Supreme God King

Chapter 3179: Caged bird

Baida Star, Capital Mansion.

Has turned into dust.

Several **** kings passed out.

Holding a lonely shadow in his hand, Xie Feng's robes and big sleeves were flying in the wind. He turned his head and looked at the fallen **** kings. Then he turned his gaze back to look at Chen Yu walking out of the dust.

He was angry.

There are also deep fears.

Because Chen Yu, who walked out of the dust step by step, looked so similar to the future heavenly king Meng Fan.

With the passage of time and the accumulation of major events, the kings of heaven in the future will enshrine Meng Fan as a god, aloof, full of awe and worship.

The younger generation of **** kings, whether they are introverted or arrogant, they must respect the future kings from the heart and dare not have any profanity.

This kind of majesty makes many gods sigh from time to time. Fortunately, Lord Heaven is their Lord Heaven, not an enemy.

Therefore, when Xie Feng saw an enemy exuding a temperament that was so similar to Lord Tianwang, his fear from his heart was like a goat and seeing a hungry tiger.

The situation was the same as Xie Feng thought.

After Chen Yu became powerful, the thirty **** kings of the Baida star plus the swordsman Xie Feng and the large array in the governor's mansion were of no avail.

The big formation only suppressed Chen Yu for a few moments before it collapsed completely.

Xie Feng's lonely shadow has also been trembling, indicating Qi Ling's fear of Chen Yu.

But Chen Yu did not kill him.

The wounded **** kings just passed out, but there is no life worry at all. Xie Feng can feel that Chen Yuruo has gone all out, the lives of the **** kings have been lost, and these young **** kings are not in the same fate. Signing the contract, and being so far away from the monk civilization, if Chen Yu kills them, they will undoubtedly die, and Xie Feng will not be able to save their lives.

Chen Yu's retention made Xie Feng understand that he really should be a defector from the Infinite Domain, and he does not want to anger the future heaven.

But Xie Feng's determination to suppress Chen Yu remained unshakable.

Because Chen Yu is different from others, Xie Feng knew Chen Yu's cold eyes knew that he didn't want to anger the future heaven, not because of fear, awe, or other factors.

Chen Yu is very arrogant.

So arrogant that in his eyes, the heavens in the future will not be so high, just one of the worlds.

It just so happened that he was going to this world now, no matter what purpose he had, Chen Yu didn't want to kill him.

What he did did not hesitate, he just did what he wanted. At this moment, he didn't want to kill, that's it.

Xie Feng must do his best to suppress such existence.

If the Legion in the Infinite Domain is about to arrive, Xie Feng will not allow a powerful presence like Chen Yu among the Baida Stars, and it is an anomaly. Under internal and external shocks, the Baida Stars will fall instantly, and he cannot accept it. This result, whether for the future heaven, or for the self who just took over the position of governor.

That's why he will send out the news as soon as possible, notify all the strongholds along the way, and request reinforcements.

Xie Feng believes that war is about to start.


In the depths of the void, a light spot flickered, bursting open in an instant, turning into a huge abyss.

In the abyss, one metal warship after another came out.

There are dozens of ships.

The appearance of these warships is similar to the prehistoric warships, but they are slenderer and move faster.

One of the warships seemed to be larger than the others, and there were all kinds of sharp-pointed guard towers around it.

In the battleship.

Several **** kings sat in white chairs, looking at the void ahead.

"On the first day of the first year of the Dao era, the prehistoric warship was shown in front of the monk civilization for the first time. That time was a confrontation with Emperor Bowu. The prehistoric warship was a huge fortress, but its speed was very slow. This weakness was as early as that time. It was revealed that the dozens of prehistoric warships had nothing to do with Emperor Bo Wu, because they could not be locked and could not be captured, so the King of Light Brain began to study the volley warships. Although the size and power were a few percent smaller, the speed was Improved several times."

A **** king said.

"Is this a curvy black hole?" Another **** king asked, looking at the smooth barriers of the vast abyss.


"I haven't seen it for many years."

"Each time a warp black hole is turned on, the resources consumed are too large, and passing a warp black hole may also be affected by the chaotic space law, which is really dangerous."

"This is only a superficial reason. The real reason is that in the past tens of millions of years, monks and martial arts have become more and more influential. It is safer to rely on vitality to fly and rely on formation to fly than to rely on warp black holes to achieve space jumps. many."

"It's not that the influence of monks and martial arts is increasing, and the speed of technological development has slowed down. As early as the ‘change plan’ was put forward that year, there were already conclusions."

"How many years ago was it when the reform plan was proposed? My ancestors have not been born yet."

"Almost 1.6 billion years ago. We are a technological civilization, and technology has always supported our development, but with our exposure to monks and martial arts, our world has undergone earth-shaking changes, and conservatives have gradually emerged. And the radicals, the conservatives think that we should abandon monks, martial arts, methods, etc., and return to our own development direction, continue to focus on technology. The radicals initially believed that they should accept the existence of monks and martial arts and use their power , Keep an open mind, but because the two factions argued too fiercely, the radicals became more and more "radical", and even the argument of abolishing all science and developing martial arts with all their strength, until finally several major monks appeared in the radicals , A small-scale conflict broke out with conservatives. Fighting among mechas, swords, spaceships, and martial arts nearly destroyed half of the capital that year, and eventually led to the proposal of reforms, which was considered a little end of the dispute. "

"The reform plan believes that infinite realm is different from any world. We walk on two legs, one is technology and the other is martial arts. The two legs need to be staggered, one in the front and the other in the back. Sometimes The prosperity of martial arts requires slow development of science and technology. Only in this way can we move forward. The two complement each other."

"This time, let's see if we walk on two legs and walk on one leg, which one is stronger and weaker."

"Yunhu, do you think Chen Yu is still persuaded?"

During the discussion of several gods, they looked at Youyunhu.

You Yunhu remained silent until then and said: "You party leaders, you don't know Chen Yu. Among us brothers, Chen Yu is the most powerful and has the most independent personality.

Not only that, but I believe that after Chen Yu became the God King of the Six Tribulations, he was the most powerful existence among all the current God Kings in the Infinite Realm. Even if it was a few party leaders of the Six Tribulations Realm, it was not Chen Yu. Opponent.

In our world, Chen Yu is an invincible existence.

And he knows very little about the outside world. He is a caged bird and does not understand what level of existence the leaders of the Dao World are. He only sees it from books, understands from knowledge, and does not see it with his own eyes. What a feeling.

This developed his extremely arrogant character.

So he will not obey anyone.

The only way we can persuade him to follow us back is not by force, but by friendship.

Chen Yu has a cold personality. He only agrees with one kind of affection, which is our eleven brotherly affection with the same root and the same blood.

But he killed Guo Yang.

Chen Yu once said to me that the last thing he wants is brotherhood.

But he has done so now, so he cannot be persuaded because he has lost everything. "

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