Supreme God King

Chapter 3181: never give up

Standing on the edge of the void crack, Chen Yu looked back at the Baida star that was being shelled by dozens of volley warships.

He said nothing, no one knew what he was thinking.

"Go now." A **** king said coldly to Chen Yu.

Chen Yu turned his head and looked at this young **** king who was no more than four calamities. He did not understand. In his cognition, the strong in this world are respected, and any weak being should tremble when they see themselves. Why is the king of heaven facing him in the future and his words are so disrespectful?

"Let's go." The young man who spoke was Xie Feng's confidant, and the **** king who was on the suspended tower and was ordered to leave immediately by Xie Feng's death.

The confidant looked at the Baida star with a shining light in his eyes, and his voice trembled: "This void crack is supported by a set of space formations on the Baida star. As long as the space formation collapses, it looks like Without the pillars and beams of the house, this void crack will immediately collapse, and the chaotic space law will pose a huge threat to us. Let’s go, the governor’s duty is to delay time for us. We can’t waste time anymore.”

Chen Yu turned around and went deep into the void with a few gods, but he still had questions in his heart and asked: "Why would he willingly die?"

"Because of faith."

Chen Yu repeated: "Faith? What is that?"

Xie Feng's cronies asked, "Why do you want to come to our future heaven?"

"Because I want to know who I am, I want to know the meaning of my existence."

"This is your belief."

Chen Yu seemed to understand something, but he was still in the mist.

They went deep into the void and disappeared.

The sixth fortress of the future outside the heaven.

There are only two people in the Great Tent of the Chinese Army, the Promise Sect Master and Zhou Yin.

"Dragon City has not given a reply yet." Zhou Yin said: "Mr. Wuji, what do you think?"

"No matter what the result is, we should start preparing for the battle." The Promise Sect Master's answer was simply and neat. "Have you sent enough people?"

"Sixty **** kings have been sent to the space node to wait." Zhou Yin responded. After hesitating for a moment, he asked again: "Mr. Wuji, I don't know one thing."

The Promise Gate Master said solemnly: "Please speak."

Zhou Yin: "Since we are going to send people to rescue Baida Xingchen, why did the message to Governor Xie Feng be that he can only fight alone until he died?"

"Because the importance of this Chen Yu may be much greater than that of the Baida Star and all the kings stationed on it combined. In the event of a last resort, it is best to sacrifice the Baida Star and bring Chen Yu back. The old saying goes, the mourning soldier must win. In order to inspire the greatest fighting power of the gods on the Baida star, I will tell them that there will be no reinforcements, but they can only fight to the end. Hope is a good thing, but Sometimes, hope is a bad thing. When a person is faced with a problem that cannot be overcome, if he is given another choice and gives him other hope, he will not go all out, but he will have no choice. Will do everything we can."

"Yeah." Zhou Yin nodded. "Mr. Wuji, my next question may be quite disrespectful and will be criticized by others, but Mr. Wuji personally issued an order that if anything goes wrong, he will be the murderer who will ruin the lives of the kings of Baida Star. To make Zhou Yin feel ashamed, there is no scruples. I want to ask, since Mr. Wuji believes that Baida Star is besieged, and all the gods will die for a lifetime, why should they send reinforcements? This is not the case?"

The Promise Sect Master groaned for a moment, and said lightly: "Back then, in the heavens and all realms, I fought side by side with the Lord Heaven against the Central Emperor. At that time Lord Heaven was in retreat, wandering around, unable to wake up, the Purple Light Empire descended from the sky, and the army pressed the realm. At the moment of crisis, the Purple Light Empire made an effort to wipe out the young soldiers of the dark alliance one by one. I used my body to block a fatal blow for a young soldier in the realm of the gods, and then fell. What I did not expect is that I did not die. It disappears, but resurrects in the long river of fate."

Zhou Yin was a little surprised. He knew that there is a deep friendship between the Promise Sect Master and the future king, but as for what kind of friendship, few people know it, after all, this is a long time ago.

But Zhou Yin would never have thought that the Promise Sect Master had spared his life for a young monk who had not yet stepped into the realm of the **** king.

"After experiencing death, you know the terrible death." The Promise Sect Master continued: "Death is a watershed. People who have never been in contact with death may be fearless because they have never seen the real abyss. There are also people, After experiencing death, he became calm and calm, because he has seen the real abyss. I am the latter, and death has not changed me. No matter what the final result of this battle, I am responsible for all life and death. It’s all on my back. That’s why I didn’t go to Baida Star in person. I’m just a God King of the Three Tribulations, and I can’t provide much help in the war, but I can take the responsibility and wait for the justice of the Divine Mansion.”

Zhou Yin was stunned, and at this moment he finally understood that the Promise Sect Master had silently carried everything down.

The sixth fortress has the right to give orders to foreign strongholds. The highest commander of the fortress is Zhou Yin. He is the commander. Any order issued has a direct relationship with him and the deputy commanders. The Wuji Sect master not only orders to fight to the end himself. The reinforcement orders sent to Baida Xingchen were also signed by him.

He has already thought about the worst result. If the sixth fortress is held accountable, he will try his best to bear the biggest crime.

All this, the Promise Sect Master has already thought about it.

Zhou Yin couldn't help but stand up and bowed to the master of the Promise Sect.

The Promise Sect Master said indifferently: "If Baida stars are allowed to fend for themselves, I can't do this kind of thing. In the future, Heaven will never give up anyone."

never give up.

The Promise Gate Master stood up and looked at the empty deep space outside the sixth fortress.

He murmured: "Niuniu, do you understand?"

Baida Star.

Was besieged for an hour and a half.

The outposts on the periphery have been completely emptied, all defenses and formations on the stars have also collapsed one after another, and the entire stars have fallen into a sea of ​​fire.

In this case, I am afraid that no creatures can survive.

Under the Governor's Mansion.

In a heavily fortified closet.

Xie Feng stood against the wall, holding a lonely shadow. There are many gaps in the lonely shadow, and it looks quite broken.

Beside him, more than forty **** kings gathered.

When Zaifu Divine Mansion was transforming Baida Stars, he considered that if it encounters a surprise attack in the infinite domain, there will be at least one shelter for some **** kings to hide temporarily.

Among the forty **** kings, there are some merchants of arcane civilization.

Xie Feng knew that it would not last long.

The Baida Star is a great world, and the power of this great world is very small. The core of the world is also fragmented. The entire Baida Star will turn into dust at any time, and they will also be exposed to those volley warships.

However, it should be enough.

Xie Feng calculated in his heart that within an hour and a half, the squad escorting Chen Yu should have passed half of the void crack. Although the void crack began to collapse half an hour ago, relying on Chen Yu's ability, it could still be able to overcome the chaos. Go out in the collapse.

After all, it is a giant of the Six Tribulations.

At this time.

Inside the shelter, a short-distance teleportation array flickered.

The transmission distance of this teleportation array is only a few hundred thousand miles, and it is connected to a hidden outpost in the west.

Xie Feng took it for granted that this secret outpost was also discovered, and the **** king among them was coming here.

But when the light died down.

Xie Feng looked blank.

What appeared in front of him was indeed the **** king scout at the outpost.

But there is one more person.

A woman wearing a red cloak, black armor and holding a sharp blade.

Meng Niuniu.

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