Supreme God King

Chapter 3193: Password language

Sun Moon Peak.

Here is not so much the hub of the alliance, but rather a "port".

Because there are a large number of prehistoric warships staying here, looking around, one next to the other, all painted iron blue, very cold.

After the Battle of the Demon God Mansion, the members of the Sun Moon Peak Alliance withdrew because of fear of the power of the future heaven. At that time, only the three forces of the Buddha Realm, the Evil God Dynasty, and the Dragon Realm were still there. Later, the Evil God Dynasty was also subverted, and the Dragon Realm He rarely interacted with the Infinite Realm. After the Dragon Emperor was severely beaten by Meng Fan, the Dragon Realm became quite low-key.

Although the Buddha Realm is one of many Dao worlds, it is a very weak one. After the fall of the Cthulhu Empire, the Buddha Realm, the weakest Dao world, has also become very low-key.

In fact, the Sun Moon Peak Alliance has existed in name only.

Since then, Riyuefeng no longer has any **** kings from the Great Dao World to gather for meetings. This is just a port and the only stronghold of monk civilization in the Infinite Realm.

After the official battle between Heavenly Court and Infinite Realm in the future, Riyue Peak's defenses will become tighter and tighter, guards are becoming more and more careful, and they are on guard every day, even if Heavenly Court will suddenly attack Riyue Peak in the future.

Because there are a large number of divine soldiers, hundreds of prehistoric warships, various formations and a considerable number of divine kings in the infinite domain, the heavenly court will never take action here in the future.

However, Riyue Peak was indeed blocked, and it has been a long time since there have been no warships entering or leaving Riyue Peak.

The last time a prehistoric warship left Riyue Peak was three months ago. At that time, two prehistoric warships left Riyue Peak to patrol the surrounding areas, and were destroyed by several legions led by the future Heavenly Court, Tiandao and Shenfu Subshen Tianxingcang.

On this day, at the top of Riyue Peak, in a pure white palace, Chen Qingyu was looking at a letter.

The Sun Moon Peak was blocked very thoroughly. Surrounded by many formations, it became difficult for the King of Light Brain to spread information, so that the incarnation of the King of Light Brain in the Sun Moon Peak fleet was already in In a "semi-independent" state, they act separately.

In the future, the means of the heavenly court and its supremacy in the monk civilization can be seen.

Therefore, the external news that Chen Qingyu currently receives is very fragmented. It is a piece of broken information received by the incarnation of the hundreds of thousands of the king of light brain stationed here, and then formed a letter to him. Look.

Something is written on the letter.

First of all, the Infinite Realm has compressed the future stronghold of the heavenly court in the outer realm to the sixth fortress. To the east of the sixth fortress, there is no future stronghold of the heavenly court. The connection between the arcane civilization and the future heavenly court has also been greatly suppressed. Trade routes become unsafe.

After that, the infinite field also entered the countdown.

Like the heaven in the future, the end of the countdown to the infinite realm is also the moment when the emperor awakens.

The king of light brain chooses to "delay."

On the one hand, it will only suppress the future heaven in a small area, avoid all-out wars, and try to preserve strength until the heavenly emperor wakes up. That will be the time for the infinite domain to take action.

So what this letter conveyed to Chen Qingyu was to let him manage Sunyue Peak, where 1,200 prehistoric warships, 900,000 golden and stone puppets, various gods, and 2,000 infinite soldiers were gathered here. The incarnation of the king of the realm and the king of hundreds of thousands of light brains, this power is very terrifying, and it is in the monk civilization, the closest to the future heaven. At a critical moment, this will be a "pillar knife". It is a great threat to the future heaven.

At the same time, the King of Light Brain also explained that the Infinite Domain can wait until the Heavenly Emperor wakes up, but the Heavenly Court will not wait in the future. Meng Fan's confrontation with the Emperor of Heaven is of great significance. First, it means that the prologue to the era of the Great Dao is finally over. Second, the outcome of the confrontation will directly determine the future of the universe.

In order for Meng Fan to be able to deal with the emperor wholeheartedly and mindlessly, the kings of the heavenly court in the future will eradicate all worries for Meng Fan, and now in all worlds, there is only one enemy that can threaten the heavenly court in the future.

Therefore, Chen Qingyu must be prepared, and I don't know when, in the future, Heavenly Court will attack Sun Moon Peak.

Chen Qingyu closed the letter and rubbed his brows, wondering what he was thinking.

After a long while.

He saw a dim light flashing on the desktop.

This light is negligible in the eyes of ordinary people. It is just the sunlight scattered, but Chen Qingyu, the Six Tribulations God King, so keen, discovered that there is a strange flashing of light, which is definitely not a natural light.

At the moment when Chen Qingyu was surprised, the light flashed again.

Chen Qingyu suddenly realized that this is a very old cryptographic language that originated from the early days of Infinite Domain. It expresses meaning through the number of flashes.

The person who can talk to Chen Qingyu in this language should of course be the king of the infinite domain, but it will not be the king of the light brain. The king of the light brain wants to convey information, no matter how difficult it is, there is no need to use such an old cryptographic language, and It was conveyed in such an imperceptible way, so Chen Qingyu keenly thought of the future heaven.

As for why Heavenly Court knows how to use this language in the future?

Because of Chen Yu.

Chen Yu's defect to the future Heavenly Court was downplayed by the King of Light Brain, but all the great **** kings with high positions in the infinite realm knew the seriousness of this matter.

Chen Yu is not only a powerful existence cultivated by the concentration of a lot of resources in the Infinite Domain, but also the most perfect one of Meng Fan's reproductions. More importantly, Chen Yu is also the key to unlock the Infinite Domain.

In Chen Yu's body, there are a lot of traces of the power of science and technology in the infinite field, and in his mind, it records vast knowledge.

Although Chen Yu has only lived in the Infinite Realm for a few years, the King of Light Brain has used a method that other civilizations cannot understand to imprint a huge amount of knowledge into Chen Yu's soul. Chen Yu may have more knowledge than a few party leaders combined, and he even knows some secrets that the party leaders do not know.

For other worlds, the acquisition of knowledge is more difficult. You need to read, remember, think, and analyze by yourself. Even a powerful king can read a million-word book at once, that is, a million-word book. That's it, and there is a process of digestion.

But in the infinite field, knowledge can be easily "reproduced", let alone a few million words, even tens of millions of words, can be reproduced in a very short time, and then imprinted on the brain of an ordinary person in.

As the king of six calamities, Chen Yu also possesses a powerful body. The knowledge that his body can hold surpasses any **** king in the infinite realm. The king of light brain also uses this method to continuously impart all kinds of knowledge to He, in order to train Chen Yu in the shortest time, because Chen Yu concentrated on the infinite realm and the great expectations of the king of the light brain. From the perspective of the infinite realm, the eleven Meng Fan replicas are against Meng Fan The most advantageous weapon, and Chen Yu is the top of the reproductions, and the most perfect reproduction.

Chen Qingyu looked at the photo-film engraving on the table again to prove his conjecture.

The information conveyed in the light and shadow is just a sentence.

"Mr. Chen Qingyu, I am the king of heaven in the future. With absolute sincerity and sufficient respect, I want to talk to you."

Chen Qingyu took a deep breath.

"In the future, Heavenly Court is rapidly mastering knowledge in unlimited fields."

He squinted his eyes.

Then, the technological power that is the most proud of in the Infinite Realm, I am afraid that it will not be long before it will be mastered by the future heaven.

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