Supreme God King

Chapter 3149: The dead

In the heart of Mid Valley, there is a ghost town.

The city was like hundreds of giant swords stuck in the ground, and the sword's edge was facing the sky, it looked like it was flaring with its teeth and claws, shining with colorful and strange light.

Surrounded by the sky and the earth, there are densely packed black dead creatures.

Zhiweiyi, Tianxingcang and Fairy Baixue, led two hundred **** kings of the Heavenly Dao Palace, appeared on the edge of this city.

They hide in the darkness, silently looking at the city.

"Even though the black death catastrophe has weakened to the extreme, it is after all the power that once ravaged the universe, and the thirteen hall masters are said to be hidden here. This line is still dangerous and cannot be taken lightly."

Zhiwei whispered to the gods of the Heavenly Dao Divine Mansion, and then took the first step and quickly sneaked into the city. The two hundred gods followed behind him, all without saying a word or making a sound.

The infiltration process was unexpectedly smooth.

For some reason, the astonishing number of black and dead creatures scattered around the city seemed to be in a state of semi-sleep, their actions were very slow, and some were simply frozen in the air, and there was no Heavenly Dao Divine Mansion to attack.

It wasn't until a black death king roared, culled to the best one, and was killed by the best one backhanded, that a black death king continued to gush out from all over the city to attack the heavenly divine palace, but the attack was weak. It was impossible to stop the advance of the Heavenly Dao Divine Mansion.

At the same time, in the deepest part of the ghost city, in a withered black lobby.

Eleven hall masters were seated.

They formed a semicircle motionlessly.

In their center.

He is also a **** king.

A green shirt.

Meng Fan.

Meng Fan appeared just a few moments ago.

At the moment he appeared, even if the eleven hall masters were still concentrating, they all showed a trace of panic, and then cold eyes all gathered on Meng Fan.

The hall masters are all speculating about Meng Fan's current realm and strength.

The news that Meng Fan became the Eight Tribulations God King and defeated the Mother Qinglin had spread throughout the universe two months ago. Even if the Lord of the Thirteen Palaces was huddled here, it was heard.

Secondly, Meng Fan suddenly appeared, and the thirteen hall masters were unprepared and unaware, which all showed Meng Fan's terrifying methods.

This day, in fact, should have come long ago.

The thirteen hall masters have been waiting for the moment Meng Fan appeared in front of them.

As if some kind of trial.

Meng Fan sat in the middle of the lobby, gently rubbing his chin with his right hand, his eyes condensed.

He is remembering.

Recall many things that happened in Wanyu.

Recall the duel, confrontation, and fight against the thirteen hall masters.

Recalling the **** monkey killed by the lord of the thirteen halls, there are still many people.

During the Ten Thousand Domains War, the Fallen Order of Burning Heaven.

and many more.

The silence lasted for a time close to a stick of incense.

Meng Fan let out a long breath, with some emotion.

"In the first battle in the realm of the night clan, two of you were captured alive by me. The thirteen hall masters were indispensable, and one was missing, and their strength plummeted. In addition, the impact of the long river of fate left more or less on you Since then, your every move has actually been seen in my eyes. You who are bound by the meaning of fate are also chained. Unless the thirteen hall masters gather together, it is possible to try to break through. Shackles, otherwise, you can only be corroded by fate until you become the slaves of fate.

Today is different from the past.

I have become the King of Eight Tribulations, and you have fallen to the bottom.

I heard that ninety days ago, one of you was injured by the soldier, leaving a wound that was difficult to heal.

Seventeen days ago, a generation of Demon Emperor personally led the army to eradicate one of your strongholds, and another Palace Master was severely injured by the Demon Emperor.

I think this matchup today must be very boring. "

Meng Fan sighed: "The grievances between us, the grievances that have existed for thousands of years, have ended so boringly."

After Meng Fan had said everything, a palace master slowly spoke.

"We are all selected."

He spoke slowly, moving forward, out of the darkness, revealing an extremely old face.

Throughout the ages, I am afraid that there are not many who have seen the face of the lord of the thirteen halls.

This palace master was not only old, but his face was covered with various scars. He looked terrifying, but his expression was vicissitudes of life.

"The central emperor was chosen by humanity, he is the heir appointed by the ancestor of humanity, lonely and arrogant, he is the lord of ten thousand domains, he rises too late, if he rises early, he will undoubtedly dominate the ten thousand domains, and there are many others. The leader of the Dao World; a generation of Devil Emperor perfectly inherited the bloodline of the old man Yuanxu, the Dragon Emperor is the leader of the dragon clan, and even we were chosen by the heavens to release the plague source of disaster.

You alone do not have any strong power. When you choose you, you have not inherited any avenues.

Before you were about to set off for the Chaos Realm, Tiandao didn't even notice your presence.

You are just one of the primordial universe, thousands of gods, and you are ordinary.

It wasn't until you became the Creator by various chances and coincidences that Tiandao realized your importance and arranged a chess game where Ruo Shui Yi resurrected.

We release the black death catastrophe, and the central emperor inherits the Dao Tong. These are all natural and natural. Everything is definite.

But there are always odd numbers.

The new era begins, the Emperor of Heaven is sealed, and more and more anomalies appear, and you, the biggest anomaly, cannot be guessed, like a billowing river, and hundreds of millions of fish are rushing in the river. In the east, there are always some swimming fish jumping from the water and seeing the scenery that other swimming fish have not seen.

This kind of fish has you, champion Hou, and Qin Taichuan.

What an interesting time.

And we are destined to be written on the dark side of this era. "

The head of the palace hung down lightly.

The air machine dissipated.

He died.

Sit in place.

Meng Fan's eyes moved to the other hall masters.

He whispered: "In this brand new era, there will be more and more outliers. Every day, young and immature monks rise up and become kings. In a few years, some names we have never heard of will be extolled. And we will become the legends or legends of the old generation. The difference is that the legends are alive and the people in the legends have died. You will be legends. I will do my best to leave an objective record for you in history. Let the latecomers know what kind of existence the thirteen hall masters really are."

Another hall master, bowed his head, and died.

Meng Fan shook his palm.

From the depths of the lobby, on a dark death altar, a glass of dirty wine was summoned.

Hold it in your hand and lift it high.

"I, a person of no way, have come to this day, standing on a high mountain, looking at the scenery that all beings have not yet seen, for my own wish and for the aspirations of all beings, then I turned around excitedly and shouted out myself Everything seen.

To be able to reach this mountain, I will not forget the people who accompanied me all the way up the mountain.

Burning the sky.

God monkey.

Countless powerhouses in Wanyu.

The dead hero of the Era Alliance.

The first generation of Heavenly King Xuanyuan Jingzhe.

Xie Jinghai resolutely.

People who wait, countless dead.

I respect them.

Yeah, the thirteen hall masters!

To all my friends and enemies, to accompany me to the top of this towering mountain, the kings of heaven and earth who are desperately advancing for their own pursuit, righteousness and desire!

In this underground, loyal bones are buried.

And ambition. "

Meng Fan toasted and drank.

One after another, the head of the palace hung down.

When he drank all the wine in his glass.

He was the only one left in the lobby.

Lords, all sit down.

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