Supreme God King

Chapter 3176: What is sacred

"The Xie family is a family of the ancient emperor. The martial arts has a long and prosperous history. It focuses on tempering the flesh and dominates with the power of tyranny. When I was a child, I practiced the Xie’s thirteen styles. My spiritual realm reached its peak. I modified Hualong Dao and Lion Mountain Boxing. My physical strength was the first in Xie’s family. However, I abolished my martial arts and rebuilt kendo four years ago. Called the swordsman Xie Feng, why?"

Xie Feng and several of his confidants were walking on the streets of Baida's Star Capital.

Xie Feng stopped and said: "It's not because of Niuniu. Master Tian Wang reads the book, looking at martial arts, looking across the laws, all martial arts in the eyes of Master Tian Wang are like palm tattoos, clearly visible, at a glance, but Niuniu only loves kendo, and inherited it. Lord Heaven’s swordsmanship, I made a wish back then that I wanted to match Meng Niuniu’s double swords."

The faces of all the cronies are not pretty.

Xie Feng sighed and said: "Who expected Zhao Qilin to fall, I lost an opponent. Niuniu was sad, I lost a vision."

Speaking of this, he smiled bitterly again: "We mortals should not have the sad things of the Lord, right? Mediocre people are only disturbing themselves, hey."

Several cronies accompany Xie Feng, who is thinking about it, to continue walking in the downtown area. Xie Feng's purpose here is to completely turn Baida Xingchen into a heavily defensive outpost. What to do is not mentioned above, it all depends on Xie Feng himself.

Xie Feng's approach was quite stable. He did not make drastic measures, but made a little bit of reconstruction and did not immediately remove these downtowns.

According to the character of Xie Feng in the past, he would never have so much patience, but today, he can do it because he is always asking himself to cultivate calmness.

In Xie Feng's eyes, Baida Star is not only an outpost, but also a place to communicate and do business with Arcane Civilization, as well as some independent small sects and small forces in the east. It must be comprehensive.

During the walk, some businessmen will come forward to pay a visit. After Xie Feng took over as the governor, he did not make any publicity. Even many people did not know that Xie Feng had become the new governor, but they did not hide it. After a few days, everyone knew.

A businessman is quite tall, his skin is bronze, his eyes are yellow like snake-like pupils, and his body exudes a hot air. Wearing a humane robe and gown, he walked forward and arched his hands:" ."

Xie Feng smiled and said, "A businessman of the Aolong clan. Is it smooth to do business here?"

"It's very smooth." The businessman said gracefully: "Our Aolong clan has only been good at two things since ancient times. One is fighting and the other is keeping money. Once the wealth is in the pocket, we will not take it out. It is the Dragon King who encourages us. Bringing out wealth to do business with the future heaven, business is new, and it does make us profit a lot. Arcane civilization and the future heaven are in two completely different worlds, and there is great demand for each other, and there is mutual communication. No, there are so many benefits."

Xie Feng laughed: "Every world knows that we have a magic weapon in the heavens in the future, that is to do business. Whenever we become an ally with a world and sign a treaty, we will immediately pave the trade road, establish a business hall, and exchange what is needed. This tradition It first started at Jianchengguan, and we are very good at this."

"I heard it, I heard it." Aolong businessman smiled respectfully.

In the future, the process of establishing hegemony in the heavenly court will basically be the soldiers first, and the merchants later, this tradition does come from Jianchengguan.

Because the establishment of a business road means that the influence and hands and feet of the heavens will extend out in the future. When the prehistoric fleet raided the Demon God’s Mansion, the future army of Heavenly Court could arrive so quickly, in fact, with the help of the commercial road laid earlier, and it was within the territory of the Demon God’s Mansion. In the future, the several commercial halls in the Heavenly Court have a future. The **** king of heaven is stationed. Since the first battle of the craftsmen in the old land, the kings of the future heaven will have some telepathy even if they are far away, so Dragon City can get news so quickly.

The fighters go first, and the merchants then establish hegemony. This is a set of procedures in the future heaven.

Also because of this process, the merchants of the heavens in the future scattered everywhere are also powerful gods and warriors. In the last few days of the civil strife of Arcane Civilization, many of the future heavenly legions on the battlefield were merchants who had already arrived in the territory of the Aolong clan. When the flames of war ignited, they took off their robes and covered them with armor. .

During the conversation between the two, Xie Feng's ears flicked and he heard the sound of an alarm.

"My lord, please come quickly."

Xie Feng raised his head and looked towards the sky.

The sound of the alarm came from an outpost outside of Baida Star.


To the north of Baida Star, in a middle-thousand-world outpost, there is a huge "Thunder Fortress" floating.

Thunder Fortress is a kind of fortress designed by the craftsman civilization for the future heaven. It is quite exquisite and strong. The fortress can accommodate six large warships, and the fortress itself can also move. The speed of movement is compared with the Ark of Heaven and the Scourge of Heaven. The Ark is much slower, often only one third of the speed of the Tianli Ark, but as a mobile fortress, this speed is also sufficient.

In addition, there is a small thousand world hidden in the depths of the Thunder Fortress, in which a lot of fertile soil is accumulated, which can be cultivated at any time, planting elixir, and deriving vitality. Some of the small thousand worlds also have the existence of cities, villages and towns, forming a world of their own , In this way, Thunder Fortress can operate on its own in isolation, without any external force.

Among the hundreds of outposts around Baida Star, there are a total of 90 Thunder Fortresses. These fortresses are different from other outposts, but are always on the move. They surround Baida Star for three days on average. In a circle.

Xie Feng rushed to this place quietly with a group of trusted confidants, stepped into the center of the fortress, and saw the commander of the fortress surrounded by a few school officers. Seeing Xie Feng, he immediately gave way.

"My lord, look." The commander pointed his finger forward.

A person was lying on a huge goose down blanket.

This person is short and stocky, with a miserable face, blond hair, and a sharp facial outline. He is obviously the **** king of arcane civilization. He is already lying on the ground, unconscious.

And what really caught Xie Feng's gaze was a young **** king sitting on the ground next to the blanket, covered in blood, but with bright eyes.

Xie Feng's expression at the moment was shocked.

Just like that commander.

Because among the **** kings present, Xie Feng and the commander were all born in the Dragon City exam a few years ago.

They were all students who passed the examination, but later, Xie Feng entered the Fuxue Shenfu for further studies, and the leader went directly to the Hongwu Shenfu.

In the big exam that year, Meng Fan appeared in front of the students and gave a very short speech to inform the students that some of them will become the pillars of the future heaven in many years, and even a heavenly king. .

So Xie Feng and the commander have met Meng Fan.

They were so shocked.

The appearance of this young man was so similar to Meng Fan, except that he was much younger and showed a sense of immaturity.

In addition, this young man also exudes a domineering aura close to Meng Fan.

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