of the kings of the world is a little out of shape. If you say that the world is the most charismatic, What I have seen is Baibuxian."

Dying, still talking and laughing.

Cui Di shook his head: "I haven't seen the legend that the Great Chaos Emperor must be polite, and the Baibuxian who broke through two heavens and sealed the heavens in an instant. I have only seen you, and now, we are enemies."

"Then do what you should do." Guxin smiled proudly: "Siyuan Dynasty issued a reward order, my head must be very valuable."

"The fief is 80 million, the first-class duke, the first-class duke, you can get the honor of the mother emperor, you can thrive." Cui Di said every word, it seems to be very painful: "Your head and the battle giant The head is the most expensive."

Gu Xin Hou was a little surprised: "I think Senior Crest Armor is the most expensive."

"Sorrowful horned armor, the mother emperor wants to live." Cuidi said.

Lonely and proudly: "So that's the case... Then you should make a move. The Heavenly Battle Giant didn't come. Kill me, you are the first one."

"Why?" Cuidi's face was puzzled and full of pain: "Why are you so calm in the face of death? I've seen you for the first time...I'm shaking, my heart is softened, and now you just need to beg for mercy , Just one sentence, I will let you go, I will..."

"Because he is, lonely and proud."

A cold voice sounded.

One person came.

It is a woman in white clothes fluttering with golden willow leaves, her face is thin, like a figure in an ancient humane opera.

Lips are as red as blood.

God King of Five Tribulations!

When Rui Jiaer saw the woman, it was like seeing the savior, crying bitterly, "Senior!"

The mysterious woman walked by Rui Jia'er, patted her cheek lightly, not serious, but made Rui Jia'er stagger a few steps, seeming to blame her for crying.

"The lonely heart was arrogant and arrogant when he was young, and he was also stupid and narcissistic. He lived up to his name at all. He walked along the way, experienced countless life and death, and was accustomed to life and death. When facing death calmly, he realized the death and walked today. Become the right-hand man of the future king, the master of law, and his reputation spread all over the world. How can such a man of temperament rise from immaturity and beg for forgiveness?"

The woman was talking.

Gu Xin proud frowned weakly: "Stupid narcissism, young arrogance, these two sentences are superfluous, why do you seem to be familiar with me?"

Cuidi looked at the woman and frowned, "Who are you?"

"The presiding judge of the Demon God Mansion, the demon world is in power, but in the future heaven, I will generally be called Demon Fairy, Si Yu."

After saying this, he looked at Gu Xin proud: "I came with me, there are 1700 gods and kings in the demon world, I will see you."

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