Supreme God King

Chapter 3142: Bridge of mind

Xiaolong Yinshan.

Ramadan stepped out of the hidden void and pierced the chest of a Kunzu **** king with his bare hands, and then the moon flashed like a blade of cold light, cutting the Kunzu **** king into infinite fragments.

She raised her head and saw several ancient elephant kings sweeping by in a crushing posture in the distance, and saw the demon girl flying into the sky as a huge blue luan.

Ramadan was about to move forward, and suddenly stopped.

She frowned, seeming to hear something.

Looking at a future **** king dozens of steps away.

This future God King comes from Jingyu God's Mansion, and is relatively old. He is a God King of Four Tribulations.

He stared at Ramadan, and from his surprised eyes, he could see that he also heard something.

Not long after, the hundreds of future **** kings who rushed to the left and right in this fight suddenly stood still and looked around. They all heard the sound and were all looking for the source of the sound.

Ramadan listened carefully.

just got it.

That is a ballad.

"I saw you, my love.

I broke through all the shackles and walked to your side.

I stretched out my hand and turned the entire sky upside down, correcting your reflection.

I am melting Wang Yang, it is your bronze mirror...

I broke the space for you, I solidified time for you.

Just for the eternity of this moment.

Praise for the next moment. "

This is a very strange song in Ramadan, she has never heard of it.

But the melody of the tune seems familiar.

"This is... the ballad of Wangyuan Township... the ballad of my hometown..."

A future **** king murmured, his eyes were a little blank, and there were faint tears in his eyes.


Ramadan suddenly fell to his knees, reaching out to cover his forehead.

After the ballad.

She heard other voices.

Those voices, from nowhere, echoed in her mind.

There is the sound of weapons colliding.

There were roars and wailing.

There are thousands of horses galloping.

There is a silent march.

Immediately after.

Not only sound.

There are many pictures in Ramadan's mind.

She saw an ancient and elegant huge city. Outside the city, more than two hundred future **** kings stood. The leader was Fairy Bai Xue.

Fairy Bai Xue was standing beside a corpse, squinting his eyes, looking at the corpse.

That was... Zhuge Zhao's body.

Fairy Bai Xue has anger in her eyes.

Strong anger.

Then Fairy Baixue raised his head and looked at the Kunzu God King, who showed fear in the middle of the city.

She gritted her teeth and squeezed a word from her lips.


More than two hundred future **** kings, silently, walked slowly towards the Kunzu **** kings hidden in the city.

In Ramadan, I saw that on a plain, three four-kilosis **** kings, leaning against each other, facing three directions, each **** king holding a sharp blade in his hand.

They apparently just became the Four Tribulations God King, and not long ago.

It was the Four Tribulations God King who was accomplished in this tragic war.

And the three of them are three brothers who worship the handle.

The reason why they are back to back and facing in three directions is because they have been surrounded by dozens of Kunzu **** kings.

But there was no fear in their eyes.

There is even excitement.

And the excitement of red eyes.

Suddenly, one of the Four Tribulations God King seemed to sense something, and looked at his side and left and right blankly.

In Ramadan's mind, there were various sounds and sights, and it took a long time for her to get used to it and stand up.

"Mind torrent."

The torrent of soul is a by-product of the future when the heavenly court creates a long river of fate.

In the future, the Heavenly Court will develop to a certain degree and produce a powerful force that has never been seen before.

All **** kings who step into the heavenly court in the future can integrate their spirits and souls into the torrent of their hearts and communicate with the sentient beings in the heavenly court in the future.

This kind of communication goes far beyond language. Language is empty and can only express a person's superficial thoughts. Moreover, language can be misunderstood, can also be lie, can be deceived.

The torrent of mind is not the case.

All the beings of the heavenly court in the future, abandon all the barriers in their hearts, beware, and exchange martial arts in the torrent of souls without reservation, share experiences, have a clear heart, and communicate with each other.

The torrent of the soul allows all beings in the heavens in the future to be spiritually integrated, regardless of each other, so that the heavens in the future will grow rapidly, and countless creatures can find their own martial arts and avenues in the torrent of souls, and achieve themselves. , Also made others.

The torrent of soul has gradually become the most powerful force of heaven in the future.

Because of the torrent of souls, the heavenly court will be monolithic in the future, and any intrigue and deceit will be gone.

Because of the torrent of soul, any extraordinary thoughts, extraordinary ideas, can be known by others, and by analogy, anyone can step into the torrent of soul to learn, and any question can be answered here, so the distance between people is Infinitely close.

But the torrent of souls only exists in the future heaven.

Walking out of the future heaven is tantamount to breaking away from the torrent of mind.

But now, the torrent of soul has appeared in the old artisan place.

No, that's not right...

Ramadan immediately overthrew his ideas.

It's not that the soul is flowing out of the old craftsman's place, but it is branded on the body of every future king.

No changes.

The future gods who are immersed in the torrent of souls have already had inextricable connections with each other in spirit. This connection was once weak and only became clear and thorough under the scouring of the long river of fate, but at this moment Here, in the old place of the craftsmen, they held the same obsession, fought side by side, and killed the Kun people. Their spirits were once again highly unified, and their hearts flowed and transformed!

Every future **** king of heaven has become a drop of water.

Wherever they are, there is a torrent of souls.

At this moment, being broken up, they can only fight separately. The future kings who don’t know anything about other people’s experiences are spiritually condensed together again. They can see other people’s experiences, other people’s fights, and friends. The fall of sisters and brothers.

There is anger, silence, fierceness, and killing intent.

Various emotions began to erupt.

The divine kings scattered around began to communicate silently and changed their plans.

Some **** kings originally went to the Yumen of the craftsman to guard the Yumen, but suddenly turned around and went to another place.

It is to rescue a group of besieged companions.

Some **** kings began to gather and clenched their fists to fight the Kun people who were rushing indiscriminately.

Ramadan took back his mind.

"The kings, are building a bridge of souls that overcome obstacles." Ramadan said lightly, but there was still some excitement trembling in his words. "Today will be remembered forever by history. From now on, a brand new future heaven will be born, an unstoppable future heaven."

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