Supreme God King

Chapter 3208: last moment

The Avenue Times, the ninth year, September 15th.

The full moon in the chaos world dimmed.

For the past nine years, the full moon of the Chaos Realm has been hanging above the sky. No matter which world it is, how far away it is from the Chaos Realm, the light of the full moon can be seen.

Because this round of the full moon was transformed by the Emperor of Heaven and Baibuxian, its light is no longer pure light, but a law, just like where all sentient beings are, as long as you look up and see the sky, where is also You can see this full moon.

It's just that in some worlds, the full moon is big, like a millstone, while in some worlds, the full moon is very small, like a grain of rice, but it can definitely be seen.

As the full moon dimmed, many worlds could no longer observe the full moon.

The news from the Heavenly Court post in the future nearest to the Chaos Realm was that the black and white of the full moon had completely merged into a dim gray, mixed with the prehistoric black of the universe, so it was invisible.

The Emperor of Heaven will wake up at any time, and it should wake up earlier than predicted.

The initial predictions of the time when the Emperor was sealed were all estimates, very general and very vague. In the first year of the Dao era, the world's predictions of when the Emperor would wake up were very different. Some believed that it would be two to three years. Wake up, I don't think that Bai Buxian has the ability to trap the Emperor for too long, and some are full of hope for the new era, and even think that the Emperor will be sealed for a hundred years.

With the passage of time, various roads have gone up, strong people have emerged in large numbers, and the understanding of the heavens has become more and more thorough, and the predictions of the world have gradually converged. The time for various guesses has ranged from five to twenty years.

So many **** kings took one, believing that the Emperor of Heaven would wake up in the eleventh or twelfth year of the Dao era.

In the sixth year of the Dao era, when Meng Fan woke up, the sky will rise rapidly in the future, and after the establishment of the Qiji Divine Mansion, many gods and kings who are well versed in the laws of heaven, led by the ancestor of Mingyi, made a common conjecture that the emperor will Waking up on January 1st of the tenth year of the Dao era, in other words, Bai Buxian was able to trap the Emperor for ten years at the cost of his life.

In the human world, the speculation made by the Hundred Sages of Humanity is similar to the future Heavenly Court, and believes that the time when the Emperor of Heaven wakes up at the beginning of the tenth year of the Dao era.

The conjectures made by the two most powerful worlds of the monk civilization have become the most authoritative conjectures, and all worlds agree.

But this speculation will certainly not be 100% accurate.

why? Because the source of this speculation is actually the observation of the full moon. The full moon is undergoing some changes every moment. This change is very subtle, but it always exists. Observing these subtle changes, we can find that the full moon is fading, and it is fading every moment. So the speculation of ten years is actually It was made at the rate of the weakening of the full moon.

But this debilitating speed is not fixed, and there are often minor changes.

Every time there is a very small change, Qi Ji Shenfu will record it, and most of the changes are due to the acceleration of the weakness of the moon.

Therefore, in the sixth year of the Great Dao Era, the Qiji Shenfu also calculated the variable that the full moon’s weakening speed was accelerated, and only then inferred the figure of ten years.

The rate of debilitating is accelerating, which is not good news for Heaven in the future. What Heavenly Court hopes most in the future is when the Heavenly Emperor wakes up, he becomes weak because he has been trapped for ten years, or lost because he slept for ten years, but the rate of weakness accelerates, indicating that the Emperor has always been Was awakened, working hard to break the seal.

This is certainly not good news.

Therefore, on September 15th of the ninth year of the Great Dao Times, when the full moon was completely gray, the Qiji God Mansion reported to the major divine manures for the first time, believing that the time when the Emperor of Heaven would wake up earlier than predicted, how much earlier , Can not give an accurate figure.

On September 17, the ninth year of the Great Dao Times, a small team of fifteen **** kings, composed of priests from Jingyu Shenfu, Qiji Shenfu, and Zaifu Shenfu, arrived at the Chaos Realm and approached the full moon. .

The full moon was transformed by the two Nine Tribulations God Kings, one of which is still the path of heaven. Its profoundness and power are hard to predict. Therefore, the heavenly court in the future issued an order, three hundred miles around the full moon, and no approach is allowed. In fact, even the future heavenly court Ordinary priests will not come close without ordering, because as long as they are about five hundred miles around the full moon, they will find it difficult to move in an inch, and it is very painful, because the laws around the full moon are very thick, highly concentrated, and concentrated to the point of collapse.

Once an outpost in the Heavenly Court of the future observed that some lone **** kings came out of the chaos realm. They wanted to explore the full moon. The purpose of which is uncertain, but it can be guessed. After all, the full moon is transformed by the two powers. If you can snoop into some of the secrets, there may be huge opportunities, but those lone **** kings who are close can barely step into the full moon three hundred miles, and walk like walking in the mud, which is very difficult. Suddenly, the body of a **** king exploded, and even the soul was crushed into a thin piece by the highly concentrated law. It did not dissipate, but it also lost consciousness, and all the memories would be compressed and mixed together.

Later, the priests of the heavenly court spent a lot of effort to find this divine soul, and after using various methods to recover it, they found that this divine soul had become a blank, just like a piece of talisman used to store information. brand.

So this is the first time in history that the priests of the heavenly court in the future are really close to the full moon and can even touch the full moon.

Because this time, in this small team of fifteen **** kings, fourteen are five calamity **** kings, and one is the six calamity giant Gu Daozi of the future heavenly court, all wearing "yellow armor."

The upper yellow armor is a middle-grade Dao weapon forged on the basis of the dragon's flying armor of the year. It is more than one level stronger than the dragon's flying armor, because the upper yellow armor also incorporates a large number of craftsman civilization techniques, including 30 Some technologies of the Three Days Treasure.

Relying on these yellow armors, the Five Tribulations God King of this team approached the full moon without any discomfort, but there were still many restrictions on their movements. The spatial laws here were also highly concise, allowing them to "walk" slowly, and finally The journey of a hundred miles is a blink of an eye for these Five Tribulations God Kings, and they can even reach them with a movement of their minds, let alone one hundred miles, they can’t walk for a million miles, but they will It took two days to walk.

So Gu Daozi was ahead of the team and approached the full moon nearly two days earlier.

Gu Daozi is one of the 33 Heavenly Treasures. He himself has great resistance to various laws of the Heavenly Dao. He only used a stick of incense after passing through the forbidden land of the five hundred li laws.

Moreover, Gu Daozi is a tycoon of the Six Tribulations after all. At this level, the suppression of Heavenly Dao will become weaker.

The purpose of approaching the full moon is to observe at close range, to determine on which day the Emperor of Heaven will wake up, and whether the Emperor of Heaven will remain in a state of complete victory when he wakes up.

When Gu Daozi returned with the team, Qi Ji Shenfu analyzed the results of the observations, and set all the clocks in the several great Shenfu in Longcheng up to speed.

The time when the Emperor of Heaven is expected to wake up is one month earlier.

Around the time of the Avenue, the ninth year, November 1st.

Also, January and a few days.

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