Supreme God King

Chapter 3226: cunning

The source of the heavens is the source of all laws.

So here, the various laws have no effect.

Even the mighty Seven Tribulations God King still finds it difficult to comprehend the logic and laws of the Source Law of the Heavens.

Therefore, the question of how vast the source of the heavens is is not true.

Some **** kings are very young and have insufficient realm, but after stepping into the source of the heavens, they walked not far and arrived at the center, but they didn’t even see what the core of the source of the heavens was. The rule that is too thick is crushed into powder.

Some powerful **** kings, hoping to reach the center of the source of the heavens as soon as possible, found that they were stepping in place after walking a few laps.

There was also a five-kalpa **** king who was beheaded by a three-knack **** king.


This completely incomprehensible thing happened just like that.

Because after the Three Tribulations God King stepped into the source of the heavens, by chance, the law of time on his body has changed, and the flow rate is extremely fast. The Five Tribulations God King’s body speeds up to face one in normal time. A hundred times the Three Tribulations Divine King, there was nothing he could do, and he could only barely see the appearance of the incoming person, and was a little bit overwhelmed to death.

In thousands of worlds, there will be places where, because of certain conditions, such as falling law fragments, the time flow rate in a large area is abnormal, some are slower than the outside world, and some are faster than the outside world.

But in the world, only Meng Fan has been the only one who can speed up his own time flow, instead of changing an area, he only changes himself.

In addition, there have also been many folded spaces, which are far more dangerous than any maze. Many **** kings step into it. If one is not careful, they will find that all parts of their body are in different space cracks at the same time, fragmented, but not There was blood and no death.

In the realm of the **** king, the flesh has laws, vitality, and various martial arts protections. It is condensed into a whole. Not to mention the **** king, even in the realm of the gods, they have already condensed the physical body into one piece. Everything seemed useless.

The gate of the source of the heavens was broken.

All beings from the world can step into it.

But the danger is not something the weak can bear.

Those laws that are different from other worlds are second.

If the source of the heavens becomes a jungle at this moment, those laws are like sand, flood, poisonous plants, various swamps, etc.

But the real scary thing is the tiger wolf.

Almost all the pinnacle powerhouses in the world are gathered here!

In just two hours after the gate of the source of the heavens was smashed, many **** kings understood that this seemed like an unprecedented opportunity. On the surface, it seemed that all sentient beings could steal the power of heaven to their fullest. Above, all gifts are secretly marked with prices.

The source of the heavens is not something the weak can covet.

So many **** kings walked out of the source of the heavens, but shortly afterwards, another battle began.

Some of the **** kings who stepped into the source of the heavens first walked out, and those who came from afar wanted to enter, they would meet at the broken gate of the source of the heavens. At this moment, even the **** king who met It's not an enemy, but latecomers will always think that the king who stepped in first has stolen a lot of heavenly wealth, so everyone is innocent and guilty, and fights will always happen.

Therefore, inside and outside the gate of the source of the heavens, fighting broke out even more **** than in the source of the heavens.

The gate of the source of the heavens is only more than ten meters square. In such a narrow area, the encounter between the **** king and the **** king is inevitable. Almost any **** king who wants to step into or leave the source of the heavens will experience it here. Fight in the field before you can leave or enter. There is no other choice.

Secondly, in the source of the heavens, even if the gods and kings meet, it is common to bid farewell. After all, there is still infinite wealth waiting for them to explore, and there are endless dangers around.

As for the overlords standing on the peak of all living beings in the source of the heavens, if the weak **** king sees them, they will leave immediately, and those overlords basically only have two attitudes when they see the weak **** king, or they can kill them. Either turn a blind eye, no time to pay attention.

However, the **** kings gathered near the gate of the source of the heavens are equivalent to being screened out. The strong are left inside. Those whose realm is not enough to be called the pinnacle, three calamities, four calamities, and even two calamities and one calamity. All of the gods hit here.

The chaotic fighting in this realm is terrifying.

Because it is only one step away from the source of the heavens, in this fight, there will always be various gods breaking through the realm, ushering in the catastrophe, and promoting the strong.

But there are also many that fell in promotion.

Extremely cruel.

In front of the gate of the source of the heavens, scattered people from thousands of worlds gathered.

Of course, there are also some **** kings who step into the source of the heavens alone, relying on cunning and various means, and holding on to the good, never greedy, and the attitude of going away when they are wrong, they also make their way in secret.

For example, too one person.

On his way, he only swallowed small fragments of the law and the pure essence of heaven. As for other things, he didn't touch anything. He saw some abnormal spaces, even if there were some kind of treasures that had never appeared in the space. There will be no fascination either.

At the same time, he would often condense some avatars to explore the way for him, or deliberately throw the avatars into dangerous places to comprehend the mysteries.

During the period, he also encountered other **** kings several times, but he generally wouldn't make a move even if it was the **** king of the Four Tribulations.

Just when too one person used his own occurrence to pursue more power and more knowledge, suddenly, his back felt cold, and he felt a certain cold gaze locked on him.

He turned his head slowly.

What I saw were two old acquaintances.

And it was a former opponent.

In the Buddhist world, the gods and Buddhas are buried in the roots, and the gods and Buddhas are virtuous.

The two gods and Buddhas looked at Tai together, and after a moment of silence, the root-buried **** and Buddha smiled and said, "It will be rich."

"I don't have time to talk nonsense, and I don't want to fight with you." Too said bluntly without being wordy. "Although you are interested in the philosophy of Buddhism, I really want it, but now, there is no such time. Therefore, if you want to fight, I will fight and kill you to obtain Buddhist philosophy. Go away."

Xianjie God Buddha put his hands together: "Taiyi, we did not expect to meet you here."

"Oh, I didn't expect it." Too one person sneered: "The Buddha Realm is now in such a decline. It is a slightly larger Supreme Heaven. You should retreat far from this kind of thing. appear."

"The changes of the times, always have to witness with your own eyes." Xian Jie Shen Buddha's voice was gentle.

"Do you still dream of promoting Buddhism in the new era?" Too one person sneered: "Where is the selfless **** and Buddha?"

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