Supreme God King

Chapter 3184: Thousand years

Chen Yu's body, origin, and all power were sealed, turned into a big emerald green cat, and imprisoned in a small world.

This small thousand world was created by Meng Fan at any time, with jungles and lakes, and many birds and beasts evolved.

Chen Yu roared, but it was a meowing sound. His body only possessed the same power as a cat, and he couldn't even get his vitality.

Not only because his power was sealed, but also because of the thin vitality in this little thousand world.

In this way, Chen Yu survived in the world of Xiaoqian for several months.

Because he couldn't get his vitality, he began to feel hungry, suppressed his anger, and started looking for food.

He chose to hunt the tiger, wolf and other fierce beasts in the jungle, but found that he was no match at all. He escaped several times, and after a few months, driven by a strong sense of hunger, he began to hunt mice.

Chen Yu caught dozens of mice, but he couldn't eat them at all.

Shame, anger, and nausea are all blocking him.

So he was getting thinner and hungry every day.

Finally, he ate a mouse.

After eating the first one, he started eating the second one.

In the forest where fierce beasts were rampant, Chen Yu's survival became very difficult. He spent every day avoiding and running away. The other time was spent digging out bird nests and digging rat holes. He became dirty and exhausted. .

In this way, more than ten years have passed in the little thousand world.

Chen Yu has adapted to life in the jungle and is also used to the smell of mice.

He forgot how to speak, how to communicate with people, he became more and more dependent on instinct, and became more and more like an animal.

Chen Yu lived for a total of twenty years, of which more than ten years, he lived as a cat.

The future heaven, the sixth fortress of Outland.

Meng Fan sat on Zhou Yin's chair, dragging a small thousand world with his palm. The law of time was abnormal, and the flow rate was very fast. With one breath, one day passed in the small thousand world.

He is observing Chen Yu.

He was also polishing away all the spirit and arrogance in Chen Yu.

The fingers shook lightly, and the flow of time in the world of Little Thousands accelerated again. One breath lasted for a month, and then quickly became a year.

With Meng Fan's ability to control the meaning of time, it is easy to change the flow of time in a great world. In the future Heavenly Court’s Heavenly Dao Divine Mansion, Jingyu Divine Mansion, and Hongwu Divine Mansion, there will be many great worlds hidden, which are full of vitality, and the flow of time is dozens of times that of the outside world. They are used to cultivate some gods and quickly in a short time. Improve cultivation and realm.

In the deepest part of the long river of fate, the flow of time is tens of thousands of times that outside.

Thirty years passed in one day outside.

Therefore, Meng Fan has been cultivating in the depths of the long river of fate. From the outside world, he may only be cultivating for one or two years, but in fact, he has been cultivating for 20,000 years.

He is now more than 30,000 years old.

And as Meng Fan's strength became stronger and stronger, the flow of time in the depths of the river of fate became faster and faster.

The greater the range of time to change, the more power is consumed. The current limit of Meng Fan's control over the meaning of time can speed up the flow of time in the entire future Heavenly Court, but it can only be doubled, and it will not last for long.

But in the future, Heavenly Court will be an extremely huge world, including one hundred thousand **** kings, including millions of great worlds. To apply the effect of the meaning of time to such a huge area and so many **** kings, it will consume power naturally. It is amazing, and the effect is very limited.

But he wanted to change the flow of time in a little thousand world, it was too simple, as easy as breathing.

Ten years, one hundred years, one thousand years.

In the world of Xiao Qian, a thousand years have passed very quickly.

Chen Yu was completely integrated into the jungle, and became almost as huge as a tiger, and became the king of the jungle. However, when his vitality was very thin, he had failed several attempts to awaken the power in his body and became a big wild. Cat, even after a long period of polishing, he almost forgot that he was alone. The happiest thing is to lie on the hillside and bask in the sun after eating a full stomach.

The Promise Sect Master looked at Xiaoqian World beside Meng Fan, shuddering a little.

A **** king is a person who changes his fate against the heavens, does not obey the rules, and moves forward bravely, without hesitation or stopping, let alone a **** king with six calamities? Heaven and earth giant?

Just like that, Meng Fansheng was tempered into a wild cat, and all his audacity and arrogance were gone, and even he was an individual, almost forgotten.

It's like a young, handsome, talented, high-ranked person who is held in the moon by the stars, suddenly cut off his hands and feet, cut off his tongue, ruined his face, and then thrown into the dung pit, like a maggot Lived for more than ten years.

I must be forced to become a lunatic. I have long lost any talents, and forgot all the mood, desires, and visions.

Too cruel.

So that the Promise Sect Master, who has experienced life and death and possessed a strong character, shuddered.

And all this, in the eyes of the outside world, is just a stick of incense time.

Meng Fan put his five fingers together and put away Xiao Qian's world. He blinked his eyes suddenly, then opened them, his eyes turned pale.

He leaned back in the chair, motionless, his breathing stopped, like a statue.

Not far away, Zhou Yin was shocked, trying to calm his mind, and whispered: "Mr. Wuji, Lord Tianwang, this is..."

"Please God." The Promise Sect master said: "Don't worry, Brother Meng, the deity, has just exchanged the soul with his own incarnation." Then he involuntarily looked to the east. "I should have seen Niuniu and Xie Feng."

It's about another stick of incense time.

Meng Fan's body moved a bit, his eyes became clear, and he opened his palms again to unfold the world of Xiao Qian.

Upon seeing this, the Promise Master asked softly: "How?"

"The Legion in the Infinite Domain has retreated. Niuniu will reach the sixth fortress within a few hours."

Meng Fan's answer is very simple.

The Promise Gate Master nodded and stopped asking.

Zhou Yin and the **** kings stationed in the sixth fort looked at each other, the shock on their faces could not be concealed.

Zhou Yin was fairly calm. After all, he had witnessed Meng Fan's demeanor several times as early as in the Fa Xiang Tian Dynasty. As a veteran of the two dynasties, he was once a high-powered person.

But even so, Zhou Yin was still dumbfounded.

The horror in the hearts of other gods can be imagined.

None of these **** kings have seen Meng Fan with their own eyes. They have only seen the portrait of Meng Fan, and they have been listening to Meng Fan's legend. They are full of awe of their heavenly king. In their hearts, Meng Fan should do anything.

But when Meng Fan showed these incomprehensible methods in front of them, it was different. No matter how wonderful the legend is, it is not as good as seeing it with his own eyes. This is the reason why the so-called hearing is better than seeing.

Turning a six-tribulation **** king into a big cat without moving, these **** kings couldn't understand the ultimate destiny.

The spirits wandered between the incarnations, and they couldn't understand.

At this moment, they finally understood the words that have been circulating in the future heavenly court. In front of the future heavenly king Meng Fan, all **** kings are no different from mortals.

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