Supreme God King

Chapter 3201: system

The Avenue Times, the ninth year, August 18.

In the Fuxue Palace, dozens of priests are busy, coming in and out, each holding a heavy scroll.

The commonly used writing in Fuxue Shenfu is a rune made of amethyst, each of which can store about tens of millions of words, but Fuxue Shenfu is more rigorous. For the sake of safety, all contents are in After making a talisman, it must be backed up and sealed in the form of a book.

However, even if it is a book, it is not an ordinary book. There are at least millions of words in a set of scrolls, including spells and magical powers.

What is recorded in these books is knowledge of unlimited fields.

The once very mysterious infinite realm and the unique technological power have been completely lifted by the future heaven. At this moment, in the future heaven, many technological creations have appeared, but although these creations are derived from technological forces, It is very different from the creation of the infinite realm, and still has the characteristics of the future heaven.

And among all creations, the most important thing is the "dao furnace."

This kind of thing, which looks like a diamond-shaped black crystal, has now appeared in many corners of the heavenly court in the future. Its essence is the light brain. The so-called "furnace" means "overcooked" or "overcooked" that can cook things. To put it bluntly, it is a calculus created by the optical brain, used to deduce and analyze various things.

However, there is still a huge difference between the Taoist furnace and the optical brain. The optical brain is entirely a creation of technological power, and the Taoist furnace is also a product of the monk civilization. It is made by the method of creating a Taoist device, and every furnace has its own spirit. They all think independently, so the Daolu cannot be connected like the light brain, and then evolve into the king of light brain.

In fact, to put it plainly, although there will be thousands of furnaces in the heavens in the future, they are actually thousands of low-grade Taoists, but they all use the same name, and they all use the system of the King of Light Brain, so the calculation ability is amazing.

Dao Lu can also be regarded as a creature, which is essentially different from the light brain.

The debate about whether Dao Qi is a living being has actually existed for many years, although no matter from which point of view it is viewed, Dao Qi is no different from other creatures.

Dao implements have spirits, can think on their own, and also have joy, anger, sorrow, and joy. In this regard, they are no different from living beings.

Some ancient Dao artifacts, such as a sharp sword, have actually evolved into blood vessels and organs, and they are no different from beings.

But in all worlds, there is still an argument that the existence of Taoism is not a creature.

For example, the Artisan Empire has never considered Taoism to be creatures. This is because there are an astonishing number of Taoism artifacts in the Artisan Empire. They are all "tools" made by artisans. They serve the craftsmen and are important for the prosperity of artisans’ civilization. The reason is that if you admit that Taoism is a living being, it means that Taoism is no longer a "tool", which will have a huge impact on the craftsman's civilization.

Therefore, until the birth of the 33-day treasure, because the 33-day treasure is too powerful, they have comprehended some ancient mystery, and the soul is also very powerful, and it is different from the Taoist tool. The 33-day treasure has no master. Nor is it loyal to anyone. Under this circumstance, after a long period of time, the Thirty-three Days Treasure has the same status as the craftsman in the craftsman civilization.

In the pursuit of equality of all beings in the future heaven, Dao Qi is recognized as beings.

Deeply influenced by the heavens in the future, the craftsman empire, the waste world, and the demon god's mansion all recognize that Taoism is a living being.

In the busy Fuxue Shenfu, Wang Haicheng and Zhiwei, dressed in a generous gray robe, walked in side by side. They did not forget to remind the priests who came and went to protect the scrolls in their hands.

"Actually, there is nothing novel in my vision. Whether it is the God Realm, the King of Light Brain, or the mighty Heavenly Dao Alliance, including our future Heavenly Court, they all believe that in order to finally destroy the Heavenly Dao, we must replace the Heavenly Dao. According to this This kind of thinking, the **** king who walks on the way of heaven is basically two paths, one way is to imitate the way of heaven and create his own laws, and the other way is to continuously gain the power of the way of heaven. The gods and the kings of light brain are all strong, we are the latter."

As Wang Haicheng said, he stretched out his hand to summon, and immediately flew a furnace from the corner of the Fuxue Shenfu and fell into his hand.

"According to this approach, I proposed to imitate the light brain to create a furnace, and spread the furnace in the future heaven, allowing them to evolve and transform on their own."

So Yiming realized: "You want to destroy the King of Light Brain, so imitate the King of Light Brain?"

"Yes, so my idea is not original, and it seems a little naive." Wang Haicheng smiled: "When more and more furnaces were created, they found that it was completely different from the light brain, so I used a dozen After rereading the knowledge of Riyuefeng and Chen Yu, I discovered that the King of Light Brain has a core."

His eyes lit up: "You said."

"The core is the system." Wang Haicheng said.

He even narrowed his eyes, and seemed to not understand.

"The word system, in our martial arts, refers to rules and rules."

"Yes." Zhiwei nodded: "Each set of powerful martial arts has its own system. If it violates the system, ninety-nine percent of them will not be successful in cultivation. Even if they can succeed in cultivation, they will have to go crazy, unless it is. The realm is extremely high. For example, seniors, as long as any martial arts technique is seen by seniors with a little fur, you can know the autumn in one leaf and immediately master all martial arts, but the realm of seniors has surpassed the sentient beings by too much, and can not be normalized."

"There is another kind of people who can do it, that is, people who are born to know that they can never forget, and they can also know autumn. But there are too few people of this kind, and most of them live in legends. If I hadn't met Zhao Qilin, I would even I won’t believe there are such people in the world.

Wang Hai finished speaking, smiled and waved his hand: "Say far. In short, I found that to deduct the King of Light Brain, you can’t treat him as a creature, and you can’t see him as a Taoist instrument. You should regard him as the King of Light Brain. Treated as a kind of martial art, the core of the King of Light Brain is the system. He has no soul, and the system is like his soul."

Zhiweiyi suddenly stopped.

Wang Haicheng didn't notice it, so much so that he took a few steps before he noticed. He stopped and looked back: "For one?"

He blinked his eyes: "Wang, then, have you found a way to destroy the King of Light Brain?"

The real scary thing about the King of Light Brain is that he is not a creature, so he will not be killed. He has 500 million avatars, and each avatar is also a deity. Only by destroying 500 million avatars can he really destroy the King of Light Brain.

But how can this be done?

However, Wang Haicheng believes that the system of the King of Light Brain is the soul.

If the King of Light Brain had a soul, wouldn't it be destroyed?

Wang Haicheng was taken aback, and laughed: "It's far from enough. We just know something that everyone knows in the infinite realm. It is still far away from destroying the King of Light Brain. What is his system and where, Whether there is an entity and whether it can be destroyed is a mystery, even the leaders of the Infinite Realm do not know."

It is one: "So..."

Wang Haicheng said: "We changed our direction and no longer imitated the light brain to create a furnace, but tried to create a system similar to the light brain king, but the time given to us is different. Only three months are left. It will wake up, the black and white full moon has become more and more gray, so I need the help of various gods. In a while, you will accompany me to meet the ancestor of Mingyi, as our future heavenly court’s oldest calculus. The ancestor of Mingyi may be able to help us."

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