Supreme God King

Chapter 3233: Way home

The battle in the imperial city is still going on.

The scene is so similar to the battle of subversion ten years ago.

Emperor Bo Wu sat in the Garden of Old Books, looked at the corpse of the ancestor of humanity, and was silent. There may be no one in the world who knows what he is thinking now.

Unkempt Zhang Biyan was still sitting at the window, as silent as Emperor Bo Wu.

Xia Houshun was constantly shaking his left leg, seemingly impatient.

At this time, a king of the same **** stepped into the Old Book Fragrance Garden and said anxiously: "Your Majesty! Zhongshu Province has always been unable to attack, and most of the vanguard army has been killed!"

"Your Majesty!" Xia Houshun stood up suddenly: "If your Majesty wants to meditate here, please let the prospective minister take action!"

There was anger in the words.

Xia Houshun's hot temper was well known in the Great Qin Empire, and even remarks about him making party members and wanting to usurp power often appeared.

However, Emperor Bo Wu never cared about this kind of remarks. It is normal for the humane court and courtiers to verbally criticize each other. Unnecessary charges can be laid out. It is nothing to spread some rumors.

Only Zhang Biyan knows that Xia Houshun's loyalty to Emperor Bo Wu, as long as Emperor Bo Wu is around, Xia Houshun will not have any trouble.

"Go." Emperor Bo Wu said lightly.

Xia Houshun frowned, obviously feeling a little uncomfortable with Emperor Bo Wu's casual attitude, turned and left.

"Zhang Qing, can you go up to the top of the building with me?" Emperor Bo Wu said, in words, it seems that he has been many years old, and his body has also buckled down.

Zhang Biyan didn't respond, but just got up to support Emperor Bo Wu, and together on the top of the Old Book Xiangyuan, standing in the pavilion, you can see that there are battles in many places in the imperial city, and the flames are raging.

But this scene, in Zhang Bi'er's eyes, is far different from the subversive battle ten years ago.

Ten years ago, a great war broke out in the entire human world, and this imperial city was full of fireworks.

Today, only this person started fighting in the imperial city, and the battle was only concentrated in one place with three victories and two houses.

The scale is much smaller.

Emperor Bo Wu sat down.

Sitting on the top floor of the Old Book Xiangyuan.

He gently stroked, and said: "When I was young, as a prince, it was difficult to have free time. In addition to studying, I practiced martial arts every day. I also had to talk to my teachers about ancient texts and justice in the world, and occasionally escaped from the palace. They all came to this Shuxiangyuan, which was a few million years ago, but the best place in the imperial city."

"The old minister knows." Zhang Bi's eyes nodded: "Shuxiangyuan was built after the former university scholar You Chongfa retired. You Chongfa is a great scholar. The collection of books in his lifetime cannot be counted. After he gets old, he will put all the books away. In the Shuxiangyuan, for people to read, and no penny is collected, it is really big-minded, and I did my best for the prosperity of humanity."

"Yes, every time an imperial examination candidate enters Beijing, he will stay overnight in Shuxiangyuan, and no penny will be charged." Emperor Bo Wu smiled like a child, seeming to remember something. "At that time, there were many literati and scholars, and many veterans put plaques on Shuxiangyuan. I still remember one of the plaques, called ‘Continuing the Saints of the Past and Opening the Wind of the Qin Dynasty forever’. It’s amazing.”

"This plaque was written by my teacher." Zhang Biyan also smiled slightly.

"Every time I escape to Shuxiangyuan, I can see many scholars, big scholars, and cynical romantic talents. They are always accompanied by beautiful women. They often drink with shirtless arms and write a few words when they are interested. There is no one here. Knowing who I am, there is a drunk who wants to write a poem, and feels uncomfortable wearing too much, so he called me a little doll and let him take off his boots."

Zhang Bi's eyes were startled, he obviously didn't know this, and couldn't help asking: "Did your majesty take it off?"

"I was very angry, and almost revealed my identity as a prince, but I didn't say it, so I took it off."

"Your Majesty was a talented person when he was young, who can do what people can't."

"Where is it? I'm afraid of revealing my identity, let the father know, and take me to blame." Emperor Bo Wu smiled.

Zhang Biyan also laughed.

"At that time, I was too young. I was very angry when I heard a sentence in Shuxiangyuan. After thinking about it for many years, I didn't understand it. And I never said this sentence to anyone."

Zhang Biyan didn't answer the call and waited silently.

Emperor Bo Wu continued: "It's what Li Taixian said."

Zhang Biyan was obviously surprised.

Li Taixian was a well-known poet and lyricist in the Great Qin Empire in the previous dynasty. He was born in the Li family of Xijiang. His family was also a family, but in the Great Qin Empire, it was not a big family, because Li Taixian's grandfather was born in the ticket business. It was only in the generation of Li Taixian’s father that he began to study, but he participated in the imperial examinations several times without gaining fame. He had to return home to take up the family business. Later, he became bigger and bigger, and he was considered to have a good reputation in Xijiang.

There are too many such people in the Great Qin Empire, and there is nothing.

After Li Taixian was born, he was quite talented. He enlightened Tao with poetry and prose. At the age of 21, he achieved the spiritual realm. At the age of 25, he participated in the imperial examination. He was ranked second in the high school. It was also at this time that Li Taixian's poems began to circulate. His poems cover the ages, with extraordinary spirit, a will to reach the sky, and there are people from the lower Liba, who have a long relationship with children, and immediately became famous all over the world.

At the centenary birthday banquet, Li Taixian was conscripted into the palace by the old emperor as the emperor's teacher.

At that time, Emperor Bo Wu had many teachers, all of whom were well-educated. Li Taibai was too young in terms of seniority and age.

That is a great honor.

But Li Taibai refused.

No one knows what the old emperor’s attitude was about this matter. The emperor’s mind was unpredictable by others, but a few days later, the old emperor personally wrote a plaque to Li Taixian, which was the word "poetry fairy".

This became a good story.

In the history of the Great Qin Empire, there were some madmen that the emperor called for not being able to get on the ship, but many of them were self-righteous and self-esteem, so they did not leave their shadows in the history books. There are only two that are truly praised by everyone, one is Xiao Lianxian, one is Li Taixian.

Coincidentally, there is a fairy in their names.

Thus, one was called Wuxian and the other was called Wenxian.

Once, Emperor Bo Wu came to Shuxiangyuan again and met Li Taixian.

That was the only time he saw Li Taixian.

At that time, some tribute messengers from small countries also arrived in the Imperial City, and stayed as a guest at Shuxiangyuan at night. Among those small country messengers was a woman with an unusual identity. She was later the mother of the Kingdom of Heaven. At that time, she was only one of the Kingdom of Heaven. The courtier's woman. The status of men and women in the Shangjue Kingdom is quite equal. This later mother of the country was also an official at the time. It was many years later that she married the prince and later became a queen.

This woman saw Li Taixian, who was the focus of everyone. Standing in the middle of Shuxiangyuan, everyone toasted to him. He picked it up and drank, and drank happily, and opened his clothes. The atmosphere was pushed to a peak

Emperor Bo Wu sitting in the corner was also infected.

The woman also gave Li Taixian a glass of wine, which she personally delivered.

Li Taixian was attracted by the woman's appearance and said with a smile that she would marry the woman.

The woman said no, she already belonged.

Li Taixian lamented a pity, and then wrote poems for women.

That is Shengjing.

Every time Li Taixian writes a poem, it is always a prosperous scene. His words are hard to find.

In the poem, the magnificence of Da Qin was first written.

He wrote that somewhere in the depths of the mountains and rivers, a cowboy playing his flute was at ease.

No one understands the connection between these two things.

But Li Taixian's poems are so beautiful that everyone just listened.

The Great Qin Empire is proud of the world.

The cowherd is practicing martial arts under the waterfall.

Fang Niu Lang fell in love with a woman.

The woman also wanted to put the cowherd.

Fang Niu Lang decided to read and practice martial arts, participate in the imperial examination, and give women a great future.

A few years later, the cowherd went to Beijing and received the embroidered pu fan of the woman as a token of love. After he promised to return, he married.

Female first class, thirty-two years.

There is no news about playing Cowherd.

The woman was already wrinkled and her temples were gray.

One day, the local officials sent the silver liang and the land deed to the only surviving relative of the cowherd.

When the cowherd walked out of the mountain village, he realized that he was only superficial. He took the last place in the imperial examination and returned to his hometown with no face. The prosperity of the capital also let the cowherd know the vastness of the world. He decided to make a decision in his own way. This result was just in time for the Great Qin Empire to enlist males into the army to fight and let the Cowherd go.

I was young when I went.

Fight to gray hair.

Did not die in battle.

He is always dying on the battlefield.

The woman waiting for him is over fifty years old. No matter who speaks the matchmaker, she disagrees. At this age, she seemed to have expected it and was quite calm when she heard the news, but she still embroidered the cat fan every day. They are all the faces of Cowherd when he was young.

Another thirty years.

The woman's body is getting worse, knowing that she is going to die.

At this time, someone passed by the mountain village. It was a convoy protecting a noble son. The woman stopped in the village. The woman entertained the convoy and talked with the young noble son. Only then did they know that the noble son's grandfather came from this mountain village. The woman asked, noble son. It is said that his grandfather left the mountain village sixty years ago, was listed in the imperial examination, became an official in the court, and married the daughter of an old official.

For sixty years, his grandfather has been a member of the Central Academy of Korea. This noble son studied day and night and was also preparing to enter the officialdom. Before going to the imperial examination, his grandfather asked him to read thousands of books, and then travel thousands of miles to see the world. Scenery.

He just wandered around and happened to come to the mountain village.

After listening, the old woman gave a pu fan to the noble children.

The noble children left.

Poem, finished.

There was silence in the Shuxiangyuan.

Later, the mother of the Kingdom of Heaven broke the silence.

she says.

Li Taixian, Daqin has you, it is really great.

Emperor Bo Wu closed his eyes and opened them again, waking up from his memories.

"When I was young, I was very energetic and easy to get angry. I was not happy at the time. I thought that the Great Qin Empire had countless soldiers, warriors like clouds, and many capable ministers, opening up a peaceful and prosperous age that has never been seen in all ages. How come I have Li Taixian? That's amazing?"

Emperor Bowu sighed while looking at Renhuangcheng.

"Today, I understand."

Zhang Bi'er glanced at the Imperial City meaningfully.

"Reinforcements everywhere are coming soon," Bo Wu said, "I don't want to go against the trend."

Zhang Biyan said softly: "Your Majesty, let's go."

"it is good."

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