Supreme God King

Chapter 3140: thank

The fundamental reason for the deadlock in the battlefield is the Kun nationality's retreat.

Facing the future kings who are more and more wary, only the obedient, fearful, and greedy Kun people begin to shrink back.

The fear of war began to permeate among the Kun people.

In this seemingly suspenseful war, when the Kun people feared the future kings, the balance began to tilt.

With the passage of time, the balance of this war is increasingly inclined to the future heaven.

Goulian Mountain.

It was the first mountain in the land of craftsmen.

At this moment, the mountain has been cut off and turned into a plateau.

In the middle of the plateau, Meng Fan stood, looking up at the sky.

His fight with the Qinglin mother emperor has lasted for nine hours, from yesterday to this morning.

Although the mother Qinglin was not injured, facing Meng Fan, this ancient overlord seemed quite passive.

In nine hours, Mother Qinglin had displayed six middle-grade Taoist artifacts one after another, five of which were exploded by Mother Qinglin, and used the explosion of one middle-grade Taoist weapon to strike Meng Fan.

A middle-grade Taoist device is a rare treasure anywhere in the primordial universe. Many powerful gods do not have a middle-grade Taoist device, just like the six-fate gods of loneliness, inviting the moon palace lord, and the giants of war. Wang, none of his own destiny middle-grade Dao implements.

After all, the mother Qinglin has lived for tens of millions of years. In the long years, many Dao artifacts have been created after the years. Among them, there are six natal middle-grade Dao artifacts. These middle-grade Dao artifacts follow the Qinglin mother emperor. For so long, she was easily exploded, showing her decisiveness and cruelty.

But after exploding five middle-grade Taoist artifacts, Meng Fan was also unharmed.

The last moment when it was about to explode, was suppressed by Meng Fan, the power of the majestic vow turned into a high mountain, and the middle-grade Taoist instrument was pressed on a plain tens of thousands of miles from the city of Mandric.

Mother Qinglin had nothing to do with Meng Fan.

And Meng Fan is always very stable, facing this ancient overlord, seemingly comfortable.

This kind of ease of use means that Meng Fan has not displayed all his power yet, perhaps 90%, perhaps 90%, but certainly not all his power.

Moreover, Meng Fan didn't rely on external force at all, and only relied on himself to draw a tie with Mother Qinglin.

All this made Mother Qinglin even more angry.

Once upon a time, in the eyes of Mother Qinglin, she had only one enemy, the Great Chaos Emperor who had disappeared.

In her eyes, Meng Fan was just a descendant of Tianzong.

Now, only the poisonous king was still following the mother Qinglin, but Meng Fan used the posture of ghosts to launch lore against the mother Qinglin several times, but was blocked by the poisonous king. Therefore, the Toxic King has been battered and injured. In this fight, as a high-grade Taoist weapon, the King of Seven Tribulations, the Toxic King, who had a life span of hundreds of millions of years, is aging very badly, and is even dying. .

Mother Qinglin was very angry.

She also knew why Meng Fan didn't use all his power, but always left room.

Because this is the first time in history that the King of the Eight Tribulations will be duel. Any King of the Eight Tribulations is a legend from ancient times. He has endless methods and the ability to survive from desperation. Meng Fan does not exert his full power to guard against youth. Mother Lin has more powerful methods.

Controlling the situation, thinking carefully, and leaving room, shows that this fight is not difficult for Meng Fan.

This is the root cause of the anger of Mother Qinglin.

Because Mother Qinglin didn't think so much.

She just wanted to kill Meng Fan in the shortest time.

Therefore, she has released all her natal devices.

Meng Fan looked at each other with Mother Qinglin, and both remained silent.

Compared with the suppressed anger of Mother Qinglin, Meng Fan was quite calm.

There are no pupils in his eyes.

There is only endless starlight, among them, the original universe is spinning fast.

In the process of confronting Qinglin mother emperor, not only did he fail to exhaust, on the contrary, he became more and more fierce and stronger!

Throughout the ages, the Eight Tribulations God Kings have been numbered.

Except for the Great Emperor Chaos and the Hundred Step Immortal who broke through the two calamities, the nameless old man hidden in the God Realm Library is one, and the Ten Thousand Magic God Emperor who broke through the shackles in the confrontation with Meng Fan can count as half.

Then, it was the mother Qinglin.

Meng Fan peeped into the primordial world and used the will of heaven to sense the states of sentient beings, at least as far as he could sense, in the world known to sentient beings, in the dust of all history, there were only a few existences above the seven calamities.

Now, the Great Chaos has disappeared without a trace.

Bai Buxian kills himself and becomes benevolent.

The nameless old man died of exhaustion.

At the moment when the Emperor of Ten Thousand Laws broke through the bottleneck, the catastrophe of the hit was tampered with by Meng Fan and obliterated by the power of heaven.

There were only two Eight Tribulations God Kings still in this world, as Meng Fan knew and saw.


A Qinglin mother emperor.

His eyes moved away from Mother Qinglin, and looked towards the gray sky.

Some emotions.

With emotion, he walked this way, and finally reached the realm of invincible height.

But he was also somewhat relieved.

It is gratifying to have the existence of Qinglin mother emperor.

The ancient gods of the Eight Tribulations had no rivals and no real friends to communicate with. They were all powerful and lonely. They reached a realm rare in ancient times, but it was difficult to talk about the mystery of this realm and the feelings in their hearts with others. .

They are all lonely walkers, walking on the dark road, groping on their own.

So at this moment, Meng Fan felt that he was happy.

There is another opponent, and Qinglin mother emperor.

He became the King of Eight Tribulations in only 30 days. After he achieved it, he felt that he was more and more closely connected with the source of the heavens. Everything in the world was clear and transparent in his eyes, and everything in the world had no secret , Meng Fan originally thought that if a person saw everything in the world, it would be very boring, but he found that he was wrong, he saw everything, but he felt fresh and indifferent like never before.

One hundred pieces of the great meaning of the great road have disappeared.

It is completely integrated with his martial arts pillar.

Once, Dao Zhenyi was just a rune imprinted on his martial arts pillar. Now Dao Zhenyi is part of his martial arts pillar.

At the moment he achieved the Eight Tribulations King, hundreds of Five Tribulations Kings were born in the Origin Universe.

Within this month, several hundred more were born.

And during the nine hours of fighting against the Qinglin mother emperor, his strength, his physical body, his pillar of martial arts, and his origin are all growing rapidly, from immature to condensed.

The same is true of the original universe.

The original universe is constantly expanding, expanding, and expanding.

From the time Meng Fan became the God King of Six Tribulations, there were thousands of God Kings in his original universe, and any powerful of them would be released by him, stepping into this vast universe and becoming the future. A member of heaven.

Meng Fan gave all the **** kings of the Origin Universe the opportunity to choose.

There are many, choose to stay.

At this moment, they are also growing vigorously in Meng Fan's body.

Meng Fan blinked his eyes, then moved his gaze back again, looking at Mother Qinglin.

Mother Qinglin was still full of anger.

Meng Fan said: "Thank you for having you."

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