Supreme God King

Chapter 3206: So-called meaning

Meng Fan's words have always been like Mu Yu, beating this world.

Wang Yin's eyelids drooped lightly and said, "If I really are the Taoist Lord, what will happen to Lord Heaven?"

"Try it and see if it can kill you."

A few simple words.

A lightning-like light flashed in Wang Yin's eyes. This was the first time he showed emotions after stepping into the Palace of Heavenly Kings, and there was a certain kind of shock in this spirit.

Looking at the light cloud in front of him, a man in a green shirt, Wang Yin began to weigh his own opinions and evaluations.

Meng Fan whispered: "I haven't figured out what kind of existence the Dao Master is. The only thing I know is that the Dao Master's existence seems to be higher than the Heavenly Dao, and it does not seem to be higher than the Heavenly Dao, but the Dao Master must I don’t belong to this world. Mr. Wang, I’ve come to this point. I thought I had seen the peak, but found that there might be a peak above the peak. It’s not an exaggeration to try that high place."

Wang Yin was silent for a moment, nodded and said: "It's not an exaggeration."

"It's a pity that you are not Taoist." Meng Fan's words became colder.

Wang Yin's throat vibrated, and he felt a little dry and tongue. He pressed his voice and said, "So Lord Heaven is not even interested in killing me."

Meng Fan didn't answer, just turned around and walked slowly, but it was equivalent to acquiescence.

Looking at Meng Fan's back, Wang Yin's heart was shaken again, and he followed Meng Fan.

"Although Mr. Wang is not a Taoist, he should come from the world of Taoist." Meng Fan said as he walked.

Wang Yin: "I don't seem to need to answer Lord Uranus, Lord Uranus already has an answer."


Meng Fan stretched out his left hand and gently stroked the stone monument beside him.

"But I still have some doubts, and I want to ask Mr. Wang. As for how to answer, whether the answer is true or false, it is Mr. Wang's will. First of all, I am a little curious about this universe, nine mountains and eight seas, and thousands of worlds. It has been in this way for tens of billions of years. Why does Taoist appear at this moment and choose a leader to act as an agent?"

Wang Yin blinked his eyes and said, "This question is not easy to answer. It is difficult for us to understand the thoughts of the Taoist master."

Meng Fan turned his head, Yu Guang looked at Wang Yin.

That lingering light, how soft.

Suddenly, Wang Yin had a feeling that the whole person was seen through, naked, without any secretive feeling.

At this moment, Wang Yin suddenly discovered that he was wrong! Wrong!

In the Palace of Heavenly Kings, facing the questions of the four main gods, Wang Yin was ambiguous and could not give some useful answers, but Meng Fan's level had long surpassed many gods in this world.

In today's thousands of worlds, there may be only four people who can have an equal dialogue with Meng Fan.

The mother Qinglin is dead.

Emperor Chaos has already left.

The Emperor of Heaven was also sealed.

Hundred steps immortal, kill oneself into benevolence.

Therefore, no one in this world can have an equal dialogue with Meng Fan.

Whether Wang Yin gave the answer or told the truth, Meng Fan could get the answer he wanted!

Meng Fandao: "Yes, you obviously can't understand the mind of the Taoist master, but you at least have some cognition...meaning, everything is for meaning?"

The word meaning flashed in his mind when Wang Yin answered just now.

It was accurately captured by Meng Fan.

In fact, even if Wang Yin's realm is not as good as Meng Fan's, he is still a God King of Seven Tribulations. His mind cannot be seen through so easily, but here is the depths of the long river of fate, the absolute realm where Meng Fan has lived for tens of thousands of years. , It was like falling in the palm of Meng Fan, no matter what you did, it would be of no avail, no matter what you thought was exposed.

In other words, even if Meng Fan wanted to suppress Wang Yin and strip his soul a little bit, he could not stop him.

But he can destroy his soul and keep a secret.

These thoughts flashed through Wang Yin's mind.

Meng Fan had some interest, and said: "It seems that you have already made plans. If I attack your soul, you will explode your body and soul? This idea appears so reasonable, without hesitation, you can always To die in order to keep a little secret of the Dao Master? Is the Dao Master too powerful, so powerful that a Seven Tribulations God King is willing to die for protection, or is there a way to resurrect even if you blew yourself up?"

Wang Yin couldn't say anything.

He need not say.

As long as there is a thought in his mind, Meng Fan will know it.

So Wang Yin immediately meditated, and for an instant, he became motionless, a pool of stagnant water, and thought of nothing.

Meng Fan couldn't help but chuckle: "Mr. Wang is too formal."

Wang Yin said coldly: "Wang has walked the world for thousands of years. He also looked down upon the heroes and had nothing in his eyes. After serving the Taoist Lord, he became humble a bit, but facing any existence other than the Taoist Lord, Wang has nothing. He is afraid and calm, but facing the Lord, Wang is not cautious and can't do it."

Meng Fan's body turned slightly. This time, he was looking sideways at Wang Yin. This gentle turning made Wang Yin feel like a fight, and his body became more rigid.

"If all the secrets in your heart are known to me, what will happen to you?"

"There is no end, the Dao Master will not punish me. Since I am here, Dao Master has made all plans. I have followed Dao Master for 1.3 million years and have never seen Dao Master punish anyone."

Meng Fan nodded: "That said, without any punishment, you are still willing to sacrifice everything for your Taoist master, but I can see that you are not aloof, nor do you regard life and death as nothing. The world looks down upon the life and death, only There are two kinds of people, one is the person who has seen everything, has no nostalgia, no regret, and does not want to continue to look forward to more scenery. The second is a waste person, who has been doing nothing all his life, but comforting himself is ordinary and precious, deceiving himself When you get home, it is obvious that Mr. Wang is not of these two kinds of people. In other words, even if Mr. Wang sacrifices everything, he can be resurrected again... Well, Dao Master, interesting.

Wang Yin was silent again.

Meng Fan said, "You have seen the stone stele in front."

"seen it already."

"Which part of the stele impressed you the most?"

"Looking at the stele of Lord Heavenly King, I was on the scene, Ruo Shuiyi deeply impressed Wang."

"You should know that I have an obsession in my heart."

"Master Tian Wang has a lot of obsessions in his heart. After all, Lord Tian Wang, as the world's largest giant, it is impossible to have only one obsession."

"You are right. It is my obsession to fight for freedom for all living beings. It is my obsession to establish order for the new era. It is also my obsession to obliterate the emperor. I asked you about Ruoshuiyi's obsession. ."

"The Lord Heaven has a mortal heart and wants to resurrect his lover."


"Have you heard of the Eternal Ship?"

Meng Fan said lightly: "I know, the poet who visited before you mentioned it."

"That day, Lord Wang could completely reshape Ruo Shuiyi. With the power of Lord Heaven, it is not difficult to create a physical body, reproduce memories, and regenerate a person."

"Oh, the ship of eternity." Meng Fan smiled, and this smile couldn't tell whether it was gentle or cold. "This is the meaning of the Taoist master?"

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